
Chapter 73 70. Ambush failed

“You guys Look!”

While Lynk was introducing her product to vampire hunters, a not-so-normal person with vital signs walked out of the bar with two women.

Lynk’s reminder brought the attention of vampire hunters who were still thinking about what to buy.

“Is that your goal? Do you need me to help you deal with that guy? Although I’m an equipment manufacturer, if the pay is satisfactory, I will also undertake some hiring tasks, this I’ll treat it as a show for me, no charge.”

Looking at the vampire hunters who were ready to follow, Lynk followed behind them and volunteered to deal with the Vampire.

Vampire hunters all showed curious expressions when they heard Lynk’s words, because the merchants usually have their subordinates in charge of displaying products, but Lynk, an equipment manufacturer, not only has to take the initiative to sell products, but also Demonstrating technical strength is responsible for oneself, so Lynk’s grade has dropped a lot at once.

“Yes, but we are going to follow him to his lair. When the time comes, I hope Mr. Master Chief, you can help us deal with those guys. As for humans, it’s better to let them go.”

“No problem, although I have seen transformed people, aliens and alien monsters, but this is the first time I have seen this kind of Earth native monsters, and I don’t know what they are.”

“Uh, that guy is Vampire.”

The vampire hunters didn’t expect Lynk to know nothing about Vampire, which made the guy who seemed to be the leader embarrassed to remind him a moment.

“Vampire?! How many people like this? Do they have any special abilities, if I take him away for research, will you stop it?”

Lynk finally Got the information he wanted, and even though he knew exactly what it was, it was impossible for him to know, so Lynk had to wait for the others to say it.

Now that the identity of the target has been determined, Lynk has a lot of ideas in his mind, but if he wants to realize those ideas, he still needs to capture a large number of Vampires and send them to the operating table. Is this something? Easy thing, after all, before Lynk crossed over, LGBT evolved to LGBTQIAPK, Lynk is really afraid of adding the initials of a few humanoids to it.

Although Lynk doesn’t care too much about boxing, this game should have emerged in this world. He really has no doubt that in this world, someone will choose to protect the creature like Vampire.

The king of hell is good to see, and the little devil is difficult to deal with. Sometimes super criminals may not be so difficult to deal with, but it is because of those people who are not good at thinking that some people have a chance to live. As for those who Lynk has no doubts about whether the criminals will show mercy to those who “protect” them after they have successfully escaped from prison. After all, it is absolutely impossible.

To be honest, you must know that there are humanoids that seem to have no brains in Gotham City. Lynk saw the live broadcast through a mechanical assistant, because he objected and stopped Murphy from entering the scene, saying that it was Murphy. Fei’s violent law enforcement made the city’s order even more chaotic. In the end, the only hostage who died was his biological father. Lynk was happy at that time, and the most interesting thing was that if Murphy hadn’t joined the fight, the next one would be robbed. The hostage killed by the bandit is that person’s mother.

Although Lynk is usually watching jokes, if someone is really “executing justice” when he is “executing justice”, he may let these people in the way be labeled as accomplices when they are collected.

I don’t know what is right and wrong, and if I die sooner, it may be the real contribution to this society.

Just when Lynk was thinking about how to bring Vampire back to Gotham, and then use all kinds of cruel means to complete his research on Vampire, that Vampire, who arrived home without walking two blocks, is true Lynk can’t get it right.

Big brother, the nest is so close to the hunting site, is it really not afraid of being approached by someone, and then throwing grenades directly in the bed?

It’s just that Lynk’s mechanical assistant scanned more than 50 life responses in that two-story building, well, it seems to be a set for these vampire hunters, but their luck is obviously negative. , It’s already not far from success, but I met Lynk, a person who is completely used to 007 and can’t sleep at all without getting something in the middle of the night.

The mechanical assistant flew to the leading vampire hunter. Although the other party did not understand the working principle of the mechanical assistant, he knew what Lynk meant after seeing the three-dimensional view of the building.

“Then ask Mr. Master Chief to show your ability.”

If it is in a wide field, vampire hunters can still pass through more than 50 Vampires. Pulling to fight the enemy’s siege, but if you enter the two-story building, it is really nowhere to go, and if you can finally have the opportunity to pull the grenade, it will be regarded as a very good reaction speed.

Lynk is very happy about this kind of battle that requires his own participation, because moving the body is also necessary for Lynk.

Although Lynk’s own battle strength has not improved for a long time, this does not mean that Lynk has not worked hard, but according to Lynk’s ideas and the current development direction of the technology, Lynk chooses In order to continue to wait, at least until some technologies are fully mastered, and at the same time there is some innovation, he will come to strengthen himself through his own technology.

Lynk didn’t think too much about his future strength. It shouldn’t be too much to rub a solar system-sized vitality bomb.

For fear of accidentally injuring other ordinary persons around him, Lynk chose to take out the high-frequency wave knife he hung behind his back. Although this weapon was not as effective as a silver-plated sword, he could completely swipe it quickly. The knife cut the enemy into pieces, and these Vampires, which looked very watery, were about to die after being cut into seventeen or eight pieces.


Lynk kicked open the door of the house, and the Vampire with two women was standing in the hall, only after seeing Lynk’s dress, this Vampire Obviously stunned for a moment, but because of such a stun, Lynk raised his left hand, and the hook on the left forearm armor shot out directly, directly blowing Vampire’s head off.


The two women were completely startled by Lynk’s headshot, but Lynk walked slowly past the two women. , so that the woman whose legs were both weakened ran out of the house with a tumble and crawling.

“who you are?”

When Lynk entered the hall, a voice full of vicissitudes sounded in the corner.

The goal of these Vampires is vampire hunter, but Lynk’s suit is obviously completely different from those vampire hunters who rarely wear chain armor.

“A merchant, you guys are the ones I’m showing the gear to my customers, so can you get your guys all out? It’ll save me some time, I won’t if you agree Experiment with you while you’re alive.”


Lynk’s answer surprised the other Vampires, who hadn’t thought of what was in front of them. Men can be so arrogant.


What Lynk didn’t expect was that the person who asked the question just now made the decision to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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