
Chapter 44 43. Unlock New Technology The hero and the police did not succeed with the cooperation of the police. The matter about Lynk was suppressed, but the clown had already investigated the things that the public did not know.

“Master Chief?”

Looking at the picture of the Master Chief posted on the wall, a weird smile appeared on the Joker’s face.

For Gotham City, it’s really just a legendary Lynk, and it actually appeared in the events of this time. Although the clown’s plan failed, it made more plans in his heart.

“The battle between the heroes will be very exciting, hahaha…”

peng peng peng peng peng peng

The clown took out He took out his pistol and shot one by one at the six pictures on the wall.


I went back to Lynk in the factory and re-arranged the event schedule in the next episode, in which the surgery for Gordon Police Captain was placed first, followed by It is to extract the Super Soldier Serum component in Alexei’s blood, and then the research on the equipment of the Iron Blood Fighter and the alien embryos, as for the manufacture of the new Batman battlesuit, is another line of work, and will not occupy Lynk’s. main energy.


Alexie, who was injected with awake medicament by Lynk, recovered from hibernation.

“Where is this place?”

“My base, until she comes to pick you up, you will live under my control, you can think that you have changed If I am satisfied, I will provide you with a suit and a chance to face Captain America head-on.”

“Captain America, Isn’t he missing, and even if he survived, he should be very old now.”

“What if he entered hibernation? The activity of body cells is restricted to a special level due to the low temperature. In this state, it is the same as your previous state. As long as the reactivation of cell activity is completed, you can wake up from the frozen state. This is the current state of Captain America, so do you have any ideas?”

“As ordered, sir.”

“Very well, starting today, I will arrange for you to fight another person to restore your state. After so many years, for Captain America, It’s just a good night’s sleep, and you’re wasting too much time.”

When Lynk talked about Captain America, Alexey’s eyes showed a different rays of light , that is a vision that hopes to prove itself.

As a warrior trained by Captain America, when Alexei was in great divine prestige, Captain had already fallen into a deep sleep and had no chance to fight with Captain. It is a pity for Alexey, no matter whether he wins or loses. , you can only fully understand it after playing it.

A Super Soldier has not been able to make achievements on the battlefield like Captain America, which is also a pity for Alexey, but after so many years, Alexey himself doesn’t care that much Well, as for this opportunity provided by Lynk, it is his farewell performance for Alexey.

Although Alexei is a Super Soldier, he has too many flaws and is a ticking time bomb most of the time, so it’s safer to just retire him so he can only hurt myself.

After getting Alexey done, Lynk took out a large syringe and was about to start drawing blood from Alexey. Although Alexey was reluctant, after thinking of Lynk’s promise , he still chose to give up resistance.

For the Super Soldier Serum research, a blood is simply not the beginning. You must know that Howard was a participant, and it took a long time to get from some of the original Abraham Erskine left. Manuscript plus Captain’s blood sample to find out the formula for Super Soldier Serum, and complete manufacturing.

Lynk studies this thing just to enrich his technology library. As for whether it can really play a role, Lynk doesn’t care too much. After all, there are many enhancement technologies in his hands. It is not a problem to transform the technology of the evolution house as the main body. Although it may not be able to maintain the image of human beings in the end, the battle strength will definitely soar.

Compared to Super Soldier Serum, Lynk feels that compound No. 5 in the “black robe picket team” world view is very good, but the mutation ability promoted by this compound has nothing common with each other, That unstable mutagenesis method, according to Lynk’s idea, will take at least about a decade to develop towards directed mutation.

But this is the case when Lynk is willing to devote all his energy to this research, but there is a whole forest behind Lynk, giving up other technical research for a No. 5 compound, Lynk Feel a little silly.

“But if it can combine the abilities of Inhumans and cooperate with the research of Compound 5, this seems to be a good research direction.”

Lynk got one on the computer. Folder, as for whether this folder will be opened again, it depends on Lynk’s future experience, and currently it’s just a simple plan that’s all.

Focusing on the mechanical transformation, Lynk has already completed the collection of the data about the Gordon Police Captain, and even said that the robotic arm has already been manufactured, in order to ensure that the robotic arm will not harm Gordon Police. Captain’s daily life has an influence, whether it’s the metal material on the inside or the artificial skin on the outside, it’s all carefully crafted by Lynk.

“The next step is to see what the clown guy wants to do. I hope he doesn’t come to trouble me. In that case, he will enjoy the fastest way to exit.”

Harvey and the others hope that the law can judge this lunatic, but for Lynk, this unstable factor is of little significance, even if the clown’s popularity is relatively high among the villains, but this does not mean He is nobler than the scarecrow.

In order to show her will to treat everyone equally, Lynk is willing to send the clown guy on the road from the same angle, as he did when he shot the scarecrow in the head.

As for whether the other world’s clowns will affect this world, at least in the current era, Lynk has nothing to worry about. Anyway, Ancient One is still alive now, even if it is the bat belt of crazy laughter With the Dark Knights coming, the probability of breaking through the blockade of the Ancient One is not great.

“Very good, then let’s unlock this technology.”

Wanting to deal with the enemy that may appear next, Lynk thought of a technology that is not so good, but It is possible that the super alloys that can be produced in the current era, combined with the special energy supply method, Batman’s battlesuit seems to be able to be upgraded again.

After the 11th technology was successfully unlocked, a black belt with a gold edge appeared in Lynk’s hands, and the related manufacturing technology also appeared in Lynk’s mind.

“The moon divide gold, photon blood, can be directly manufactured.”

After receiving the manufacturing technology, a smile appeared on Lynk’s face, because he was most concerned about Both technologies can be manufactured today.

This chapter was from yesterday. It was updated the day before yesterday, and I was going to make up for it yesterday. As a result, I wrote half of it, and I will make another chapter tomorrow.

Thanks to the book friend 120218125602830 for the 100-point reward, thanks to the leisurely koala, Lin Ming, the world where the book soul is placed, shire, the cheap little Book Insect, Bai Yu L, I am drunk and want to read , Two monthly passes for Soy Sauce 11, and four monthly passes for Sprite in a Coke bottle.

Thanks again for today’s evening, this is yesterday’s, make up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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