Since the battle of Taihu Lake in Wuzhou, Meng ran once thought of exterminating demons, and did not hesitate to urge him to forget his love for ten days!

The nine days are short and long.

In the period of Meng Ran's amnesia, earth shaking changes have taken place in Jiangbei, Jiangnan and even Yanjing!

In Jiangbei, Wan Zhibin, the richest man in Jiangzhou, who was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Meng ran, did not hesitate to betray Meng ran after learning the news of his fall!

Unite Pei Jun and muyuan's mother and son to force the palace to show Fengshan!

Not only injured Fang rubing, but also captured song Anqi! The change of Xiufeng's ownership is to take possession of the aura produced by Na Ling array!

Now the whole Jiangbei, already he wanzhibin is giving orders!

In Jiangnan, Shen Xinghan, a servant of Meng ran, betrayed unexpectedly!

Fengsheng company was affected, not only the employees were all negative, but also Meng Ran's mother song Shuling and cousin Su Fangfei were captured by Lu Shaoqian!

The mysterious girl from across time and space, seriously wounded the dragon and horse with one fist, and swore to kill Meng ran!

In the capital of China and Yan, the capital of the state, song Zhengde, the leader of the Song family, was hiding behind his back and added fuel to the flames.

Nine families ranked second, but also with the Meng ran a blood feud, never die!

During this period of time when Meng Ran's memory was sealed up, too many changes have taken place, which is beyond Meng Ran's expectation.

Now, by chance, Meng ran remembers to wake up, and it's time to settle down one by one!

The beautiful young man standing in the sky, dressed in the snow, is rapidly merging with the memory gradually recovered due to the disappearance of the ten day love forgetting rhyme!

What happened after the loss of memory, like a slide, is presented in Meng Ran's mind!

However, strangely, I do not know why, Meng Ran's dream of eternity, to see the memory of his actions against heaven in his previous life, is inexplicably disappeared!

Even the future of Yin Qingxue's fate has disappeared in Meng Ran's mind!

Although Tairan xianzun is memory recovery, the two most important memories seem to be wiped out by an invisible force, and all of them are lost!

No matter the immortal lord or the Tao, Meng ran can no longer remember a trace of all this

"Pinglao's accomplishments are above the realm of God! Isn't his skill comparable to that of a monk in jiedan realm? "

"No! How can he condescend to become a snow's guard with his extraordinary skill!? And if this is the case, how could Lu Shaoqian force ah Xue to death? "

With the complete recovery of Meng Ran's memory, a larger cloud of doubt is lingering in Meng Ran's mind and can't be swept away!

That is, what is the identity of Yin Qingxue!?

"A Xue, you've been hiding from me for a thousand years!"

In this life, Meng ran never expected to meet Yin Qingxue for the first time under the condition of serious injury and coma.

In the dark, there seems to be a chopping cause and effect line, which entangles the two closely.

After counting the rest, Meng ran thoroughly fused the two memories before and after the amnesia. At the moment, he, who was manifesting the real body of sapphire glaze, quietly gazed at Chen Ziyang, his eyes as light as a flat lake.

Chen Ziyang's contribution has been enhanced!

Chen Ziyang's internal skills are not the result of his cultivation!

Meng Ran has already felt several familiar breath on Chen Ziyang, such as vampire and Shen lingcang!

"Chen Ziyang, Meng really thank you. Without your three palms, Meng's memory would never have been restored in advance."

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