Strongest Dragon Slayer System
Chapter 1486
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绗竴鍗冨洓锏绗竴鍗冨洓锏叓鍗佸叚绔 镣镣埗杩橀埗杩橀埗杩橀
Ning Qi smiles and shakes one’s head.
what is that?
闾 碁鎯婄桠涓嶅畾镄勭湅镌 N€ Ning Qi 銆
褰 橼瀹佺瓑璐︻嫾瀹梒 橼瀹佺瓑璐︻嫾瀹梒 ultivator 寰 well startled 銆
鈥滀綘鏄 闂ㄤ粰 闂ㄤ粰 濈殑 濈殑 cultivator 锛熲€
Ning Qi smiled, and said.
闾 碁镒 碁镒 d 涓 涓嬶纴鈥沧鏄紒鈥 涓嬶纴鈥沧鏄紒鈥
Ning Qi smiled.
闾 碁镄勮〃鎯呭 碁镄勮〃鎯呭 碁镄勮〃鎯呭 竴鍙桡纴 竴鍙桡纴 竴鍙桡纴 竴鍙桡纴 竴鍙桡纴 gaze at Ning Qi 镄勭溂绁烇纴鍙樼殑 chain 変簺鎯婃亹璧 潵锛屼粬椋炲埌 潵锛屼粬椋炲埌 Ning Qi 闱 (1) 墠钀湪鍦 笂锛宖 笂锛宖 笂锛宖 ing ing ing ing Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel
Ning Qi smiled.
Paused 锛孨ing Qi 鍙栧嚭涓€鍧梛ade plate 锛屼涪缁欓偙娉烇纴闾 碁鎯婄桠涓嶅畾镄勬帴浜呜 碁鎯婄桠涓嶅畾镄勬帴浜呜 碁鎯婄桠涓嶅畾镄勬帴浜呜 鏉ワ纴褰 粬鐪嬫竻妤歫 粬鐪嬫竻妤歫 粬鐪嬫竻妤歫Plate 涓婄殑瀛楃溂钖庯纴闾 碁镄勭鎯呴 碁镄勭鎯呴 镞 竴 竴 竴 囷纴闅忓悗鎭皑镄勫弻 囷纴闅忓悗鎭皑镄勫弻 掑洖 掑洖 de de de de de de de de
鈥淣orth Profound 缁熺锛宼his humble one is chain 夊缑缃﹄箣澶勶纴杩樿 chain North Profound 缁熺 佽皡锛佲
闾 碁 碁respectfully said 銆
鍓嶅 ㄥ悗鎭殑 ㄥ悗鎭殑 ook 锛岃璐︻嫾瀹楃殑 锛岃璐︻嫾瀹楃殑 cultivator sucked in a breath of cold air 锛屽 崌璧 崌璧 棤鏁 棤鏁 鐤戦棶锛孨 鐤戦棶锛孨 Qi 鍒簳鏄粈涔堣韩浠斤纴绔熻兘璁╁纴绔熻兘璁╁姝ラ犲寲绾犲寲绾犲寲绾殑瀛殑瀛殑瀛
鈥 浜嗭纴鎴戝仛涓拰浜嬩 浜嗭纴鎴戝仛涓拰浜嬩 浜嗭纴鎴戝仛涓拰浜嬩 浜嗭纴鎴戝仛涓拰浜嬩 夌敤锛屼綘鐪嬬湅杩欓噷闱 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四潃your family 镞忕殑cultivator 锛屾 鍑 鍑 潵 「 「 「 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼
Ning Qi said with a slight smile.
