The reason why Jiang Shaofu was able to turn over the throne this time was not only to be promoted to a higher rank, but also to be the special envoy of Yanjing who was responsible for dealing with the Shen family's massacre in the south of the Yangtze River. No one could have imagined that the real grandfather of Meng ran was behind all this!

It is also the master of Song family in Yanjing, song Zhengde!

Song Zhengde not only highly recommended Jiang Shaofu to be the special envoy to deal with the Jiangnan affairs in front of the central giants in Yanjing, but also put on a gesture of righteous destruction. He claimed that once the shens massacre was found out, the culprit was related to his daughter's family, and he would never cover up.

In the eyes of those powerful families in Yanjing, song Zhengde's move was to abandon his soldiers and protect the commander. But how did they know Meng Ran's deep calculation?

In Song Zhengde's opinion, Meng Ran is a double-edged sword, which can help the Song family eradicate the remaining eight families and help the Song family unify China!

If it is not used well, it will hurt itself, making the Song family doomed.

It is also in order to use Meng Ran's hand to deal with Wan Lingtao's old fox, so song Zhengde intends to urge Wan Chengzhi to join hands with Jiang Shaofu to force Meng ran to a desperate situation!

To put it bluntly, it is to make Meng ran and Wanjia thoroughly feud!

Force Meng ran to break up with the nine families of Yanjing and go to the point of immortality!

Only in this way can Meng ran become a sharp blade in the hands of song Zhengde and cut off the other eight families!

After all, Jiang Shaofu and WAN Chengzhi are short of enthusiasm. How can we see through his real plan of song Zhengde?

But it is also a chess piece in Song Zhengde's hands

At this time, in the reception hall of Jinxiu club, a large number of powerful families are discussing how to deal with Meng Ran's family.

"In the first battle of Taihu Lake, master Meng Xianshi did not die. The story of the fall of banished Chinese immortals in the martial arts and Taoism circles is misleading."

As soon as Shen Xinghan opened his mouth, he exposed the great mystery of Jingtian.

The father-in-law's face changed wildly and said in disbelief, "girl, is this really true?"

Shen Xinghan squinted at the embarrassed man and said in a deep voice, "it's absolutely true."

Hefa Tianren suddenly took a breath and said to himself: "it is said that in the bloody battle of Taihu Lake a few days ago, the Luomen giant and the big elders of the Kate family, a total of more than ten strong men of heaven and man joined hands to kill Tai ran!"

"The Lord of Luomen and the elder of Kate's family, they are solid demigods! Even Tairan fought with the ancestors of the Shen family in bloody battles. This kind of lineup is enough to easily wipe out an American Infantry Corps! "

"You can't kill that 18-year-old boy like this!"

Jiang Shaofu and others looked at each other.

They are not martial arts. They can't really understand how strong the first person in the heaven list is, so they lack awe.

But at the moment, Yue's heaven and man said that the strength of killing Meng ran was enough to wipe out a modern army with American equipment!

That is to say, Meng Ran's strength can defeat all armies!

At this moment, Rao was the prince of Yanjing. His face changed dramatically.

On one side, Lu Shaoqian, Zhuang Shubin and others are already stunned, such as hearing the myth.

"How can human beings possess such terrible power?"

In the whole hall, only Chen Ziyang's face remained unchanged, and his eyes were filled with fierce killing intention. He said in a cold voice:

"no matter how strong Meng Ran is, even if he is lucky enough to survive this war, he must be seriously injured! In my opinion, he can't even deal with a statue of heaven and man! "

Zhuang Shubin and others suddenly called him.

"According to my guess, Meng ran must be hiding somewhere in the south of the Yangtze River to recuperate." Shen Xinghan's eyes are burning, very affirmative said.

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