
Chapter 241 237. Genos

Just as Tony and their preparations Going to find Ulysses, Ultron, occupying an abandoned factory, has produced a large number of bodies, although those bodies can be described as shoddy, but at this time, a large number of violent soldiers are king.

Lynk is okay with most of the plot in “Avengers 2”, only Pietro’s Death and Ultron choose to give it all.

As a speeder, Pietro would be hit by a bullet in order to save a child, which obviously does not meet the identity of a Pietro speeder. Of course, as a speeder who can solve many problems, if Pietro continues to live, then Many of the following plots are not so easy to unfold, so plot killing is a good explanation, but the robot Ultron did not leave behind for itself, which is very debatable.

But now Ultron is really good at lured the tiger away from the mountain, now not only weakening the Avengers, but also buying time for his own plan to monitor Wanda and Pietro’s People, have also sent a message, saying that the two have left the previous place and have entered the territory of Sokovia.

Next will be a battle of heaven shaking, earth shattering, and Lynk is thinking about how to reap the benefits.

Approving Carter to fight, and ordering Jack’s help, plus Bruce’s addition, Lynk’s Skywatch occupies almost half of the action at this time, and he goes to take a portion of the spills of war No problem at all.

“Since Ultron is a robot, then it’s better to use a robot to defeat the robot.”

Under the condition that it is not clear whether the fantasy world can be born smoothly, Lynk is ready to put The battle against Ultron is left to Sentinels, who are still in the manufacturing process.

Of course, the reason why Lynk has the confidence to hand it over to the Sentinel is naturally because the manufacturing of the Sentinel has come to an end, and now the internal nano-robots are adapting to the genetic data entered by Lynk, which is expected to be completed within three days. I can use those special abilities stably. As for the process of switching abilities, although it is a weakness, for most enemies, the Sentinel’s defensive ability is enough to make them desperate.

When Tony came to the port of a small country in Africa, they found Ulysses, but they were obviously late, Ulysses, who had lost his right arm, was being treated in the hospital at this time, and the reason why he It became like this, just saying “you look like Tony” to Ultron, and Ultron completely interrupted his right forearm.

Looking at Ulysses in the ward, Tony and their hearts were very heavy, because according to what they had heard from Ulysses, the only people who came to him that day were Ultron and Steve and Sam, Rhode and Natasha. Not being around Ultron made Tony realize that as a robot, Ultron has the ability to control multiple bodies at the same time, and as long as Ultron remotely manipulates the body to mislead them, they will be in considerable danger in the ensuing battle. among the disadvantages.

“Ultron wants to make a new body for sure, but the amount of Vibranium he got from Ulysses obviously exceeds the amount used to make the body, so he must still be there. To make other things, we can start with energy consumption, or steel consumption.”

When it seemed that the clue was broken, Bruce immediately stood up and pointed out a clear path for Avengers , but just as everyone was getting ready to head back to the Avengers building first, the news that Thor was coming to Earth made Tony very happy.

In the Avengers team, although human members are the main body, Thor cannot deny the important position of Thor in the Avengers. After all, the Banners were pried away by Lynk. when the time comes Avengers, founded by Nick, is also In name only.

After returning to New York, Tony immediately told Thor about Ultron, only to hear that the Mind Stone was taken away by Ultron, Thor’s expression changed at that time.

“We must get the scepter back now, or it will bring destruction to this world.”


Tony didn’t expect Thor’s reaction was so great after hearing the news, although Tony also knew that Ultron was holding a scepter, which was indeed a huge danger to this world, but it didn’t mean that no one could fight it.

“On Planet Xandar a few days ago, the Power Stone appeared, plus the Space Stone that I took away from Battle of New York, the Reality Stone that was stripped from Jane’s body, also the one on the scepter. There are only six Mind Stones in the universe, and four Infinity Stones have appeared in the universe, and you should be able to understand what I mean.”

After Thor explained, the others present also understood Thor It means that Mind Stone is no longer limited to the crisis for Earth, but a crisis that threatens the entire universe.

“Then we should get the scepter back immediately.”

Barton feels that the current battle is enough to overwhelm him, and the thought of future battles may be even more difficult. Cruel, Barton subconsciously touched the photo inside the left shirt pocket.

Although the relationship between Barton and Natasha always seems to be ambiguous, Barton, who has already married, has two daughters, and now all he needs to do is to complete the task of this time, Then I started thinking about retirement.

Soon, Tony and the others started looking for where Ultron might be staying, and it turned out that Jack received a message from Lynk indicating where Ultron was at this time.

“My boss said that if the Avengers can’t solve the problem in a week, then it’s Overwatch’s turn.”

“What? Overwatch? That’s What?”

Tony frowned at Jack’s words, and as the source of all the problems, Tony knew he had to deal with this, although it wasn’t clear what Overwatch was all about, but Tony It’s also understood that if they can’t solve it, then the Master Chief will intervene in this matter.

“As you should have seen, in Battle of New York, those of us warriors who were remodeled fought in battle.”

“So that’s your Superhero team? “

“It’s not Superhero, it’s just a small team within the organization. Boss doesn’t give us that high position.”

The answer from Jack made Tony’s expression It’s even more dignified. Although it seems that Avengers contributed a lot in Battle of New York, Tony, who has actually participated in the battle, is very clear about how powerful the Overwatch is that Jack said, and the Banner who joined Skywatch estimates. Also a member of that team.