闾 碁镐斾 碁镐斾 镐旓纴蹇冩兂杩欎 镐旓纴蹇冩兂杩欎 缁熺 缁熺 ir 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill粺绠 纴鍩 纴鍩 纴鍩 纴鍩 湰閮 湰閮 湰閮 槸鐪 槸鐪 槸鐪 槸鐪 槸鐪 蓟 濆ぉ锛屾牴
涓嶈 浠栧摢 浠栧摢 浠栧摢 岃寰楀嚭杩欎簺浜 岃寰楀嚭杩欎簺浜 岃寰楀嚭杩欎簺浜 岃寰楀嚭杩欎簺浜 岃寰楀嚭杩欎簺浜 岃寰楀嚭杩欎簺浜 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦镄剆tarted talking 锛气滀簩浣嶏纴this humble one is chain 掓槸鐭ラ 夊嚑浜 chain 夊嚑浜 傗€€
鏅 鏅 畞浣犱笉寰楀ソ姝 畞浣犱笉寰楀ソ姝 畞浣犱笉寰楀ソ姝 畞浣犱笉寰楀ソ姝
鍑犻 韬 韬 鐤 鐤 鐤 鑸洓澶勯 鑸洓澶勯 冨幓銆 冨幓銆
Ning Qi 杞 涓 涓 鎶掳纴浠栦 鎶掳纴浠栦 鎶掳纴浠栦 灏辫浠欑伒涔嬫皵鎷夋 灏辫浠欑伒涔嬫皵鎷夋 浜嗗洖鏉ワ纴 浜嗗洖鏉ワ纴 cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cultivator 鐪嬬殑Trembling in fear 銆
鈥滆 鍑犱 鍑犱 鍑犱 鍑犱 浣犲甫璧 浣犲甫璧 浣犲甫璧 傗
Ning Qi said with a smile.
鈥渕any thanks 缁熺锛佲€
闾 碁 碁 碁 碁 碁 碁 碁 碁 Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi緸绂诲紑銆
闾 碁涓 璧 璧 璧 璧 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 ed
鈥滀 鈥滀 钖庤浣犺椽镫 畻镄刢 ultivator 锛屼笉瑕佽儭涔 嫑鎯 嫑鎯 鏁岋纴濂 鏁岋纴濂 鏁岋纴濂 鏁岋纴濂 鏁岋纴濂 鏁岋纴濂 鏁岋纴濂 鏁岋纴濂纻鈥
Ning Qi 娣°C贰镄刲ooked towards 褰 橼瀹 橼瀹 and €
褰 recognition橼瀹乹uickly said 锛气沨hi hump one is 鏄庣槠锛佸畾阆礜orth Profound Old Ancestor 镄勬暀璇诧紒鈥
Ning Qi 绂诲紑璐︻嫾瀹楀悗鍑犱 埚唴锛岃 chain chain quail egg 浜呜澶 hydrogen kettle Azure Dragon 澶ч檰涓婃湁钖岖殑market 锛岃姳浜嗕笁涓湀镄勬椂闂 纴缁堜簬鍑戦绨浜呜缮 备 备 备 € € € € € € € 塻 塻 塻 塻 塻 塻 塻 塻 塻 塻 Qi Qi Qi Dragon Slayer Mall Read ragon Slayer 鏅讹纴鍏戞崲浜嗕竴棰椼€
鈥滃櫖榫欎 濓纴镣 濓纴镣 濓纴镣 濓纴镣 鐢熸灉 鐢熸灉 鐢熸灉 鐢熸灉 鐢熸灉 chain chain 変粈涔堥渶瑕佹 変粈涔堥渶瑕佹 镒忕殑鍦 锛熲 锛熲 锛熲 锛熲 锛熲 锛熲
Ning Qi inquired.
鈥滀綘 埌寰 埌寰 埌寰 鐢熸灉浜嗭纻鈥
鍣緳涓瑰笣镄勫0 槑鏄虫槑鏄槑鏄湁浜涙侪璁
Ning Qi said with a smile.
鈥沧兂褰揿 鎴戣 鎴戣 鎴戣 阆崭 阆崭 璁 璁 纴 纴 纴 纴 € € € € € € € € € € € € € € Seto 缁 锛 € € € € € € € € € € 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备嶏纴浣犱笖鐢ㄥ绩璁 锛岃嫢鏄涓崭綇锛屼箣钖庝篃涓嶅繀鍐嶉棶鎴戙 锛岃嫢鏄涓崭綇锛屼箣钖庝篃涓嶅繀鍐嶉棶鎴戙€傗€
“please say.”
Ning Qi lightly smiled.
Top level cultivation training ground.
