
Chapter 39 38. Take the initiative

One month The time is quite ample for Lynk. After all, he has been in Gotham for more than two years, and he can already treat money as a number.

Although this month is not enough for Lynk to develop any new equipment, it is enough to help Black Widow solve the red house. As for how many people can be brought back, Lynk can not decide, after all, he I just hope to find some assistants to take care of some materials and machinery purchases.

Putting all the purchasing channels on SHIELD or Bruce is obviously very easy to cause problems, not to mention laying out a complete purchasing channel, but the purchase of ordinary metals and the purchase of black market materials , and can’t point to Jack alone in charge, although there is no need to worry about Jack’s life safety, but whoever calls Lynk beside Jack, there are only those mechanical assistants.

If possible, Lynk doesn’t want to study who artificial intelligence for the time being. Maybe he has seen too many movies on this subject, but he will not give up eating because of choking, but things have to come step by step. , at least to restrict this thing accordingly.

“Jack, the future will be an era where Superhero is everywhere. What nickname are you going to give yourself?”


Jack’s answer made Lynk almost threw away the hammer in his hand, but he soon realized that this world does not seem to incorporate the world of “Spawn”.

“Okay, let’s call this name.”

Since Jack wants to use this nickname, Lynk will naturally not refuse, after all, it is his only current subordinate, if not Said that Jack lost a lot of normal people’s impulse, he will let Jack go out to find a house.

After unlocking the transformation technology of the evolutionary house, Lynk has a lot of inspiration in biological transformation, but because the workload of the mechanical aspect is too large, he does not have so much energy to do it. Do research, but wait another two years, some famous scientists will emerge, and when the time comes Lynk will be able to start recruiting them.

Actually, in Lynk’s view, people like Killian can also be recruited, but this guy has started to do things now. Extremis is too harmful to the human body, and the Early-Stage version is too unstable. , is too dangerous for the person being injected, and also carries the risk of self-destructing.

Although Lynk has also conducted human experiments on Gotham’s side, and has also failed, but that failure is only a failure in the sense of transformation, not directly sending people away, and about After the reformation was successful or not, Lynk told the criminals who signed the letter of intent, and provided them all with settlement money.

Killian’s side is completely fooling the disabled soldiers. Killian, who has almost become a “god”, did not continue to explore his research in depth, but chose to start revenge on Tony.

As Tony’s mistake when he was young, if Killian chooses to go through his research, become a great businessman, and can reverse buy Stark Industries, that’s the best thing for Tony’s arrogance Revenge, as for choosing martial power for revenge, is a compromise in itself, admitting that he has no way to surpass Tony Stark, the enemy, through scientific research and development.

The Killian over there has become extremely paranoid, so Lynk isn’t going to have much contact with him, but Lynk’s condensed medicament will be a savior for those who might self-destruct.

“If I could keep the recovery power of Extremis in its entirety, while stripping out that great battle strength, I could make a fortune again.”

In Qian’s eyes, Lynk has already begun to imagine how to conduct research after obtaining Extremis. As for the final effect, it is only in Lynk’s imagination.

Beep beep

The communicator beeped, and Lynk knew it was time to leave.

“Okay, Jack, it’s time to go.”

“Yes, Boss.”

After tucking a saber into his body down his neck, Jack He immediately followed in Lynk’s footsteps.

A helicopter is hovering outside the factory at this time, Dutch and his companions are waiting for Lynk’s arrival, but this time Lynk did not choose Quake armor, but replaced it with more Lightweight nano biochemical suit.

“This battle suit is also advanced?”

Seeing the guy who jumped up Lynk and asked the price of Thor’s Hammer last time, he asked again.

“This one is cheaper, it’s almost fifteen years.”

Lynk’s answer made the guy shut up, their mercenaries all have a day without a single one. , when it comes to Lynk, the year is directly used as the price unit.

A newcomer didn’t understand the conversation between Lynk and the old man, because he showed a puzzled expression, but someone explained it to him soon, and that’s it, another one who regrets not being good at that time. A man who learns is born.

The task at this time is to go to Maozi’s side and rescue the red guard who was locked in the prison. This first and last Super Soldier belonging to Maozi, after being used, will It was thrown into the garbage, and the fake wife was still working for Drekov.

The information about the chemical conquest of this thing, Lynk is not sure if it has fallen into the hands of Drykov, who told him that he was jumping and watching, not noticing that Alexei and Natasha “family” That’s the technology the “Four” stole while lurking over there in Ohio.

Lynk didn’t do anything before because he didn’t know the time, but now that he has received a lot of funds and materials, his mentality has been extremely inflated, so he simply wants to do things.

What Lynk didn’t expect was that just after he left Gotham City, the underworld of Gotham City had undergone a huge change, and the man in the purple suit appeared, and this guy was about to give this The city is about to bring chaos, but thanks to the arrival of Prosecutor Harvey, a ray of sunshine is added to Gotham City’s sky.

“The Master Chief told me that when the justice of the results can be achieved, the pursuit of procedural justice will begin.”

Facing the contact of the Gordon Police Captain, Bruce arrived as promised. , and his words made Harvey, who was hiding by the side, show a surprised expression.

After coming to Gotham City, Harvey often heard the nickname Batman, even Robocop can’t compare with it, because Robocop can only arrest people, and the process of investigation is very important It’s still a problem for Gotham City’s police department, but Batman will bring out the criminal along with the evidence and hand it over to the law.

Originally, Harvey was worried that the vigilante would not be able to give up his identity, but Batman’s words were obviously waiting for someone to make him disappear completely.

“It’s probably a good thing to be able to work in such a place. In that case, as a prosecutor, I can’t let this hero down. Batman will gradually become the leader of Gotham City. Legendary.”

Harvey made up his mind secretly, a youngster with justice in his heart, and what is often lacking is a simple incentive that’s all.

Thank you for the 1666 point reward for sitting on the grave to tease the ghost. Looking back, it is already a 100 point reward for the vicissitudes of life.

Thanks to Mechanic Sovereign, Cat Uncle 666, Qifenyue A, Shuyou 20180429184515677, Mo Ning, Dashitou for one monthly pass, and Encheng 158, Shuyou 20200312174804831 for two monthly passes.

I haven’t responded to comments in the past two days, mainly because my head hurts, and I’m still watching a movie, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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