Now that he is worried that this matter will be intervened by Lynk, Tony is even more afraid to waste time. He even said that he specially contacted the people from the Security Council and planned to send them to the destination to assist them in encircling and suppressing them. Ultron.

But Tony’s choice made Carter frown, because according to Carter’s information, the members of also Hydra in the World Security Council have not been found out, if the other party holds the attitude of the enemy’s enemy is a friend , to seek cooperation with Ultron, then the battle of the Avengers will be even more difficult.

Carter’s concern is not without reason, although Avengers is now a saber in the hands of the actual Security Council, but before witnessing the threat of Ultron, some people think that Ultron should be used to weaken the strength of the Avengers side, At least make sure that if there is a disagreement one day, Avengers will not make too much waves, which is why after Banner was recruited by Skywatch, Nick hoped to send someone to communicate with Lynk, but was rejected by the above people. .

What the World Security Council wants is a knife that can be mastered by them. At the beginning, SHIELD had too many things. If SHIELD had not mastered so many dangerous materials, in those materials When it was made public, they still had a way to push SHIELD back into the darkness.

It’s just that after the World Security Council received a request for support from Tony, someone moved towards Ultron’s area.

Although the currently exposed Hydra members are about to be wiped out by Avengers or SHIELD, those members of the orthodox Hydra are still alive and well, and those whose identities are exposed are also killed. The value of use, so they choose to give Avengers and SHIELD a hard time, and then find a way to put their own people in.

“Enter name, Genos.”

Looking at Sentinels that had finished initial loading of the system, Lynk entered the robot with a password name.

The shape is completely referenced to Xiaojie’s design, and at the same time, the ability to activate is mainly based on two arms. Among them, the fire control ability brings Genos’ attacking tricks, Lynk naturally thinks of Genos’ incendiary cannon, and even Saying that Lynk is going to make a new robot with reference to Genos, but thinking that the current Genos is already powerful enough, it makes no sense to make a similar one, and there are also so many research piles out there, Lynk also give up.


Genos opened his eyes, and after seeing Lynk, he immediately one-knee kneels on the ground and said hello to Lynk.

“Okay, Genos, stand up and get used to your body. If nothing else happens, you will need to support Jack later.”

“Yes, Boss. .”

At the same time when the system was loaded, the data about the members of Skywatch was also transferred in. Although Genos just had his own consciousness, he had mastered all members of Skywatch. Information.

Genos, who was sent to the training room by Lynk, launched an attack on the Vibranium target made by Lynk in the process of constantly switching abilities. Bring those energies back together to fight back against those who are training.

Genos is not the same as normal Sentinels, because Genos’ ability system is almost rebuilt by Lynk, which allows Genos to use multiple abilities at the same time, so Genos is completely You can normalize Chris’s ability to travel through space, and combine shock waves with space, or combine flames with space.

Since you want to make a robot, it is natural to make a powerful enough robot.

Although the current Genos can’t mention on equal terms with Vision, it can be easily crushed compared to Ultron. After all, Ultron’s most difficult problem is that as a robot, he can give himself Prepare a spare body, and back up the data, and Lynk is limiting in Genos’ core program to prevent Genos from being affected by something one day, and thus mass-producing his own identity.

strictly speaking Genos is capable of growth, but it is limited by materials. Even if Genos acquires the genes of some powerful individuals, he will not be able to reproduce the power of the other party, even if it is In the comics, the imitating Master has a period when he can imitate the opponent’s superpower, and the authors have not arranged a contest between him and a level enemy like Thanos.

While Lynk focused his attention on Genos, Tony and the others had rescued Steve and the others and used the knocks that Lynk remembered that he often used when his home appliances broke down as a child. The fix, helped Steve reset their minds.

At the same time, Tony and the others also robbed the body that Ultron made for him, which greatly affected Ultron’s plan.

However, after Steve and the others regained consciousness, the news they brought back made Tony, who had been in high spirits, hate the Hydra organization again.

“Since Hydra wants to get involved, then we will kill them all.”

Tony, who is in a very bad mood, this time has done a good job of combating Hydra’s arrogance. Be prepared, you must know that in addition to the large base, even if Tony was killed by Hydra because of his parents, there is no record of taking action in the action of his small unit, but this time even if there is only one member of Hydra, Tony must Solve it yourself.

But before heading to Sokovia, which has been identified as the core area of Ultron’s project, Avengers still needs to deal with the body Ultron left behind.

dī dī…

The communicator on Jack suddenly rang, which made Jack immediately open the communicator and saw the message from Lynk.

It was just that Jack was distracted, and Tony and the others quarreled about what to do with that body, and in the end it was Thor’s hammer that quieted everyone down.

After receiving the thunderbolt energy released by Thor, the body made of Mind Stone, Vibranium and other metals was awakened.

After Vision flew all the big shots that were ready to take action against him, he flew directly to the window and saw his own appearance through the glass, but Genos, who flew from outside, saw Vision. Taking action to himself above the glass, he also stretched out his left hand to overlap with Vision’s right hand.

“What is this?”

Thor stopped other people, who was observing Vision, noticed Genos outside, he immediately turned around and asked.

“He is Genos, the robot that our Boss just made, according to the Boss’s settings for him, it should be a youngster with a very good character, and also the last support sent by the Boss. .”


(End of this chapter)

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