Ning Qi 绁炶壊鍑濋吨镄勬妸浠栾崏spirit medicine 涓(一)叆澶﹄笂叆澶﹄笂佸悰涓佸悰涓倝涔嬩腑锛屽倝涔嬩腑锛屽倝涔嬩腑锛屽棰楋纴濡傛灉镣棰楋纴濡傛灉镣棰楋纴濡傛灉镣埗澶辫 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 槠鎹熷け浜斾竾 槠鎹熷け浜斾竾 槠鎹熷け浜斾竾 Dragon Slayer 鏅讹纴 浠ヤ粬 浠ヤ粬 浠ヤ粬 this pill refining 崄浜屽垎镄勭 崄浜屽垎镄勭 绁烇纴 绁烇纴鑴戞捣 屼笉 屼笉 殑锲炲繂鍣緳涓 殑锲炲繂鍣緳涓 殑锲炲繂鍣緳涓 殑锲炲繂鍣緳涓 笣涔嫔墠 笣涔嫔墠 笣涔嫔墠 笣涔嫔墠 笣涔嫔墠
“When the soul refines to seven points, there will be a phenomenon of the dan, but you don’t have to worry about it, as long as you keep the stability of the fire, you will have no worries…”
This alone, if it wasn’t for the Dragon Dragon, said that perhaps when Ning Qi pill refining, Pill refining failed because of this phenomenon.
At that time, I am afraid I will concentrate on the phenomenon of the dandan. Without many trials, I can’t even realize that the failure of the pill refining is due to the heat problem after the phenomenon.
The Taijun Laojuntan furnace can increase the speed of the Pill Refining Master by 200 times, and the number of pill success increases by ten times. This kind of top grade is the only one in the Central Continent.
After Ning Qi started pill refining, the fire control was very stable. According to the experience of Dragon Dragon, the heat was weakened or enhanced step by step.
Soon, time passed for ten days. Because of the extreme concentration, Ning Qi had already felt a faint exhaustion. In ten days, the grass medicine in the furnace was already pill success, if not too On the Laojun’s Dan furnace, I am afraid that it will take several years.
At this time, the phenomenon in the Dan furnace, the scented spiral medicine, which has almost condensed pill success, began to be extremely unstable, and it seems that it is going to be scattered.
Ning Qi did not have the slightest tension, and still maintained the previous fire. In the past day or so, the Dan furnace finally stabilized, and the phenomenon of the dandan gradually disappeared.
In the past five days, a dragon roar sounded.
A huge golden dragon emerged from the breaking space of Danding, and plunged into the clouds, looming in the clouds, swimming for about ten severe breaths of time, this golden dragon was facing Ning Qi, and fell in front of Ning Qi, Zhang Open mouth, in its mouth, a total of ten medicine pill like a black jewel, lying quietly.
“Golden Dragon sent Dan.”
The sound of the Dragon Emperor suddenly sounded, and there was a shock in the voice that could not be concealed.
“This is the resurrection? The medicine pill like a jewel…”
Ning Qi took ten rejuvenation Dan from Jinlongzui, and nine of them were directly thrown into the porcelain bottle and stored in the Space Package, and one of them was played in the hand.
After Jin Ning took the medicine pill in Ning Qi, it rose into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.
“You fellow, the first refining of the soul, Dan has a golden dragon to send Dan’s phenomenon, which represents the quality of the resurrection Dan, extremely top! And pill success ten, even I used to be far worse, is it possible That your Pill Refining Technique is better than me?”
The sound of Dragon Dragon is ringing again.
“Dragon Dragon Emperor won the prize, but it was luck.”
Ning Qi laughed.
Although Dragon Dragon Emperor is in the field of creation, he can occasionally spend a little bit of power and feel the outside world. It is only a lot of effort, so he usually only occasionally appears once or twice, then pays attention to it. It is also the most crucial place.
Wouldn’t it be even more shocking if he was seen by the old Jundan furnace?
“Luck, hehe…”
The Dragon Dragon Emperor clearly does not believe.
“It’s a good idea to try this, and there is no effect.”
Ning Qi has a look of anticipation in his eyes.
