Even the heavy tanks and armored vehicles that wanted to crush Shen lingcang with the body of steel turned into a pile of scrap iron under Shen lingcang's Dao Gang!

As for rifles and submachine guns, they couldn't even stir up a ripple on Shen lingcang's vigorous Qi, just like scratching.

A knife swept out, and a full 23 soldiers separated from each other, shooting out scarlet blood lines one after another.

Shen lingcang, like a bloody demon, was killed wantonly with the rolling blood!

"Newspaper! All 314 tanks in the tank battalion were destroyed

"Newspaper! All 225 armored vehicles of the armored battalion were destroyed

"Newspaper! Nearly two-thirds of our army's casualties have been recorded! "


One after another emergency information sounded in the ears of ningfeixuan.

Now, I was shocked by her pale face. This well-known woman captain of China in Eurasia has already known that this war is all about fighting for human life!

With the whole brigade and thousands of soldiers' lives, they are fighting for the precious ten minutes for Du Wuxiang's four men!

"Newspaper! Our troops are less than 1000! All heavy fire weapons are destroyed

Ning Feixuan will be in the hands of the walkie talkie Sheng Sheng crushed!

Her eyes are already full of blood, she sighed silently at the moment, then closed her eyes, saluted the soldiers still fighting on the battlefield, and bowed deeply.

This military ceremony represents ningfeixuan's respect and admiration, but also full of ningfeixuan's helplessness.

Their special department's duty is to protect the people of China, but at the moment, Ning Feixuan is powerless, only quietly watching these ordinary soldiers die for the country.

Ning Feixuan only hates his incompetence.

"Master Du, there's no time left!"

Ning Feixuan was drinking to the four heavenly beings who were still forming a battle. At this point, Du Wuxiang's four images Jue Tian array was already the last hope.

In the event of failure, not only this brigade will be destroyed, but also the whole people of Beijing will be buried with them!

Nine minutes!

But almost exhausted the whole brigade's strength, only delayed the blood demon nine minutes!

At this moment, the oil is running out and the lamp is dying out!

A grip in the air, Shen lingcang, who takes a soldier into the palm of his hand, is actually instantly sucking blood from the whole body of the soldier!

"Jie Jie, the taste of blood is really the most wonderful food in the world!"

Shen lingcang, who was bathed in scarlet blood all over his body, was close to a demon. The soldiers who killed him were frightened.

After Sheng Sheng crushed a soldier's heart, Shen lingcang couldn't help looking up and licking his scarlet tongue. Jie and Jie said with a strange smile:

"it seems that the four of you are the most perfect blood food for us. If we swallow you and my skills, we can restore the peak of the divine state!"

The bloody devil with a grin on his face actually gave up hunting the remaining soldiers and jumped into the air to kill the four men of Du Wuxiang who were still in the battle!

Just at this time, Du Wuxiang's eyes opened fiercely. At the same time, a black dragon roared from the sky!

Then, a dark dragon virtual shadow was formed after Du Wuxiang!

See more rosefinch, white tiger, Xuanwu, at the same time form!

The four elephant holy beast has come to the world completely!

"Four elephant Jue Tian, Zhen!"

With Du Wuxiang's roar, the shadow of the four ancient sacred beasts leaped up at the same time. Combined with the power of the array, it instantly suppressed the blood demon!

"What is this?"

Shen lingcang, who turns into a bloody God, only feels the holy power added to his body at the same time!

Pang Ran's body was actually the power of the four sacred beasts, born from the suppression of the void to the bottom of the earth!

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