Call number display, it is Meng Ran's friend, Zhang Tao!

If Meng ran was right, Zhang Tao should have recovered, so he called.

Meng Ran has been running around all over the past few days, almost forgetting this nerd. Meng ran asked housekeeper Feng to send Zhang Tao xiaopeiyuan Dan on Thursday afternoon. According to principle, one night is enough time for Zhang Tao to recover and Zhang Tao can walk freely on Friday.

But now it's Saturday night, Zhang Tao this just called over, can't it be that something went wrong?

"Hello, Lao Zhang? Is there any good news to tell me? " Meng ran asked with a smile.

Zhang Tao, a tall and thin bookworm who has been in a wheelchair for nearly three years, is not sitting in his wheelchair, but standing straight on the road in front of his antique shop.

The dim yellow street lamp reflected on his ordinary face, which was full of tears at the moment.

Just look carefully, although Zhang Tao is crying, he is laughing.

Although he dialed Meng Ran's number, he did not know how to open his mouth in the face of his closest friend.

Three years ago, he saved Meng ran from the disaster of the broken leg. From then on, he was the cold wheelchair.

Zhang Tao is unfortunate. At a young age, he became a "little lame" in the private discussion of his neighbors, and no girl ever liked him.

Zhang Tao is lucky again. Those top medical experts in the province have asserted that he can't live without a wheelchair. However, a pill of his best trusted brother has changed his fate.

Thousands of words, eventually into a "thank you."

If you can, Zhang Tao just wants to give his brother a hug.

Thank you, Meng ran.

After a word, this clumsy nerd can no longer control his mood, and his tears are like a river breaking its bank.

Under the dim yellow street lamp, that thin scholar like man, holding the mobile phone, wailing.

It was like holding his brother.

And at this moment, Meng ran at the end of the phone, listening to Zhang Tao's sincere thanks, listening to Zhang Tao's turbulent cry, this and his good brother, farewell for thousands of years of Tairan xianzun, his eyes are moist.

The phone is so open, Meng ran quietly listening to Zhang Tao's cry, and Zhang Tao on the other end of the phone seems to cry all the grievances he has suffered in the past three years.

Zhang Tao's cry lasted ten minutes. Meng ran began to speak softly, "Lao Zhang, congratulations on your recovery."

Zhang Tao on the other end of the phone severely wiped the tear marks on his face, nodded heavily, and said excitedly: "Well! Xiaoran, I still feel like a dream. You said a few days ago that you could make me recover. I thought you were comforting me. But I didn't expect that there was such a magic medicine in the world. Where did you get this medicine? Did you import it from Europe and America? I'm afraid it's not very expensive for me to stand up again after being lame for three years... "

When Meng ran saw Zhang Tao's continuous barrage of questions, he had a big head. As a good brother, he was good at everything, but he was so wordy

Meng ran said casually: "it's just a local prescription that you can get from barefoot doctor. It's not expensive. You can recover."

Meng ran knew that if he told the truth, Zhang Tao would not believe it. After all, it was too magical.

If Meng ran said that it was imported medicine, his good brother would only think that it was too expensive, and he had to talk about paying back the money all day long. He simply said that Meng ran had become a local prescription, and Zhang Tao believed it. He even felt that the miracle doctor in the folk Society said Meng ran was speechless.

When talking with Zhang Tao, Meng ran finally remembered Zhang Tao's problem of delayed recovery and asked: "Lao Zhang, how many days have you taken this medicine? Will it be restored tonight? "

Zhang Tao's answer makes Meng ran more puzzled. Zhang Tao really took it that night. Is it hard to say that the medicine is not enough and the medicine is not enough?

As if thinking of something, Meng ran suddenly said in a deep voice: "Lao Zhang, how many pills did you take? Do you still have Uncle Zhang's rib injury

But Zhang Tao's answer this time is to let Meng ran cry and laugh.

It turns out that Meng ran asked housekeeper Feng to give Zhang Tao five small Peiyuan pills. Meng ran estimated that Zhang Tao would have to eat two pills, and Zhang's father would be able to recover by eating one, and the rest would be in case of emergency.

As a result, Zhang Tao, who was worried about his father, ate only one of them, and gave the rest four to his father

It's no wonder that Zhang Tao's recovery is one day later than Meng ran expected. A small Peiyuan pill is not enough. As for Zhang's father, he recovered on the night of taking it. He felt more energetic, as if he had returned to his youth.

This result is natural and normal. Xiaopeiyuan pill can supplement the essence of human life, prolong life and strengthen the body. Zhang Fu, who took four xiaopeiyuan pills, will only live younger in the future.

Of course, Meng ran does not blame Zhang Tao for his practice.

Meng Ran has a deep understanding of Zhang Tao's feelings for his father. Zhang Tao is a single parent family and lacks the care of his mother. His father brought him up. Naturally, Zhang Tao's feelings for his father are very deep.

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