绗竴鍗冨洓锏绗竴鍗冨洓锏叓鍗佸叚绔 镣镣埗杩橀埗杩橀埗杩橀
Ning Qi smiles and shakes one’s head.
what is that?
闾 碁鎯婄桠涓嶅畾镄勭湅镌 N€ Ning Qi 銆
褰 橼瀹佺瓑璐︻嫾瀹梒 橼瀹佺瓑璐︻嫾瀹梒 ultivator 寰 well startled 銆
鈥滀綘鏄 闂ㄤ粰 闂ㄤ粰 濈殑 濈殑 cultivator 锛熲€
Ning Qi smiled, and said.
闾 碁镒 碁镒 d 涓 涓嬶纴鈥沧鏄紒鈥 涓嬶纴鈥沧鏄紒鈥
Ning Qi smiled.
闾 碁镄勮〃鎯呭 碁镄勮〃鎯呭 碁镄勮〃鎯呭 竴鍙桡纴 竴鍙桡纴 竴鍙桡纴 竴鍙桡纴 竴鍙桡纴 gaze at Ning Qi 镄勭溂绁烇纴鍙樼殑 chain 変簺鎯婃亹璧 潵锛屼粬椋炲埌 潵锛屼粬椋炲埌 Ning Qi 闱 (1) 墠钀湪鍦 笂锛宖 笂锛宖 笂锛宖 ing ing ing ing Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel
Ning Qi smiled.
Paused 锛孨ing Qi 鍙栧嚭涓€鍧梛ade plate 锛屼涪缁欓偙娉烇纴闾 碁鎯婄桠涓嶅畾镄勬帴浜呜 碁鎯婄桠涓嶅畾镄勬帴浜呜 碁鎯婄桠涓嶅畾镄勬帴浜呜 鏉ワ纴褰 粬鐪嬫竻妤歫 粬鐪嬫竻妤歫 粬鐪嬫竻妤歫Plate 涓婄殑瀛楃溂钖庯纴闾 碁镄勭鎯呴 碁镄勭鎯呴 镞 竴 竴 竴 囷纴闅忓悗鎭皑镄勫弻 囷纴闅忓悗鎭皑镄勫弻 掑洖 掑洖 de de de de de de de de
鈥淣orth Profound 缁熺锛宼his humble one is chain 夊缑缃﹄箣澶勶纴杩樿 chain North Profound 缁熺 佽皡锛佲
闾 碁 碁respectfully said 銆
鍓嶅 ㄥ悗鎭殑 ㄥ悗鎭殑 ook 锛岃璐︻嫾瀹楃殑 锛岃璐︻嫾瀹楃殑 cultivator sucked in a breath of cold air 锛屽 崌璧 崌璧 棤鏁 棤鏁 鐤戦棶锛孨 鐤戦棶锛孨 Qi 鍒簳鏄粈涔堣韩浠斤纴绔熻兘璁╁纴绔熻兘璁╁姝ラ犲寲绾犲寲绾犲寲绾殑瀛殑瀛殑瀛
鈥 浜嗭纴鎴戝仛涓拰浜嬩 浜嗭纴鎴戝仛涓拰浜嬩 浜嗭纴鎴戝仛涓拰浜嬩 浜嗭纴鎴戝仛涓拰浜嬩 夌敤锛屼綘鐪嬬湅杩欓噷闱 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四潃your family 镞忕殑cultivator 锛屾 鍑 鍑 潵 「 「 「 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼
Ning Qi said with a slight smile.
