
Chapter 26 25. Alien and Iron Blood Fighter

Looking at the remains of the town residents, Lynk has realized what the thing on the spaceship is, but why that thing appeared in this world, Lynk really didn’t understand.

The corroded marks on the corpse and the hole in the chest are all telling Lynk’s enemies at this time that, if nothing else, it is the alien, a special creature created by other alien races, but this Beast will Destruction brought the race that created them.

It’s just a movie about aliens. Lynk has only seen the “Alien vs. Iron Blood Fighter” that happened in that pyramid. I don’t like a type of movie so much, so I didn’t pay attention to it. If I have to say what else he has been exposed to, it is the arcade version of “Alien Wars Iron Blood Fighter”.

According to the police officer Morales, who was in charge of the town’s security, also the victim’s skin was completely peeled off.

“Agent Ward, come back, I already know the identity of the enemy, by the way, you can get the town residents together first, only in this way can I start to inspect the town, this time the The enemies are all one of the very best hunters in the universe, but one is a predator and the other is a hunter. The residents of this town are regarded as prey by them, and we who step into this town , as well.”


Although Lynk didn’t fully describe the enemies of this time, Ward was also able to determine the kill based on the way the victim died. There are definitely more than one inhabitant of the dead town, just a group of alien creatures and aliens, which reminds him of the wreckage once found in Antarctica.

“Officer, we need you to gather all the residents of the town together. The murderer is most likely not human, but you have to keep this information secret.”

“I know .”

As the town’s Guardian, after hearing Ward’s words, the police officer could only suppress the shock in his heart and go to perform his duties.

However, some youngsters did not agree with this decision when gathering the residents of the town, and when the people left by Ward did not do anything, a group of fully armed Muscular man suddenly entered. Small town, help the police officer to solve the small riot brought by the youngsters in a very “kind” way.

“who are you?”

“I’m Dutch, how about you? FBI?”

Facing the Muscular man in front of him, Ward’s The subordinates stopped the opponent. The opponent and the opponent’s companions were not in the SHIELD sequence. At the same time, the military did not show any signs of entering. Routine inquiries about unknown persons were completely normal workflow.

It’s just that some of Dutch’s companions came to the agent at this time, and it seemed that they were not good people.

“Several, let’s talk with my assistant first. I think you are not here to have a conflict with us.”

Lynk In order to ensure the small town For the safety of the residents, a few mechanical assistants were deliberately placed in the town, and it happened to see them appear, and Lynk saw them through the picture on the armored visor.

Although it’s unclear why they’re here, Lynk feels that the presence of these people will help them deal with the enemy in this place.

Dutch looked at the mechanical creation in front of him, which made him stunned for a moment. No matter how you look at this advanced thing, it doesn’t look like a human technological creation, but Lynk’s invitation, he But you have to go to the appointment, hatred is not so easy to eliminate.

Soon, Dutch and a few of his companions arrived at the current SHIELD tactical squad’s camp, where they saw Lynk and Ward in tactical armor.

“Hello Major Dutch, I’ve heard of you, but didn’t expect to see you here, if you’re here for those guys, then you’re not wrong, just this time. The enemy is not just the Iron Blood Fighter, but also their prey Alien.”

“That thing is yours, and it fits you well.”

Looking at Lynk’s body, it is High-tech armor, Dutch nodded with a smile, but he quickly straightened his face.

As a warrior who once faced Iron Blood Fighter and made that Iron Blood Fighter have to self-destruct, Dutch knew the battle method of those Iron Blood Fighters very well, but he didn’t see another creature. However, he, who used to be an excellent soldier, will not have any objections at this time.

“Okay, Ward, I think there should be some relevant information in your database. The one that first appeared near the town was a creature called xenomorphs. They like to lay eggs, and from eggs. The hatched face-hugging worm will inject the real insect egg into the host’s body, so those deceased with holes in their chests are the ones that broke out of their chests and caused Death after hatching. These guys have outstanding speed. and strength, and blood is extremely acidic, try to avoid close combat with them as much as possible, their tongues and tails are extremely offensive.”

After Ward had arranged his subordinates, Lynk I drew a scribbled pattern on the ground, but I could see the general shape of the alien. Of course, there were no face-hugging bugs, and then I started to introduce the main enemy of this time.

According to the deceased people killed by Iron Blood Fighter, there should be only one adult Iron Blood Fighter, so the alien with reproductive ability is naturally the enemy Lynk needs to fight. As for Iron Blood Fighter Blood Fighter, Dutch, the man who defeated Iron Blood Fighter nearly two decades ago, should have a plan of his own.

“Iron Blood Fighter, Major Dutch should have met, an alien race, although their technological civilization is ahead of Earth, their social system is very ancient, right, the adult of Iron Blood Fighter The ceremony is generally to hunt aliens, but looking at the ‘guest’, it should be only the traces of aliens. They come to Earth for hunting. They usually take the prey’s skulls as spills of war, so they don’t You need to have any show mercy for them, if you kill each other in a one-on-one situation, you may be able to get the care of the Jagged Clan, they respect the powerhouse.”

Speaking of Iron Blood in Lynk When Fighter, Dutch’s expression changed. He still can’t forget that summer. In that jungle, he was the only one who survived to the end of the entire squad, but the people above even told him to shut up, so he chose to leave the army, became a mercenary.

Just happened to have just finished a mission, and as a result, I heard that someone nearby was killed and skinned, and Dutch felt that those guys might be coming again.

After Lynk’s introduction, Dutch, who was simply hostile to the Iron Blood Fighter, suddenly felt a little sad, because according to the Iron Blood Fighter introduced by Lynk, these guys claimed to be hunters and could be used as the dominant race of the current Earth , when were humans hunted as prey?

It’s just the information that Lynk has, which makes Ward have more guesses about Lynk’s identity, but now there is no chance to verify it, because they have to solve the matter here quickly, or only Can go and pick up Garrett.

Explain why the additional product of unlocking technology is set, and there will be a setting of Infinity bullets. You must know that the setting time of the game Halo is the 26th century, the gun of the 26th century , even if the protagonist has mastered the technology, but the basic industry is not up to standard, the bullets are used up, and the current protagonist relies on technology to manufacture things, basically the youth version, that is, the weakened version of the times, without setting Infinity bullets, then Equipment is a one-time item. After use, you can put it in the warehouse to eat ashes. You can only take it out when it can produce the same demand. Then what’s the point of treating these things as subsidiary products.

Thank you for the 100-point reward for the vicissitudes of life, sitting on the grave to tease the ghost, the reader 1459075277840363520, the book friend 20201208114105580, the guy who loves food and a monthly pass for the crystal bottle, how to eat the two novels correctly Zhang monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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