Meng ran also knows little about Su Fangfei's real life experience. Although Meng Ran has asked about her many times in the previous life, she will fall into deep sorrow every time she mentions it.

Meng ran just knows that Su Fangfei's parents both died because of something unexpected.

Because of their friendship with Meng Chang'an, their parents entrusted the young Su Fangfei to Meng Chang'an and his wife.

As for why Su Fangfei spent some time in the Meng family in Lingzhou, Meng ran did not know.

It's hard to explore the cause and effect in the past life. Since Meng ran meets Meng ran in this world, for Su Fangfei's sake, Meng Ran has to find out the truth and return Fangfei's cousin a justice!

Seeing Meng Ran's questioning, Su Fangfei and song Shuling are both stiff. Song Shuling quickly switches off the topic and advises:

"OK, let's talk about Fangfei later, so don't ask questions blindly. The top priority is that your grandfather Meng's cancer cells spread. Your father wants to go back to Lingzhou and do his last filial piety. Would you like to come back with us? "

Song Shuling looks at Aizi expectantly, obviously for a family reunion.

Meng ran smell speech, eyelid not from slightly low, sneer way: "return, certainly want to return."

Meng ran didn't say the following sentence, but said in silence:

"Meng Changzhi's Gang, I haven't calculated with them the accounts of Fenghua Group's share snatching in the last life. Now I know that I'm sorry for my cousin Fangfei. It seems that it's time to leave for Lingzhou and meet my great uncle for a while. "

Song Shuling and Su Fangfei, where will know, why Meng ran agreed to leave Jiangbei Lingzhou, is to settle the past life's enmity!

Too ran Xian Zun's life is clear, people deceive me, I cheat him ten Zhang!

Lingzhou this time he Meng ran if is not to go, Meng ran Xian respect the heart of the road, this life is difficult to secure!

Seeing Meng Ran's happy agreement, song Shuling and Su Fangfei were both overjoyed and said in a hurry: "Xiaoran, pack your bags quickly, let's start this afternoon!"

However, Meng ran shakes the tea in the tea cup and shakes his head slightly and says, "don't worry, I have to close down for a period of time, which is as long as one month, and as short as ten days."

"It is not too late to go back to the north of the river after dealing with the affairs of the south of the Yangtze River."

As soon as Meng ran said this, song Shuling, a strong woman, could not help but feel anxious. She hated the way that iron was not made into steel:

"you bear child! What time is it! Your grandfather, he can't hold on. You have to shut up! "

Seeing the situation, Meng ran couldn't help but smile and said, "Mom, what are you worried about. Meng Xingzhi's life is hard. He can't die without a month or two. "

For the friars, kinship has been very weak.

The life span of a generation is as long as a million years, while ordinary people are buried in the Loess for only a hundred years.

In a sense, mortals and friars are already two different levels of life, except for their physical appearance.

The word "kinship" is not blood, but a word of "affection".

If you are good at me, I will be good!

I will kill those who hate me!

All kinds of cause and effect are related to one idea.

Meng ran came back from birth and wanted to make up for the family affection, but it was song Shuling, Meng Chang'an and Su Fangfei.

In addition to the three of them, whether you are the Meng family in Lingzhou or the Song family in Yanjing, if you dare to provoke Tairan xianzun, Meng ran will kill you!

If it is not for the sake of song Shuling that she does not want to kill the Song family in Yanjing, otherwise Meng ran will curse the Song family with blood, and all of them will die suddenly within three generations of the Song family!

There is no corpse!

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