
Chapter 34 33. The Red House

Already aware of the interior of SHIELD There is something wrong with Nick Fury, except for the few people he trusts most, he regards others as suspects, even if Garrett is a senior agent of SHIELD, but when there is something wrong with Garrett, Nick will naturally investigate. .

Nick has the confidence to figure out most of the issues by going over the top of himself, and now all he needs to do is wait for news from Black Widow.

The monitoring device arranged outside the factory locked the silhouette in the dark night. The flexible and vigorous silhouette made Lynk recognize the outstanding agent, which made Lynk’s face smile, but The next second he put on his helmet, the gloves that he had used to conceal his identity.

From the outside of the factory, the factory is really dilapidated, but there are still some traces of cars passing by, which makes Natasha realize that something is wrong with the factory.

Although this place is not desolate, many wheel prints are relatively new, estimated to be no more than two months, and the factory has been abandoned for at least ten years. well known secret.

As an agent, Lynk recognized Natasha’s prudence very well. Nearly an hour of perimeter reconnaissance was a virtue that Lynk never had.

After confirming that there are no reconnaissance posts on the periphery, Natasha has some doubts in his heart, that is, who is the “owner” of this place. If it is a terrorist organization, there will be more or less two patrols. People are in charge of guarding it, but this place is as desolate as she sees it, and there is no sign of human activity other than wheel marks.

Only when Natasha tried to enter the factory from the second floor of the factory, everything in front of her overturned her previous conjecture.

Natasha, who had just climbed through the factory wall to the second floor, turned through the window and was surrounded by six mechanical assistants. The most important thing was that the communication signal was completely cut off.

“Hello, ma’am, my boss is waiting for you below.”

The zombie man who trotted up, made a gesture of invitation to Natasha, and then led the way in front , As for whether Natasha will follow, the zombie man doesn’t care, because his arrival is the kindness of the Boss. If the other party does not accept the kindness of the Boss, then he can only become an enemy.

Natasha looked at the six robots around her. She knew that she should have been discovered long ago. As for the patrol guards, there is no one. There are such robots that can fly, but they are more efficient than normal patrol guards. Safety.

“Hello, beautiful lady Black Widow, didn’t expect I’d be so taken seriously, you can call me Master Chief, a little-known equipment maker, what do you need, lady? Did you buy it? From aircraft cannons to ground-penetrating bombs, I can make them.”

Lynk, as a man who has carved singleness into his soul, after seeing Natasha, he didn’t feel anything because of what was in front of him. What kind of impulse does the woman’s graceful demeanor generate, but instead directly starts to attract business.

As a professional equipment manufacturer, Lynk is very aware of his customer base, that is, those who have combat needs, but have no way to obtain better equipment. As a SHIELD agent, if Nick has a little Be generous and Lynk unlocking tech won’t be a problem anymore.

Although Black Widow in front of him, as a professional agent, has his own exclusive equipment, Widow Sting, unfortunately it is only an auxiliary equipment. When fighting against those too powerful enemies in the future, Black Widow can only choose Inflict damage to the enemy through hand-to-hand combat, and as long as the arrows are strong enough on Hawkeye’s side, they can play a good output, which may be the reason why Black Widow chose to sacrifice himself in the end.

“So what kind of equipment do you have for me?”

After hearing Lynk’s introduction, Natasha felt that this time’s actions might not be very dangerous, and the other party actually It was the Master Chief who probably didn’t exist, which reassured Natasha a little.

According to SHIELD data, the Master Chief only appeared once in Gotham City, and after appearing to help Gotham City police “pacify” people who had inhaled fear gas, and has not appeared since then However, if it really exists, it is likely to be a person with justice in mind. If it does not exist, then there is a high probability that the fear gas caused the witnesses to hallucinate and regard the rescue team as the hero.

No matter what kind of analysis it is, it is not a bad thing in the current situation.

“If it’s Ms. Black Widow, I would recommend this hook launcher, the same as Batman, this one is made of high-strength metal fiber, if it can pass through better materials, I can provide an upgrade The service is basically the same as Widow’s Sting, but the application effect is stronger than three levels.”

It was acceptable for Natasha to recognize her own identity, but now hearing Lynk Having said the name of her weapon, Natasha set off a heaven overflowing giant wave in her heart.

The widow’s sting is a weapon only Black Widow has, and after the red house was destroyed, this thing was only owned by her, so Lynk got the name from there, Natasha Already some not content with this coercion.

“Ms. Black Widow, don’t worry, I also have human body strengthening suits here. I heard that Ms. Black Widow has received special serum injections, which are stronger than ordinary humans in physical ability, but this kind of strengthening The suit allows you to gain the strength of Captain America, and also has bulletproof effects. By the way, this is the basic version of the current Batman battlesuit. If you add money, you can upgrade to the current version.”

Lynk introduced When it comes to own products, it is always inseparable from Batman. After all, as the chief spokesperson of his own equipment, Batman is advertising Lynk every time he uses his own equipment.

Natasha listened to Lynk’s introduction to these equipment, and soon realized the problem. The Master Chief is a manufacturer of equipment, and the transformation of the Robocop is likely to be carried out by the Master Chief himself. So whether the Master Chief is worth being wooed, and being able to offer the price the other party expects.

Black Widow is the exclusive code name of a special agent. Natasha, who has received relevant training, is not only capable of assassination, but also stealing information is also her specialty.

Although it’s unclear how much Lynk values herself, Natasha has already begun.

“By the way, this bionic organ made by me, I heard that you Black Widow will be removed there. This thing can help you fulfill your wish as a mother.”

“You? !”

Although Lynk’s words are the focus, Natasha has captured a very important message in Lynk’s words, which is “you”.

“That’s right, you guys, aren’t you the Black Widow from the Red House? I think you and your mates will need this thing.”

“The Red House still exists ?”

Natasha, who originally only regarded Lynk as an equipment manufacturer, didn’t expect to hear such incredible news from Lynk’s mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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