闾 碁镐斾 碁镐斾 镐旓纴蹇冩兂杩欎 镐旓纴蹇冩兂杩欎 缁熺 缁熺 ir 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 棬浠欐浈 ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill粺绠 纴鍩 纴鍩 纴鍩 纴鍩 湰閮 湰閮 湰閮 槸鐪 槸鐪 槸鐪 槸鐪 槸鐪 蓟 濆ぉ锛屾牴
涓嶈 浠栧摢 浠栧摢 浠栧摢 岃寰楀嚭杩欎簺浜 岃寰楀嚭杩欎簺浜 岃寰楀嚭杩欎簺浜 岃寰楀嚭杩欎簺浜 岃寰楀嚭杩欎簺浜 岃寰楀嚭杩欎簺浜 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦 杩囦粬鍦ㄦ鍦镄剆tarted talking 锛气滀簩浣嶏纴this humble one is chain 掓槸鐭ラ 夊嚑浜 chain 夊嚑浜 傗€€
鏅 鏅 畞浣犱笉寰楀ソ姝 畞浣犱笉寰楀ソ姝 畞浣犱笉寰楀ソ姝 畞浣犱笉寰楀ソ姝
鍑犻 韬 韬 鐤 鐤 鐤 鑸洓澶勯 鑸洓澶勯 冨幓銆 冨幓銆
Ning Qi 杞 涓 涓 鎶掳纴浠栦 鎶掳纴浠栦 鎶掳纴浠栦 灏辫浠欑伒涔嬫皵鎷夋 灏辫浠欑伒涔嬫皵鎷夋 浜嗗洖鏉ワ纴 浜嗗洖鏉ワ纴 cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cultivator 鐪嬬殑Trembling in fear 銆
鈥滆 鍑犱 鍑犱 鍑犱 鍑犱 浣犲甫璧 浣犲甫璧 浣犲甫璧 傗
Ning Qi said with a smile.
鈥渕any thanks 缁熺锛佲€
闾 碁 碁 碁 碁 碁 碁 碁 碁 Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi緸绂诲紑銆
闾 碁涓 璧 璧 璧 璧 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 蹇冧腑閮絩 ed
鈥滀 鈥滀 钖庤浣犺椽镫 畻镄刢 ultivator 锛屼笉瑕佽儭涔 嫑鎯 嫑鎯 鏁岋纴濂 鏁岋纴濂 鏁岋纴濂 鏁岋纴濂 鏁岋纴濂 鏁岋纴濂 鏁岋纴濂 鏁岋纴濂纻鈥
Ning Qi 娣°C贰镄刲ooked towards 褰 橼瀹 橼瀹 and €
褰 recognition橼瀹乹uickly said 锛气沨hi hump one is 鏄庣槠锛佸畾阆礜orth Profound Old Ancestor 镄勬暀璇诧紒鈥
Ning Qi 绂诲紑璐︻嫾瀹楀悗鍑犱 埚唴锛岃 chain chain quail egg 浜呜澶 hydrogen kettle Azure Dragon 澶ч檰涓婃湁钖岖殑market 锛岃姳浜嗕笁涓湀镄勬椂闂 纴缁堜簬鍑戦绨浜呜缮 备 备 备 € € € € € € € 塻 塻 塻 塻 塻 塻 塻 塻 塻 塻 Qi Qi Qi Dragon Slayer Mall Read ragon Slayer 鏅讹纴鍏戞崲浜嗕竴棰椼€
鈥滃櫖榫欎 濓纴镣 濓纴镣 濓纴镣 濓纴镣 鐢熸灉 鐢熸灉 鐢熸灉 鐢熸灉 鐢熸灉 chain chain 変粈涔堥渶瑕佹 変粈涔堥渶瑕佹 镒忕殑鍦 锛熲 锛熲 锛熲 锛熲 锛熲 锛熲
Ning Qi inquired.
鈥滀綘 埌寰 埌寰 埌寰 鐢熸灉浜嗭纻鈥
鍣緳涓瑰笣镄勫0 槑鏄虫槑鏄槑鏄湁浜涙侪璁
Ning Qi said with a smile.
鈥沧兂褰揿 鎴戣 鎴戣 鎴戣 阆崭 阆崭 璁 璁 纴 纴 纴 纴 € € € € € € € € € € € € € € Seto 缁 锛 € € € € € € € € € € 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备嶏纴浣犱笖鐢ㄥ绩璁 锛岃嫢鏄涓崭綇锛屼箣钖庝篃涓嶅繀鍐嶉棶鎴戙 锛岃嫢鏄涓崭綇锛屼箣钖庝篃涓嶅繀鍐嶉棶鎴戙€傗€
“please say.”
Ning Qi lightly smiled.
Top level cultivation training ground.
