
Chapter 89 85. Busy Skywatch

“Sir, there is New information.”

A Black Widow sent a message from New York to Lynk.

Looking at the communication information between Obadiah Stane and Ten Rings above, Lynk knew that the birth of Iron Man was not far away, and the information in his hand could definitely sell for a good price, but Lynk wasn’t ready to take the initiative to get involved until Tony’s own identity transitioned.

Now Lynk’s manpower is quite scarce. Even if the Black Widows don’t need to participate in any scientific research, Lynk’s chores take up four, and New York’s not only Tina was working alone, Yelena and Antonia were still investigating Carter’s residence, and the most important thing was that Hydra’s base in Siberia was also found, and Melina personally took all the remaining forces in the base and stationed there. .

The only thing that can still move in the Reach Base is Lynk’s mechanical assistant. Now the Reach Base is still moving towards this direction, all controlled by the mechanical assistant.

The problem on Tony’s side, although it is more critical, is not very related to Lynk, that is, Ivan seems to have some breakthroughs recently and is going to find trouble with Tony, and the current situation is just right You can send Ivan over, let him rescue Tony, and at the same time hit Tony, the proud guy.

As for Ivan’s position, Anton’s body will be conditioned immediately, and youth surgery can be performed in a short time. Even if Ivan can’t come back in a short time, Anton’s side can also treat Ivan. work to the top.

At first, when Lynk felt that he was alone, he was not so busy at work, but now the more people he has, the more he feels overwhelmed.

“It’s enough for them to keep an eye on them, don’t do anything, someone will take care of them when the time comes.”

Lynk already knew what Tina did, but Since it is to strengthen Quake’s ability in advance, there is no problem with Lynk’s plan. If it weren’t for the fact that Ms. Siva didn’t know what to do recently, Lynk wanted to hire Ms. Siva to give Quake some pointers, but Lynk felt that this was a problem. There is a high probability that the money will not be spent.

Although Ms. Siva is very free to take orders, if innate talent doesn’t catch her eye, it’s all in vain.

The fighting skills of Quake in the comic version are only 6. According to Marvel’s level, 7 is the highest value. Only those who reach the value of 7 can be called a fighting master, but look at Lynk Come on, the reason why Quake has only 6 is probably because Quake’s vibration ability is innate in the comics, and Quake is not an Inhumans in the comics. This superpower is completely the genetic damage left by Calvin’s experiment, the special ability that extends .

Most characters with superhuman abilities will generally not have too high fighting skills, because these people need to use skills too little when fighting, and only when they encounter the same level Only with the existence of a person can the skills be useful, but energy release is also the ability of these people, and the melee combat ability is too fragile in front of these people.

Before Quake awakens to his abilities, having Quake go through combat training may allow this future elite agent to reach a new level, until Lynk captures Ronan the Accuser for bloodletting , Quake’s battle strength is estimated to be able to reach a level on Earth.

But even though it’s been a bit busy, Lynk’s plans are moving forward steadily, and Jack’s new body is almost complete.

The body is completely made of machinery, leaving only a storage device to save the brain. Because it is temporarily unable to reach the technical level of the race to which Ogang belongs, Lynk can still only make the youth version, although it is youth. version, but apart from those few people, also who dares to come out and chatter.

Although Lynk’s own combat capability can be said to have not improved in any way, the strictly speaking opponents that are really worthy of his attention are those on Earth, including the ten remaining on Earth. A member of the Eternity family.

Until now, Lynk has no imaginary enemies in his heart, because he knows that as long as he creates all the technologies he unlocks, those so-called imaginary enemies are actually not much different from those criminals in Gotham City. Mostly, when destroying them, the weapons used are of different calibers that’s all.

Open mirror, single shot, one shot second, this process is applicable at any time.

Jack is debugging his future body over there at this time. One of the two mechanical assistants is responsible for scanning Jack’s physical condition, and the other inputs the data into the mechanical body.

Because this kind of physical mutation of Jack is uncontrollable, Lynk has no plan to biomodify Jack. He is worried that in the process of modification, Jack will die due to the collapse of genes. having given away a bride, to lose one’s army on top of it.

On the contrary, Lynk has prepared such a body for Jack now, he can prepare more bodies for Jack in the future, just like Tony prepared a whole Iron Man Regiment, Lynk can also prepare one for Jack The body library allows Jack to replace the mechanical body at will to fight.

This factory that looks too busy is obviously no longer suitable as a base for Lynk, but the Siberia base is being renovated, and the Reach base is still flying slowly, so Lynk seems to have no other There is a place to go, at least the current situation is true, which makes Lynk can only start to create a new folder on the computer to relieve his psychological pressure.


“Master Chief, what if someone is captured by alien.”

“Buy a cemetery, bury the clothes in it, Treat him like he’s dead.”

Lynk didn’t think Dutch called himself not to buy gear, but to ask about gear, but about alien.

To be honest, the alien that Lynk has seen so far is the Iron Blood Fighter. As for the Skrulls and Kree he knows, or the Kryptonian, at least they haven’t appeared on Earth.

Those who were taken from Earth can be marked as “missing” on their household registrations. As for whether they can be rescued, Lynk feels that there is no hope, because even who was taken away I don’t know how much I want to rescue, I need to give some clues.

Just after hanging up on Dutch’s side, Lynk got a message that Eric was missing.

Although there are only two messages now, Lynk immediately realized that the alien who captured Dutch companion and Eric should be their old friend Iron Blood Fighter.

In Lynk’s memory, there was indeed a story of “Iron Blood Fighter” later. Iron Blood Fighter took away the warrior on Earth, but he didn’t watch it all. The clipped clips, and because there is no heat, no who pays attention.

If he didn’t know, Lynk felt that he was in a better mood, but now that he knew who had started, it was still not easy to bring people back.

“Is this asking me to find that black marinated egg?”

After thinking about it for a long time, Lynk found that it seemed to be useful at this time, which is related to Skrulls Nick is up.

Thanks to Fellow Daoist please hold your steps Yo for the 100-point reward, Lao Deng upstairs for the 500-point reward, White Horse Chief for the 1,500-point reward, and Demon Lord Darkness , book friend 20181111001053427, lost youth, Fellow Daoist please hold your steps yo, grandfather, grandfather, middle two fantasy, very boring, Gu Youjin, book friend 2018429184515677, Dongdongdongdongdong, super fanatic 123, Yiwang The name of the star, the phantom thief, fresh running water, the sky is good, I am a sculpture, looking back is already vicissitudes, blue moon orange, a monthly pass for calling me the second king, thank you for sitting on the grave and teasing the ghost, Wang Bin, me Two monthly passes for puppets, code dyeing treasures, Ultraman 110, HolyJoe, thanks to Chief White Horse for three monthly passes.

(End of this chapter)

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