"This was handed over to me by my second uncle. He said that you promised to join the special department last time, but all the procedures have not been completed. Information, such as fingerprints, has to be collected one by one, recorded and filed. "

"Since you're going to shut up, you won't have any trouble. You'll have to collect blood samples first, and you'll have to deal with it symbolically."

The soft and soft voice of Feixuan was a little less.

It seems that the female captain of the special department of China is really hopelessly in love with Meng ran

"Take blood samples?" Meng ran vaguely felt that there was something wrong with him, but he couldn't say it.

At Wuyin villa in Jiangzhou on that day, Meng ran did promise Ning Wenbin to join the special department as vice minister of the special department to protect China.

But now, Meng ran and Ning Wenbin have torn their faces. The reason why they do not invade the river is that they exchange interests and tacit understanding.

Meng Ran is used to being natural and unrestrained. In a special department, he is just a casual post, and he can't really associate with Ning Wenbin.

Ning Wenbin's move seems reasonable, but there is no silver here!

"It seems that the old fox can't help but start at last." Meng ran mouth, gradually raised a sneer.

"Ning Wenbin, Ning Wenbin, Meng wants to see what a surprise you can bring to Meng!"

However, seeing Meng Ran's fingertips, he shot out with a vigorous force, and cut himself with a knife!

A drop of red blood bead, immediately from Meng ran fingertip burst out, fell into the glass tube.

"Say hello to Minister Ning for me."

After passing the test tube to Ning Feixuan, Meng ran wants to turn around and leave.

On the contrary, Ning Feixuan, holding a glass tube in her hand, is absent-minded and seems to be hesitating whether to say it or not.

"Something?" See Ning Feixuan Leng in situ, back to Ning Feixuan Meng ran, quietly asked.

Ning Feixuan summoned up her courage and her beautiful blue eyes were staring at Meng Ran's back and said earnestly:

"I The date of my marriage with Wan Chengzhi has been fixed. I.... "

However, he did not wait for Ning Feixuan's words to finish, a cold word, but resounded through her ears, "don't worry, he can't live that day."

After a word, Meng ran disappeared.

Ning Feixuan's beautiful eyes were staring at the blue stone road. On the jade face, there were surprises, losses and worries


Late into the night, the neon lights of the bustling and bustling city of Jinghua were temporarily extinguished. The uproar lasted for several days, as if it was finally going to pass, and everything was back to peace.

Jinghu Lake, a remote place.

But seeing a figure of casual clothes, holding a glass tube in the palm of his hand, staring at the red blood in the test tube, his face gradually showed a deep hatred.

"I'd rather have someone lurking in a special department for dozens of years. I'll play with the nine families and the Yanjing center in the company's hands! So Dahua, isn't it at my disposal? "

"It's ridiculous that now I'm being blackmailed by a baby boy!"

"Meng ran, Meng ran, if you want to blame, you are too clever. In this world, smart people often don't live long. Tonight, Ning Wenbin, you can't stay! "

This casual clothes figure, actually is the Minister of special department, Ning Wenbin!

With Ning Wenbin's bitterness, his left hand took out a silver bell from his pocket!

The bell is silver white and seems to be made of pure silver. It is carved with a strange totem, which is extremely evil.

Ning Wenbin rubbed the silver bell, his face showed a grim smile, and then violently shook the bell!

Bursts of invisible sound wave, immediately emanating from the bell!

Ning Wenbin, with his hands on his back, stands by the lake and looks at the dark mirror lake in front of him. He seems to be waiting for someone to come

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