
Chapter 71 68.Meet

Although T’ Challa now thinks that Moon Divine Gold is more worthy of his attention, but he still took the metal rod from the guard’s hand and waved the high-frequency wave knife in his hand.


A crisp sound rang out when the high frequency frequency knife and the metal rod collided. T’Challa saw the trace on the metal rod that was almost half the diameter of the metal rod. Showing a solemn expression, because the person who is about to visit now has shown technical power that almost surpasses that of all countries in this world.

Even if it is said that many countries have hidden various dangerous technologies, but compared with the high-frequency wave knives and moon dive gold genus 114 sent by Lynk, those hidden technologies that may exist may not be. Then there is an advantage.

Wakanda’s advantages are completely based on Vibranium, but now Lynk is showing it, relying on the development of basic science, and can continue to move forward, unlike Wakanda’s technology tree, if you leave Without Vibranium, most of the technology will collapse, in that case, Wakanda may even return to primordial society.

As the hidden king of the African country, Wakanda is proud of himself, but still let the crown prince come out to learn. Standing still is a self-defeating choice, but he doesn’t see how excellent the technology outside is. At the time, the people at Wakanda didn’t pay attention to the outside world, but now that Lynk has delivered things, T’Challa feels that he has no way to maintain the previous mentality.

At 22:00 on 5/14/22, the doorbell rang on time, and the female bodyguard put on a dress that was only worn on grand occasions and came to open the door.

“Sorry, because of her special status, I can only meet T’Challa in this image, Wakanda Eternity.”

Lynk noticed the female bodyguard who came to open the door. After a puzzled expression, he immediately explained.

At this time, choosing to come to meet T’Challa in the form of a nano biochemical suit is a choice for Lynk. Although it will still be used in the future, Lynk still hopes to keep himself a little bit. mysterious feeling.

Hearing Lynk’s sentence “Wakanda loves me”, the female bodyguard has determined that there is a Lynk spy in Wakanda, otherwise this sentence should not be known to outsiders, but after seeing it. Lynk took the initiative to show her favor in this way, and the female bodyguard also opened the door.

Looking at the suit on Lynk, the female guard was very curious about how Lynk was walking on the street wearing this suit, so that no one else would notice.

But then it’s time for Lynk to meet T’Challa. As a bodyguard, she is responsible for some basic etiquette and hospitality tasks. No way, who told T’Challa to study abroad without bringing her? maid.

T’Challa also had a slightly surprised look in his eyes after seeing Lynk’s suit, but he quickly hid it. Lynk even knew about the Black Panther battlesuit, so he had a set. Your own battlesuit shouldn’t be a big problem.

“Hello, Your Highness T’Challa, I’m a lesser-known equipment manufacturer, you may call me ‘Master Chief’.”

“Hello, Sergeant Sir, I like the gift you gave me, thank you very much.”

“You’re welcome, after all, taking the initiative to contact His Highness T’Challa, who hides his identity, is also a kind of study abroad life for His Highness T’Challa. I don’t know how T’Challa feels about the Moon Divine Gold and the high-frequency Zhoubo Knife, and whether it can be used to trade with Wakanda.”

heard Lynk deliberately mentioned the genus Divine Gold first, and T’Challa in the heart said “As expected.”

The high-frequency wave knife is indeed a very good weapon, but in the current era, this kind of weapon is too excessive, which is the so-called damage overflow, in addition to taking the enhancement of Heart-Shaped Herb Warrior, Wakanda’s weapons are still mainly long-range, so the large-scale production of high-frequency wave knives is of little significance.

If the Black Panther used this weapon, it would complement each other, but the Black Panther is at most dual-wielding, so too many high-frequency wave knives are completely unnecessary.

However, the Divine Gold genus is different. Since this metal has a number, naturally other kinds of alloys should also exist. This is the technology that Wakanda needs.

“Very good, but I don’t know what the Master Chief wants to trade?”

“Of course it’s Vibranium, I need to process some things, I need some special metals, I heard that Wakanda Vibranium’s specialty metal is very good, so I hope to trade some, if I can, I can show what I can get, but if not, it’s a gift from me to His Highness T’Challa, in the future If there is an opportunity, other cooperation can be carried out, I will not force it, that will have an impact on the friendly exchanges we have just established.”

Now T’Challa is not the king, so Lynk is not Counting on T’Challa to make the decision in place of his father T’Challa, and trading Vibranium is something that even the current Wakanda King T’Challa can’t make lightly.

T’Challa didn’t know how to answer when he heard Lynk’s overly frank transaction method, but at this time, Lynk beckoned, and an invisible mechanical assistant flew to him. On the side, all the technologies that Lynk can currently provide are projected onto the wall.

T’Challa glanced at the mechanical assistant, he realized that it might be this thing, watching him secretly, but he was not able to find the mechanical assistant, he could only say ashamed of being inferior.

In the technology list on the wall, at first it was just some special alloy manufacturing methods, but then it gradually became outrageous, such as the manufacturing method of cosmic spaceship, small nuclear furnace, youth surgery, etc. Listen It’s a very sci-fi technology, so T’Challa is very curious about Lynk’s technology.

“This is a set of assault power armor I usually like to wear, called ‘Thor’s Hammer’. It has a special coating on the outside, which can resist energy weapons. The energy source is a small nuclear furnace, but If you want to use it, you need to carry out corresponding strengthening and transformation surgery, but because of Wakanda’s strengthening technology, I can provide a slightly weaker version, mainly a microcomputer that needs to be equipped with a neural link in the armor to help users process information. If you connect, you need some other technologies to supplement…”

Lynk began to introduce some of his finished equipment, and T’Challa felt that Lynk should be called the most outstanding arms dealer in the world.

The mature enhancement transformation technology can not only carry out biological transformation on human beings, but also carry out mechanical transformation. Coupled with those excellent technological equipment, it is completely the military equipment of the next era.

Looking at the greedy T’Challa, he still couldn’t make a statement. Who told him to be just a Prince now, even if he is the only heir, he can’t make a decision now.

“This is some technical finished material, you can send it back, Tchaka Your Majesty will make a decision, of course, if Princess Shuri is willing to have a technical exchange, you can come to Gotham City to find me.”

“who the hell are you?”

T’Challa, who was still shocked by Lynk’s technology, heard Lynk say the names of her father and younger sister, He realized that Lynk’s knowledge of Wakanda was absolutely in-depth.

(End of this chapter)

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