“With the shoulders?”

Ning Qi laughed, the fast-track status of the goddess of Empire was very high, but he knew that Hindu Empire was respected by force and that Purple Constable could have that status, which was certainly related to martial arts cultivation base.

Apex, the whole goddess, Tang Empire, are eight, and the princess is afraid to go far beyond that number, and who is proud of it.

“That’s it, then I’ll hang up in your six Doors.”

Ning Qi laughed, and said.

“Young Master, this is a very broad matter, and I have to go to Capital City to see this matter first, and when it’s all right, I’ll go personally to Jiangxiang City to join Ning Young Master in Tokyo!”

Lung Seth seriously cupped ones hand and said.

“Thank you for your trouble Lu Brother now.”

Ning Qi said with a smile.

“You flatter me.”

Ruling is a company player.

And when he left, he did not yell about it, and he left the purple government with excitement.

“Nine Young Master…”

Why are you laughing at Ning Qi?

“I told you martial arts inheritance, naturally not to eat, but not at this moment, you wait a while for Lung to come to the door.”

Ning Qi laughed.

“Yes, that subordinate resigned!”

Why do you have to work on cup one fist in the other hand saluted, using the name of Ning Qi as an officer in six Doors, who has become consciously known?

The next few days, Jiangxiang City became a fairly calm place, and in addition to the fact that Tiger Gang had been placed in prison as a bargain in the general population, even the Black Tiger Gang and Jiang had been gradually replaced by other topics.

A few days later, Storekeeper brought back a batch of spiritual material, and this time, thanks to the benefits of the gas cream, he has considered the matter the first important task, even if the other trading companies have been instructed by the Purple Cloud to support Storekeeper.

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