
Chapter 94 90. All are acquaintances

Separate The advantage of the action is that it can provide support to the captured people faster, but if it is discovered by the Iron Blood Fighter, then it will directly enter the battle. Lynk can say that in the last battle, he deliberately used Iron Blood Fighter’s weapon came twice on the body, no big problem.

Lynk locked Barney’s position and quickly rushed forward. The positioning signal just now was also sent by Barney. As for what was sending the signal, it was naturally the business card that Lynk often sent out.

Anyone who owns Lynk’s business card, except Nick, who is an official person, should carry Lynk’s business card with them even if they have their own power, and Lynk once gave Dutch a dozen The business card, let him help send it, if someone wants to come to him for treatment, they can enjoy a discount, but unfortunately, Lynk has not seen anyone who came to him for treatment.

“Barney, Bronk, Eric?”

Although Lynk had expected to meet other people here, how did Crossbones get caught, I guess by now SHIELD is investigating this matter.

Lynk’s exclamation surprised Barney. Not only did he not expect to see the Master Chief here, but he also didn’t expect the Master Chief to know the two he just met. “companion”.

“Mr. Master Chief, I heard about you from John, were you also brought in after losing consciousness?”

Blank knew two people around him for Lynk Equally surprised, but now determining how Lynk came about is the most important thing.

“No, after Barney disappeared, Dutch contacted me. According to my investigation, this time is still a hunting game of Iron Blood Fighter. I asked other people for a coordinate and came here. Fortunately, Barney has my business card on him, otherwise I wouldn’t be sure if you are here.”

At this time, Eric, like an outsider, had no idea what this looked like. How the more “fully armed” people know him, but after hearing Lynk say he was flying from “Earth”, he suddenly feels that it is not more surprising to be caught by an alien The thing is, when will humans be able to conduct the Interstellar voyage, how does he, the MIT doctor, not know.

It should be said or not, Eric, as a serious physics doctor, knows more about the difficulty of Interstellar navigation than the two scumbags around him.

Of course, it wasn’t just Eric who was surprised by Lynk’s words. Bronk and Barney were also stunned.

SHIELD has been developing for so many years, and it is just wandering in the piece of land in Earth. Even the space base was built by someone with a black heart without telling everyone, and the main core of that space base was Mar 1. – spaceship left by Vell.

Now that Lynk says he has a spaceship and can do Interstellar voyages, at least Bronk suddenly feels that the geniuses in SHIELD Academy are a little out of order.

“Okay, the three of you put this on first, this is the enhanced battle suit, you will be Captain America after starting the enhanced mode, maybe even a little stronger, but after returning to Earth, you should I know what to do.”

Lynk opened the trolley case beside him, and ten battle suits were displayed in front of Barney and the others.

Where is the gap between humans and Iron Blood Fighter, isn’t it in the weapons and equipment, although Iron Blood Fighter is stronger, their bodies will still be injured after being hit by bullets, If they didn’t have that kind of optical camouflage, one-on-one combat, iron Blood Fighter and Earth soldiers in jungle battles, the final outcome was really uncertain.

Captain America, this is a name so familiar to their three people, and now, just by wearing this suit, you can become Captain America. This way of strengthening is too simple.

“By the way, there is a mask below, don’t forget to wear it, that eye mask can strengthen your reaction speed, otherwise, if the speed is too fast, with your current reaction speed, there will be problems. ”

Now that the battle suits are all ready, Lynk has not saved auxiliary equipment. At least under the current situation, these captured people are of great help to help Lynk explore this planet. .

There are not many habitable planets like this. If there is a chance in the future, Lynk would not mind chatting with the Elder of Iron Blood Fighter or a more advanced existence to see if he can transfer this planet. Give him, when the time comes with a planet as the main base, then Lynk feels that this life is basically the same.

Barney and the others started to change their clothes neatly. How could they refuse something that could enhance their survivability.

What Barney and Bronk didn’t expect was that the guy named Eric would be the fastest one among the three to change clothes, even though he knew he was a SEAL. people, but being able to surpass both of them is also an ability.

“What are you two doing undressing? Well, maybe I didn’t explain it clearly, but after returning to Earth, you two will be naked.”

Lynk saw the After the clothes, he knew why Eric would finish the change faster.

Take off the body armor and tactical suit, and put the enhanced suit directly on the body, which will not affect the use of the enhanced suit, while Barney and Bronk only have a pair of underwear left. Which one is faster is of course needless to say.

When Lynk finished speaking, Barney and Bronk were embarrassed, but it was not impossible for the two old men to resolve their embarrassment. They were all put back on, and it was simply impossible to tell from the outside that the two of them were wearing enhanced suits, which is called wily old fox.

“Why do you know me?”

After changing his clothes, Eric came to Lynk and stared at Lynk’s visor very seriously.

“Your uncle asked me to protect you, I haven’t had time to install a locator on you, and you disappeared. I can only say that fortunately, Barney was also caught, or wait until I find yours. At that time, you may be left with nothing but bones.”

“How could it be him! Impossible!”

Eric was obviously unacceptable by Lynk’s answer, he simply I don’t believe that the person who killed his father will let someone protect him, but other than this explanation, Eric can’t think of any other reason for Lynk to help him. As for using him to deal with Wakanda, this is in Eric’s opinion. Just joking, Lynk can walk out of Earth, even if Wakanda has anything Lynk needs, he can get it with his fist, and it will take a lot of trouble to use him.

Barney and Bronk didn’t know why Eric suddenly lost his cool, but Barney walked to Eric’s side, put his hands on Eric’s shoulders and said, “Although I Don’t know what’s going on, but now we’re still in danger, what’s the problem, wait until we go back and fix it, and this time you know us.”

The experience of this time was a big deal for Barney and the others. It’s not as simple as carrying a gun together. Companions who have experienced life and death together can still provide some help within the scope of their abilities.

(End of this chapter)

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