When song Shuling was the princess of Song family in Yanjing, she heard a lot of rumors in the upper class circles of Yanjing.

As a descendant of the royal family in Western Europe, the momentum and status of the Kate family are among the best in the world.

It is said that the Kate family has passed on for thousands of years, and its accumulated wealth is comparable to that of a continent!

To describe the wealth of the Kate family with its wealth, I'm afraid it is an insult to it.

Today's Kate family is only a royal family in Western Europe, but it is said that the Kate family is in collusion with Roman!

The hidden power behind it is the great powers of North America, and they are also afraid of it.

Song Shuling knows that what she knows is just the tip of the iceberg of Kate family's influence. Once its real power comes to the surface, she is afraid that the Chinese nation will tremble for it!

However, at the moment, the powerful woman has heard from her own ears that Aizi has become an enemy with the Kate family!

What's more Even more has captured the Kate family's successor!

This strong woman, only feel shortness of breath, scalp numbness!

Seeing that song Shuling was frightened to look like this, Meng ran quickly handed song Shuling a cup of tea and casually explained:

"Mom, I didn't offend them."

After hearing Aizi's denial, song Shuling's heart can be regarded as relieved. She has just received the tea cup, but it has not been delivered to her mouth, but there is a sentence in her ear:

"it's the Kate family who have offended me."


Song Shuling's teacup fell to the ground and the tea splashed.


Song Shuling pointed to Aizi, but she was so angry that she couldn't say a word.

Song Shuling only felt that this son was just a troublemaker. He had offended the big men in the north and south of the Yangtze River. Even foreign forces dared to provoke him!

This strong woman who is usually vigorous and vigorous can't help but help her forehead and is helpless.

Su Fangfei covered her mouth and snickered. As she cleaned up the pieces of the teacup, she comforted her:

"aunt Ling, don't worry about Xiaoran him. He killed Jiang Shaofu in front of the people in the south of the Yangtze River, and all of them could leave freely. You son, you have great skills. "

She said that Su's beauty could not help but glance at her little cousin. She was full of all kinds of feelings.

The previous estrangement between the two brothers seems to have disappeared. Su Fangfei no longer seems to mind Yin Qingxue's existence.

Meng Ran is also vaguely aware of this, quite puzzled.

Song Shuling sighed, she already understood that her Xiaoran was no longer the weak teenager.


Song Shuling wanted to say something, but she heard a slight knock on the door.

Meng Ran's eyebrows wrinkled, his eyes with the help of perspective, had already seen the visitor.

It is Ning Feixuan and Ning Wenbin!

"Oh? It must have been Yanjing's thousands of families to come to visit him. "

Meng ran raised a meaningful arc, indicating that Fang rubing opened the door for them.

"Is it miss Ning coming? This is it

Song Shuling and others rose to greet each other.

Song Shuling had seen his figure in the live broadcast of the broadcast building before, but he didn't know his real identity.

"Auntie song, he is my second uncle, Ning Wenbin, and the Minister of special departments." Ning Feixuan's face, like the ice of ten thousand years, blooms with a smile and actively explains.

Song Shuling has heard a lot about the mysterious special department. She knows that the visitors are not only the second master of Ning family, but also the Minister of the special department. Song Shuling is not only solemn, but also welcomes them into the living room.

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