Who is not satisfied?

Who dares to refuse?

Meng Ran is defeated by Disha and steps on Tiangang. At the moment, he is just like a demon king. Under the invincible power, who dares to disobey him?

Meng Ran's eyes slowly swept in the face of the group of student union cadres who used to be so arrogant that they all lowered their heads in fear. They were afraid that Meng ran would attack themselves, and no one dared to look at them.

Finally, Meng Ran's eyes fell on Fang Qing. For the woman who repeatedly provoked her, Meng Ran's eyes were pure and only disdained.

After all, mole ants are mole ants. Even if she provokes Meng ran ten thousand times, it is also the result of failure.

And Meng ran, as long as willing, can crush her at any time.

At this moment, the most wonderful face is Zhang Wei, who is holding a drink for Meng ran, "my God, this is too fierce..."

"Strange, where have Wang Li and his men gone?"

At the moment, Meng Wuran didn't see his disciples standing in the courtyard, but he didn't see his disciples standing in the courtyard.

"These stinky boys, are they ignoring my words and not asking him for trouble?"

"Hum! It seems that this time I go back to the martial arts academy, I have to take care of these stinky boys. I didn't even listen to me! "

Du Yanming, speaking to himself, walked quickly towards Meng ran.

Two minutes later, I saw the ten wailing disciples and the Tiangang trampled by Meng ran. The instructor of the martial arts academy, who was not frightened by changes, completely changed his face.

"Asshole! Who dares to hurt the disciples of our martial arts academy? "

Suddenly a word, awakened by Meng ran shocked shivering people, the ten Disha disciples, as if to see the Savior, are crying, wailing for help.

"Master Du, help us!"

Meng ran, who stepped on Tiangang's feet, showed a very brilliant smile. "Naturally, I hurt him. Didn't you just want to teach me a lesson? I've been waiting. Unfortunately, your disciples are so weak that I can't stop a punch. I'm still curious. Can you get me a few punches, two punches? I think it's a little bit hanging. "

"Let's be bold!"

Du Yanming, who was in a state of impatience, burst into a violent drink. Then his internal power was running like water. He used 12 successful forces and hit Meng Ran's face with a heavy blow!

Du Yanming naturally didn't believe that Meng ran could really beat the disciples of the martial arts academy with one blow. You should know that the ten people combined with that Tiangang, even if they were Xiaocheng's own internal skill, they had to spend several moves to beat them back.

Can an ordinary student beat the disciples of the martial arts academy with only one punch?

Du Yanming never believed him!

Meng Ran is still treading Tiangang, motionless.

Feeling the strength of Qi and strength carried by the lecturer of the martial arts academy, Meng Ran has roughly estimated the accomplishments of the lecturer, and his internal skill is small!

Even though Meng ran could not use his magic power, he was still not the enemy of Meng Ran's unity.

"Master Du, be careful!"

Liu Haoyu, who is trampled on by Meng ran, knows Meng Ran's terror, and hastily reminds him that it is too late.

Seeing that Du Yanming's powerful fist is about to hit Meng Ran's face, Meng Ran's fist blows out.

Fist to fist!

With a clear bone crack sound, this Du university lecturer, who has been interviewed by Jiangbei satellite TV and respected by thousands of people, is hit by Meng ran with a fist!

Du Yanming rolled on the ground, his right fist and scalp were full of flesh, and his palm bones were all smashed!

"Master Du!"

When the disciples of the martial arts academy saw this scene, they were like ghosts in the daytime.

This is a lecturer of the martial arts academy!

How could it be so simple to be defeated by this student with one punch!?

Not only the students of the Academy of martial arts, but also the group of people like Jiang Hua are frightened.

Different from people's fear, Wang Xiaofu and Fang Qing looked at each other, and they were all overjoyed. Because the more Meng ran did, the more he quarreled with the martial arts academy, the more likely Meng ran would be expelled!

Meng ran beat the disciples of the disabled martial arts academy and seriously injured the lecturer of the martial arts academy. It is absolutely impossible for the martial arts academy to let go of Liang Zi!

Although he didn't teach Meng ran a lesson, he tried to find his own way to death this time. In Fang Qing's opinion, Meng ran could not turn over in any case this time because it was a dead end!

If Meng ranruo can't beat the people in the martial arts academy, he will be punished severely; if Meng ran beats a person in the martial arts academy, he will become an enemy with the martial arts academy, and the martial arts academy can't let him go.

So do not look at Meng ran now out of the limelight, in Fang Qing's view, Meng ran this time can not escape!

"Stink! Let's make you proud for a while. This time I'm going to let you get fired! "

On the other side of the reflection, Du Da's lecturer, who was bombarded by Meng Ran's fist, was actually out of his wits. His face was incredible, as if he could not accept the result in any case.

He is a lecturer in the Academy of martial arts. He has won the first prize in the National Wushu competition. He has been interviewed by the media and newspapers for countless times. He is a martial arts expert respected by thousands of people. How could he be defeated by an unknown boy!?"I don't believe it! I don't believe it

Du Yanming, like a madman, is not willing to face and roars at Meng ran.

Meng ran just looked at him faintly and said, "how dare you be presumptuous in front of me? It's ridiculous. The frog in the well is a frog in the well after all. I haven't seen the vastness of martial arts. I think it's just a pitiful bug. It's really humiliating to call yourself a martial arts school with your kind of tricks and legs. "

After that, Meng ran took the drink from Zhang Wei's dull face, drank leisurely and left.

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