Previously, Wan Chengzhi's sister brought news from Yan Jing that the seventh day of the next lunar month was the 80th birthday of song Zhengde, the leader of the Song family. Wanjia didn't want to have a feud with the nine families.

Therefore, Wan Chengzhi did not personally come forward with the hijacking of song Shuling, but asked Lu Shaoqian to execute on his behalf. If the matter became serious, song Zhengde and the central giant would blame him, and Lu Shaoqian would naturally be his scapegoat!

"Don't say I don't know where Xiaoran is now. Even if I know, I will never tell you! Want Xiao ran to kneel for you? Pooh! Don't think about it in your life, little bunny

Now that she has completely torn her face, song Shuling, a powerful woman, has nothing to worry about. She shows her hot mother's demeanor and scolds the wanjiatai ziye.

Finally, I spit on WAN Chengzhi's expensive suit.

This scene really stunned Su Da's beauty.

From childhood to adulthood, in Su Fangfei's impression, song Shuling is a strong woman with high self-restraint. She is self-improvement, self-reliance and self-confident. She is not inferior to men at all.

His noble temperament is far beyond ordinary people.

At the moment, song Shuling, in order to love her son, did not hesitate to scold Wan Chengzhi. Her image is comparable to that of a street shrew

However, the intellectual and elegant Su Da beauty said in a loud voice: "aunt Ling Good scolding

"Wan Chengzhi! Even if you kill us, we will never let Xiaoran kneel down for you! If you hijack us, you can't stop the fire. Ningfeixuan will come to save us! "

"Good, good! I see how tough you can be! You are waiting for Ning Feixuan to save you! Xue Longqing, I've been starving them for two days. I can't give them a grain of rice or a drop of water! "

"Bentai. I'd like to see how hard these two bitches can be!"

Wan Chengzhi, whose face was black, yelled at Xue Longqing.

And having said that, he turned and left with them.

As soon as Wan Chengzhi stepped out of the gate with one foot, the two daughters of song Shuling suddenly heard Wan Chengzhi's heartless sneer:

"live well and prepare to collect Meng Ran's corpse!"

Then the door of the house "bang" and was shut down by Wan Chengzhi. Song Shuling and her daughter were again imprisoned in the room, unable to see the day.


Jinghua City, Jinhu District, a very hidden garden villa in the suburbs.

"How about it? Can jinzhendu point help him recover his memory

Ning Feixuan looked at Meng Ran's head full of 16 gold needles, full of worry, whispered to the thin monkey.

The thin monkey, who has just finished the golden needle crossing for Meng ran, is covered with sweat on his pale cheek, and his internal power is exhausted. At the moment, his feet are soft and he almost falls to the ground.

Ning Feixuan's eyes were quick and her hands were quick. She helped the thin monkey and said in a soft voice: "your internal power consumption is too big. Please take a rest and talk about it."

The skinny monkey is no nonsense. With the help of Ning Feixuan, he meditates and vomites on the sofa in the living room.

After half an hour, with the thin monkey deeply spit out a turbid breath, the internal force of the thin monkey finally recovered a little bit.

As soon as the thin monkey opened his eyes, Ning Feixuan and Yin Qingxue, two daughters, almost at the same time, anxiously asked:

"what's the matter?"

Chen Ziyang, who is wearing a sword in white, looks at the worry on Ning Feixuan's face. The fire of nameless jealousy is burning, and a bite of silver teeth is gurgling.

"Captain, you come with me. I have a few words to say to you alone." The thin monkey glanced at Yin Qingxue and whispered to Ning Feixuan.

As soon as she said this, Miss Yin immediately protested in a loud voice:

"Hello! You put my little ran son into the head full of needles, I haven't even come to you! Why avoid me

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