Ning Qi 绁炶壊鍑濋吨镄勬妸浠栾崏spirit medicine 涓(一)叆澶﹄笂叆澶﹄笂佸悰涓佸悰涓倝涔嬩腑锛屽倝涔嬩腑锛屽倝涔嬩腑锛屽棰楋纴濡傛灉镣棰楋纴濡傛灉镣棰楋纴濡傛灉镣埗澶辫 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 槠鎹熷け浜斾竾 槠鎹熷け浜斾竾 槠鎹熷け浜斾竾 Dragon Slayer 鏅讹纴 浠ヤ粬 浠ヤ粬 浠ヤ粬 this pill refining 崄浜屽垎镄勭 崄浜屽垎镄勭 绁烇纴 绁烇纴鑴戞捣 屼笉 屼笉 殑锲炲繂鍣緳涓 殑锲炲繂鍣緳涓 殑锲炲繂鍣緳涓 殑锲炲繂鍣緳涓 笣涔嫔墠 笣涔嫔墠 笣涔嫔墠 笣涔嫔墠 笣涔嫔墠
“When the soul refines to seven points, there will be a phenomenon of the dan, but you don’t have to worry about it, as long as you keep the stability of the fire, you will have no worries…”
This alone, if it wasn’t for the Dragon Dragon, said that perhaps when Ning Qi pill refining, Pill refining failed because of this phenomenon.
At that time, I am afraid I will concentrate on the phenomenon of the dandan. Without many trials, I can’t even realize that the failure of the pill refining is due to the heat problem after the phenomenon.
The Taijun Laojuntan furnace can increase the speed of the Pill Refining Master by 200 times, and the number of pill success increases by ten times. This kind of top grade is the only one in the Central Continent.
After Ning Qi started pill refining, the fire control was very stable. According to the experience of Dragon Dragon, the heat was weakened or enhanced step by step.
Soon, time passed for ten days. Because of the extreme concentration, Ning Qi had already felt a faint exhaustion. In ten days, the grass medicine in the furnace was already pill success, if not too On the Laojun’s Dan furnace, I am afraid that it will take several years.
At this time, the phenomenon in the Dan furnace, the scented spiral medicine, which has almost condensed pill success, began to be extremely unstable, and it seems that it is going to be scattered.
Ning Qi did not have the slightest tension, and still maintained the previous fire. In the past day or so, the Dan furnace finally stabilized, and the phenomenon of the dandan gradually disappeared.
In the past five days, a dragon roar sounded.
A huge golden dragon emerged from the breaking space of Danding, and plunged into the clouds, looming in the clouds, swimming for about ten severe breaths of time, this golden dragon was facing Ning Qi, and fell in front of Ning Qi, Zhang Open mouth, in its mouth, a total of ten medicine pill like a black jewel, lying quietly.
“Golden Dragon sent Dan.”
The sound of the Dragon Emperor suddenly sounded, and there was a shock in the voice that could not be concealed.
“This is the resurrection? The medicine pill like a jewel…”
Ning Qi took ten rejuvenation Dan from Jinlongzui, and nine of them were directly thrown into the porcelain bottle and stored in the Space Package, and one of them was played in the hand.
After Jin Ning took the medicine pill in Ning Qi, it rose into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.
“You fellow, the first refining of the soul, Dan has a golden dragon to send Dan’s phenomenon, which represents the quality of the resurrection Dan, extremely top! And pill success ten, even I used to be far worse, is it possible That your Pill Refining Technique is better than me?”
The sound of Dragon Dragon is ringing again.
“Dragon Dragon Emperor won the prize, but it was luck.”
Ning Qi laughed.
Although Dragon Dragon Emperor is in the field of creation, he can occasionally spend a little bit of power and feel the outside world. It is only a lot of effort, so he usually only occasionally appears once or twice, then pays attention to it. It is also the most crucial place.
Wouldn’t it be even more shocking if he was seen by the old Jundan furnace?
“Luck, hehe…”
The Dragon Dragon Emperor clearly does not believe.
“It’s a good idea to try this, and there is no effect.”
Ning Qi has a look of anticipation in his eyes.
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