
Chapter 48 47. Joker’s goal

Very helpless Gordon Police Captain, with his left arm around his neck with a cantilever strap, was sent off from the factory by Lynk.

Although Gordon Police Captain’s left arm is now functional, there will still be some pain, and this will make Gordon Police Captain more attractive, and his power is constantly weakening The Joker, at this time is likely to be attracted by Gordon Police Captain.

The Gordon Police Captain, wearing a cantilever strap, returned to the station in the morning, much to the surprise of the officers.

“You guys must pay attention to safety these days, those crazy clowns are trying to cause more chaos…”

“Gordon, are you all right.”

While Gordon Police Captain was speaking, Director came over, and the black Director’s expression became serious after seeing Gordon Police Captain’s left arm.

Gordon Police Captain their three people have been attacked by the Joker Gang before. It’s just been a few days and Gordon’s arm has been injured again. This is a complete provocation to the Gotham City Police Department. .

Even if the police station does not act again in the past, the criminal’s behavior has completely threatened the safety of the police officers, and even said that he, the Director, may be attacked at any time, not only for the justice of Gotham City, but also for the justice of Gotham City. It’s time to be professional for your own safety.

“Gordon, the past few days, you should rest first, and I will be responsible for the front-line work of the police station.”

Before Gordon Police Captain could say anything, he heard this The Director, who usually eats and waits to die, has a very imposing manner.

It’s just that the current situation is too urgent, but since the Director is willing to temporarily take over the front-line command work, then the Gordon Police Captain can help Harvey and the others.

Gordon, Harvey and Rachel, who were once held hostage by the clown, now Harvey and Rachel stay together almost every day, and are protected by the person sent by the Gordon Police Captain, and now the Gordon Police Captain is also in the past Then, in protecting them, the police force that needs to be arranged can be reduced, and Batman’s main energy is actually on Harvey and the others.

Now Gordon Police Captain is helping in the past, nominally under protection, but this time if anyone dares to take action against him, Lynk’s transformation will tell the attackers that times have really changed.

“Gordon Police Captain, thank you very much for your efforts.”

Harvey showed admiration after seeing Gordon’s left arm, and walked up to Gordon excitedly Beside the Police Captain.

Although Harvey is known as the Bright Knight of Gotham City, Harvey knows very well that in Gotham City, if it weren’t for someone like Gordon Police Captain, he might not even be able to start the basic work, then Not to mention the Bright Knight.

After coming to Gotham City, what Gordon Police Captain said to Harvey made Harvey realize the darkness of the city, but because of someone like Gordon Police Captain who has been insisting, otherwise Prosecutors who are isolated and helpless may not even be able to find any key evidence.

It is impossible to save the city by relying on the strength of one person alone, even if the master is alone now, he will have a Bat family that belongs to him later.

“Gordon Police Captain, he said someone would come to help.”

Just as the three of them were about to walk into the building together, Murphy suddenly appeared on a motorcycle. in front of them, and told Gordon the message Lynk had sent.

This “he”, among Gordon and the others, specifically refers to the Master Chief Lynk, a more mysterious existence than Batman, and has now actively joined this time to guard the order of Gotham City. .

After delivering the news, Murphy left, and Gordon thought of Jack.

Jack is the most frequent person around Lynk. Although Jack has not shown any special abilities in Gotham City, since he is around Lynk, Gordon Police Captain does not believe that Jack will be one. ordinary person.

After returning to the office, Harvey asked curiously: “Gordon Police Captain, do you know who will be here to help?”

“I should know, but I haven’t had much contact. I’ve done it.”

Thinking of the Jack he’s seen several times, Gordon knew how to evaluate him every time he had such a dead expression on his face, and as for his abilities, Jack hadn’t done much. In actual combat, almost no one knows what Jack’s ability is.

Although Harvey was looking forward to Jack coming to help, they got to work quickly.

The Clown Gang is a group of pure violent elements. Rather than focusing on fighting against them, it is better to let the criminals who have been caught go to the judicial process faster.

What Gordon Police Captain didn’t expect was that the Director of the police station was kidnapped by the Joker in less than a morning after he came to help Harvey sort out the evidence.

That’s right, the director who took his life very seriously, just a long time after he got serious, he became a bargaining chip used by the clown to endanger the police, and after hearing the news, Gordon Police Captain’s wound, which had nothing to do with it, almost collapsed.

“Gordon Police Captain, let me drive.”

After receiving the message, Gordon Police Captain rushed to the parking lot without thinking, just as he was about to open the At the door, Jack stopped him and took the keys from the Gordon Police Captain.

Now that the Gordon Police Captain is injured in his left arm, he cannot drive dangerously.

“I’ll leave it to you then.”

Seeing it was Jack, Gordon immediately went to the other side.

After Gordon Police Captain’s car pulled out of the parking lot, a group of people rushed into the office building.

“Alexie, go get some exercise.”

“Oh, shit!!!”


fall from the sky Alexey smashed a big hole on the roof. At this time, Alexei, who was wearing a pure black battle suit, had a pure-silver shield hanging on his left forearm, which eased his relationship with the roof. After the pain after the impact, I immediately rushed down the stairs.

“That madman really doesn’t intend to let Harvey go, but if that’s the case, it’s better to hold on to Harvey.”

Lynk, who was driving a Viking fighter, at this time He looks very proud, because he can successfully predict the clown’s plan, which is very proud of him, but can the madman’s thoughts really be predicted?

“father! Help me!”

Just as Jack brought the Gordon Police Captain to negotiate with the Joker, the Gordon Police Captain’s cellphone rang, and the phone rang. The voice from the side was his son James Gordon Jr.

That cry with a cry made Gordon Police Captain’s heart suddenly rise to his throat.

“Gordon Police Captain, the last time they gave up on you, who will you give up this time? Your wife, or your daughter, or your son, or your chief, want to Are you coming to catch me? I’ll be waiting for you at the police station, wow hahahahaha…”


Gordon Police Captain’s expression is a little uncontrollable, this time the clown guy actually He attacked his family, and it was the same routine as last time.

(End of this chapter)

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