"I'd like to inform you that Ziyang's cultivation is not worth mentioning, and he is not the rival of Luomen giants. The reason why I was able to compete with Narcissus just now is not only relying on the master's "true formula of imperial sword", but also because of his warm blood. "

"Xuanmei is Ziyang's confidant. Ziyang would rather die than protect xuanmei, so she dared to sacrifice her life to fight against the Luomen giant."

Chen Ziyang's affectionate gaze at ningfeixuan seems to be confessing.

Ningfeixuan, an iceberg beauty, was suddenly confessed by Chen Ziyang. She did not know how to deal with it. She lowered her head in a hurry and did not dare to look directly at Chen Ziyang.

But those who are strong in nature and human beings are twisting their whiskers and laughing: "what a red crown and a red face! He is worthy of Chen daoxuan's disciple. His bloody temper towards Laozi

"If it's true that heroes are young, ha ha ha, OK!"

These three gods and men are all reckless and straightforward people. Obviously, they don't have any ideas. They believe Chen Ziyang's words.

But Chen Ziyang was still a little uneasy. He had already realized that Du Wuxiang was the most powerful man among the four heavenly beings!

It is a semi divine realm.

Only by hiding from him can we completely dispel people's doubts about themselves.

"The secret of imperial sword? I remember that this skill was created by Chen daoxuan and imitated xiejiayu's swordsmanship, but it also has the charm of xiejiayu's swordsmanship. But if you want to hurt Luomen master only with this sword, I'm afraid it will be difficult. "

Du Wuxiang's white eyebrows frowned slightly, slightly surprised.

Chen Ziyang seemed to have expected that this statement could not be concealed from Du Wuxiang, and continued to explain:

"when I fought with Cassius, I felt that he didn't use all his strength at all. It should be that during the first world war between Taihu and Meng Xianshi, he was seriously injured, and Ziyang had the opportunity to take advantage of it."

"Well, Ziyang is right."

Several people of heaven and man have no doubt of the first way.

They are all apprentices of Mr. Xu. They are close friends with the master of heaven. They are not suspicious of the words of this disciple.

Even Jianzong, who has doubts in his heart, has no time to ask questions at this eventful time.

"Captain Ning, we should have arrived tomorrow. The reason why we were able to advance one night was because we were worried that things would change, so we spent part of the real yuan and traveled in the starry night."

"The hospital has almost been dealt with, and the rest will bother you. We have to meditate and adjust our breath for one night to recover our ability to cope with the battle against the blood demon tomorrow."

Du Wuxiang said solemnly.

"Tomorrow's war, I'll leave it to you." Ning Feixuan and others bowed down, and then sent people to take Du Wuxiang four people to the room to rest.

"Sister Xuan, Lu Shaoqian is a close friend of mine. There are many misunderstandings about the previous affairs. I want to talk with him to avoid further details in the future."

Inform Ning Feixuan a, Chen Ziyang then Shi ran to leave.

Coincidentally, Shen Xinghan, who was supposed to take care of Liu Sheng's flying snow, is also missing


The night is as cool as water. In the dean's office, Ning Feixuan stares at the bright moon in the night sky. His mood is long and hard to calm.

"Are you really in this Beijing city?"

"When can you come back..."

In Ning Feixuan's mind, that beautiful figure is always lingering, missing deeply. Ning Feixuan seems to have forgotten the existence of another person in the office.

"Captain, don't you really like Mr. Meng?" Asked the thin monkey, browsing the news.

As soon as this saying was said, Ning Feixuan finally came back to her mind and was perfect to her amazing appearance. A red cloud appeared, and she scolded:

"what time is it! Why don't you go back and have a rest, what are you doing here? "

However, the skinny monkey seems to be attracted by some news, but he doesn't look back. He even ignores his immediate boss as air.

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