"Old man, this big gift, Meng Mou can want to accept with a smile."

Meng ran ha ha smile, stretch out the big hand that looks like pure gold, hold it out of thin air, when the drop of immortal yellow blood is about to be taken away!

After losing the immortal blood, the Lord of Luomen was a few decades old. His face was covered with wrinkles and his skin was as dry as old bark.

The whole person looks like a man half pedaling into the coffin.

However, Meng ran knows that the two men, Lord of Luomen and Hua Jingtao, are different from Shen lingcang, the blood demon. Obviously, these two people have not been completely enslaved by immortal huangxue.

They just rely on the power of Huang blood to maintain their physical vitality.

It's not Shen lingcang's living dead.

Otherwise, they would have become blood demons who eat blood and lose humanity as Shen lingcang.

"You How dare you! "

The old rickets old man, struggling to jump out of the pit, old face, full of resentment and unwillingness.

Meng ran looked at the false Lord of Luomen with great interest. In fact, when Meng ran first came to the south of the Yangtze River to visit the Jinghu Lake with Zhang Tao, he felt that there was something wrong with him.

In terms of age, the Lord of Luomen must surpass Shen chuanting, the man in blue shirt of the Shen family.

At the age of one hundred, they are no longer able to bear the power of the earth.

Once you do your best, your body will be destroyed. Shen chuanting of that day is the best example.

But the Lord of Luomen can be unscrupulous, which shows that he must rely on!

In fact, as Meng ran expected, there is also a drop of immortal Phoenix blood in the body of the Lord of Luomen!

However, the Lord of Luomen could bear it. If he had not been forced by Meng ran today, he would not have used the power of Huang Xue.

"When he luokun killed my housekeeper, Meng swore to heaven that this life would destroy you, Luomen! Old man, go down and bury your son! "

Meng ran held the immortal yellow blood in one hand, and condensed the broken sky split sword Qi with the other hand, which was like the golden sword Qi of tide. He aimed at the Lord of Luomen and chopped down!

"Younger generation, with your strength, do you want to shake the Millennium foundation of Luomen? If you dare to kill me today, the master will cramp you and peel your bones! Liu Sheng is really a kind of monster with no man and no ghost

The Lord of Luomen resented and scolded, and wished to kill Meng ran alive.

However, Meng ran just sneered at it, broke the sky with a sword, and cut it down!

Just when Meng ran thought that the Lord of Luomen was doomed to die, he suddenly saw the old man who was half pedaling into the coffin, suddenly burst out with an amazing speed!

It was within a fraction of a inch that he avoided the sword spirit of breaking the sky and ran away!

There was a loud noise. There were huge gullies and gullies tens of meters long where the Lord of Luomen had stood before. If he had not escaped in time, he was afraid that the whole person would be torn to pieces by the air of the sky breaking sword!

"Old man, it's not so easy to escape."

Seeing the Lord of Luomen escaping, Meng Ran's mouth showed a sarcastic arc, and inadvertently glanced at the trembling enchantress, and went after the Lord of Luomen.

See Meng ran abandon their own regardless, Meiji looked at her boss escape direction, after a little hesitation, choose the opposite direction, escape!

Now, what Luomen, what boss, for Meiji, only to save life is true.

This young man is really too terrible, that is, his boss can't defeat him. Meiji has already given birth to no idea of resistance.

I just want to run for my life!

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