
Chapter 41 40. Failure Experts

This Prisons built in no-man’s land are basically felons, and many of them are extremely vicious criminals, but for some reasons, they will not be executed.

The guards working in this prison are not ordinary guards. It is completely impossible to contact the guards to help save people, and Dutch and the others have no contact information for the guards.

In addition to the regular distribution of supplies, almost no one would come to the vicinity of this prison, but now Lynk and they have touched the vicinity.

“After I sneak in, I will open the gate of the prison, and you can arrange the rest.”

When the time came to 3:00 on 5/14/22, Lynk and the others launched The raid on this prison was over. As for the battle plan, Lynk was never needed, and Dutch and the others were mainly responsible for support, so they needed to cooperate with Lynk’s actions.

As soon as Lynk finished speaking, he activated the stealth mode of the nano-biological suit and climbed up the outside of the prison wall. Dutch immediately began to assign his own tasks, but he was only assigned to Jack. At the time, Dutch suddenly stopped, because he originally thought that Jack was a sidekick, didn’t expect that the other party would even participate in the battle.

“I’m responsible for attracting firepower.”

As Jack spoke, he drew a butterfly knife from his arm and stuck it in his forehead.

Having seen Iron Blood Fighter and Alien Dutch, he thought his heart was strong enough, but after seeing Jack’s performance, he still had fear.

Anyway, Iron Blood Fighter and Alien can be killed, but Jack’s current performance is an undying monster, who can hide weapons in his body, and can also use a knife in his forehead. Remaining nonchalant, if encountering such an opponent on the battlefield, Dutch feels that he will definitely collapse.

This also allowed Dutch to agree to Jack’s request to take on the task of attracting firepower.

Attracting firepower. Generally speaking, they all have enough dexterity and strong crisis sensing ability, but these are not important to Jack. Even if he is beaten into scum, he can recover. For a powerful and conceited enemy, it is a mockery in itself, and people who are not strong enough will have a strong sense of fear when they see Jack’s ability.

Sometimes, the ability does not have to be very lethal, as long as it can make the opponent feel difficult and produce the effect of not biting and responding to people, it is enough.

Although this prison is not so worried about the escape of criminals, the height of the outer wall is still high enough to help anyone commit suicide by jumping off the building. After all, this place is in the northern cold zone. If there is no protection by the wall, biting cold Wind is enough for every criminal in this prison to get a “frozen to death” autopsy report.

“Although the image of the red guard is not so recognizable, his vital signs should be different from the ordinary person.”

If the original red guard in the comics, then it is a An ordinary person with superior fighting skills, but he is just the name of Captain America, but this Alexei is an existence who has injected Super Soldier Serum, even if he screwed up a lot of things, and even said that in the film A character used to be ridiculed, but it still can’t change the red guard’s ability to break the opponent’s wrist with his own power when he pulls his wrist.

It’s because this person is not good, not because of his ability, Lynk can naturally rely on this to find this loser.

Because they were not ready to make any big moves, Lynk only brought two mechanical assistants out this time. The mechanical assistants with stealth ability were installed. Under Lynk’s command, they soon entered different Search the prison area.

“Sure enough, the guard level of this place is completely tight on the outside and loose on the inside. No one will want to escape. If there is no means of transportation, escaping is also a dead end, which makes the guards simply no stronger. Otherwise, Natasha and Yelena’s rescue method may have been greeted by the machine gun in the hands of the prison guards when the helicopter approached the prison.”

Lynk, who was shopping in the prison, looked at the A very rambunctious prison guard, Lynk feels that his own caution this time may be a little over the top, but there is no problem with being careful, just like Lynk purchased a green spar from Kansas through the black market channel. As for the purchase The reason, Bruce and Nick have not yet investigated clearly, even though the analysis of this green spar should not belong to Earth, they are still investigating the specific use.

Soon Lynk found Alexei who was still sleeping in hu hu, the red guard who had been shut down and had grown fat.


Just when Lynk was about to pat the guy on the shoulder, Alexey suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed Lynk’s left hand, but when he saw Lynk’s right When the gun was on his hand, Alexie took the initiative to let go.

“Smart choice, I’m here to save you, Natalie, follow me, be quiet.”


Heard Lynk in With the words in his ear, Alexei immediately ordered nodded, and then cautiously got up from the bed.

The two mechanical assistants also came to Lynk’s side at this time and helped him release the camouflage skill. This is a mechanic skill that Lynk has never had the chance to use, because the nano biochemical suit itself It has its own stealth ability, and the camouflage skill requires a mechanical assistant to be around. After comparison, which one is more obvious.

But the optical camouflage released by the mechanical assistant can be applied to other people, that is to say, as long as Alexei doesn’t make a sound, the two of them can easily go out.

In order to prevent this guy who is easy to fail because his brain is confused, Lynk put a mask on him, although it did not affect his breathing, it made him unable to speak, if Alexey wanted to. If there is any big move, Lynk also has a chance to stop it.

wū wū wū wū …

The wu wu sound from Alexie’s mouth, only he could hear it because of bone conduction, and Lynk, who was following behind him, was Can’t hear anything, not to mention the prison guards who are farther away.

But Lynk never imagined that this guy’s own failure buff would be so powerful.

Don’t consider the current situation at all, just act according to your own ideas. To put it nicely, it is straightforward and without mind’s eye, but sometimes this kind of person is really a headache and has to cooperate with them , and because of his status as a companion, he had to endure all kinds of mindless behaviors of this kind of person. Lynk felt that he really wanted to send Alexei down with a shot.


It is estimated that he often provokes Alexei, and Alexie kicked the knee of an oncoming prison guard.

Even though Lynk’s response was quick, one of the four-member patrol team pulled the trigger, and the sound of gunshots woke the prison guards who were still asleep. And sounded the prison alarm.

“Smell fragrant!!!”

Lynk kicked Alexey’s ass, then pulled him and ran towards the passage, but at this time the passage of The gates have begun to close.

(End of this chapter)

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