Whether the beauty of the front desk in the hall, or a business boss in a suit or leather, everyone was shocked by this sudden scene.

"This What's the matter? "

"My God! Who dares to drive a jeep into Lu's mansion? Don't you want to live? "

Most of the people are criticizing jeeps. Only a few smart people seem to have noticed the Jiangbei military license plate hanging on the jeep!

Silence, is obviously to guess that the identity of the coming person is very shallow, for fear of getting angry.

"It seems that those who come here are not good. It seems that Lu Hongyuan and his son have caused a lot of trouble."

Just as the hall was noisy, several security guards who kept the internal order of the building, holding electric batons, ran up angrily.

"What's the matter! Who is so bold as to drive into Lu's mansion! "

"You're blind! All the people in the car come down to me

Several security guards clenched their fists and banged the windows.

At this time, several security guards just found that there was a security guard lying in front of the door!

"Captain Zhu?"

They were shocked and were about to come forward.

Just then, the jeep door slowly opened.

The first person who got off the bus was a skinny young man, with a pair of extremely high myopia glasses and a cool small flat head. He was Ning Feixuan's right-hand assistant, a lean monkey!

As soon as the thin monkey's feet touched the ground, a group of security guards immediately surrounded him, showing a ferocious appearance of starting with the skinny monkey.

"Son of a bitch, you want to die!"

One of the security guards, who had already tightly grasped the collar of the skinny monkey, was as fierce as a chicken.

The thin monkey's forehead was covered with black lines in an instant. As a super soldier guarding China, he was threatened by a small security guard. He immediately yelled into the car with a black face:

"why do you stay in the car! Give me this group of scum to waste

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the doors on both sides of the jeep open instantly, and three figures in black appeared from the car as if they were ghosts!


These security guards have no time to scream. They just hear the wind of boxing roaring in their ears!

The fists of casserole, like raindrops, are coming!

In the blink of an eye, this group of crazy security guards have already been beaten by the three middle-aged men in black, lying on the ground, howling.

They were either broken ribs, or broken hands and feet.

This startling scene, no one has responded to it!

Just as the crowd was still, a cold figure stepped out of the jeep with high-heeled leather boots.

"Dada Da..."

The clear sound of high-heeled leather boots stepping on the tile floor is like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of people.

This cool and gorgeous woman in a gray windbreaker and sunglasses is really full of air!

They felt as if they were facing an ancient queen who was in charge of life and death, and they were still in cold sweat.

"I only say it once. Let Lu Shaoqian come out and see me!"

The cold words, mixed with Ning Feixuan several such as the essence of the killing intention, actually make people feel like falling into the ice cellar, the whole body is cold!

However, even so, there are still not long eyed business managers, pointing to Ning Feixuan angrily scolded: "you What are you! You can call Lu Shaodong's name directly! "

Ning Feixuan turned her head angrily. Her beautiful blue eyes under the sunglasses burst out a blue arc, which not only pierced ningfeixuan's sunglasses, but also stabbed the middle-aged boss's chest!

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