In ancient times, the sword casting master's multiple refining techniques are indeed unparalleled in the world. However, the magic weapons have spirit, and they need to be refined day and night with their own blood essence to maintain the power of the sword.

The sword of Qingming was refined by Du Wuxiang for more than one year. The sword was so powerful that even the blood demon dared not fight with his body.

However, Du Wuxiang's realm had already fallen down from the divine realm and lost the power of Jianzong in those years. With Du Wuxiang's current skills, it is difficult to give full play to the real power of Qingming sword.

At most, it can suppress the blood demon for a moment and a half.

Sure enough!

After only cutting out three swords, 70% of Du Wuxiang's Zhenyuan has been absorbed by Qingming sword! Gasping for breath, the chest is again overflowing a little blood.

"Elder martial brother!"

The two men of heaven who are still fighting with the blood devil are all worried. If we consume them like this, they will die today.

"I can hold on. We must hold down the blood demons and strive for time for captain Ning and them

With a big drink, Du Wu is quite empty. A sword is about to be cut off. However, he finds that the blood demon gives up fighting with the two holy beasts, and turns to attack himself!

"Ants, you should stop me?"

The bloody devil grinned ferociously and cut out ten swords! In the middle and later period, the legend of Shen lingran is not like the immortal in the world!

Even if it was the shadow of the two sacred beasts, it was shocked back dozens of Zhang on the spot! Two empty shadows are dark and almost lax!

At this time, he was surprised to see the world shaking blood demon attacking himself. Du Wuxiang secretly said that he was not good at lifting heavy weights. He actually held the Qingming sword and developed a body protecting sword field all over his body!

This sword area is two Zhang thick. It is pure from Du Wuxiang's sword spirit. It seems weak like water. In fact, it is enough to resist the power of the divine realm!

In that year's bloody battle in Yanjing, Du Wuxiang used this unique sword field to block the famous xiejiayu sword skill in China!

But it was then, and it is now.

Even if Qing Ming's sword is in hand, Du Wuxiang is far from the blood demon's opponent. The Liangzhang sword area is almost finger flicking, which is actually chopped by Ba Dao Gang!


The two swords, gang Shengsheng, cut Du Wuxiang's shoulder, and almost cut off Du Wuxiang's whole shoulder!

Blood is pouring in!

The Qingming sword in Du Wuxiang's hands is even more knocked down by the living beings and inserted directly on the bluestone.

"Elder martial brother!"

The two men of heaven were shocked. They manipulated the power of the sacred beast and wanted to kill the blood demon, but they were chopped up by Shen lingcang Dao Gang Shengsheng!

The shadow of the holy beast turns into two smoke, eliminating the invisible.

At this point, the four symbols Jue Tian array was completely broken! The plan to hunt and kill blood demons is a complete failure!

At this time, Ning Feixuan, Chen Ziyang, and the man of heaven who was killed by Chen Ziyang with one move and one second were flying to Beijing by helicopter.

Across the cabin glass, looking at this scene of Chen Ziyang, the corner of his mouth slightly raised an inexplicable arc.

"Ant, you are the strongest among them! Be your own blood food

The ferocious blood demon looked up at the sky and laughed. With a wave of his big hand, a horrible blood hand the size of a wall crossed the sky and caught Du Wuxiang!

At the critical moment, he saw 72 fists, just like a pear blossom in a rainstorm!

Life for Du Wuxiang blocked this terrible blood palm!

"Take the elder martial brother! I'll entangle the blood devil

The strong man in the black robe has all his hair and hair. He is as mad as a maniac. He is so desperate that he entangles the blood demon with his fists!

"Old four!"

Luo Heng, holding a huge blade crazy knife, rolled two lines of tears from the corner of his eyes, and nodded heavily to his younger martial brother. He gritted his teeth and said, "take care of yourself!"

He carried Du Wuxiang on his back and took the Qingming sword which was directly inserted into the bluestone into the palm of his hand, and ran away without looking back.

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