"The mysterious disappearance of Shen Xingyun, Queen of Beijing, is suspected to be related to the destruction of the Lu family."

"The wealth list of Jiangnan province has been updated. An 18-year-old mysterious young man, with a total assets of 74.6 billion yuan, has pushed Lu Hongyuan to become the richest man in Jiangnan! Become the youngest richest man in the history of Jiangnan province

Whether Jiangnan daily or central daily, the headlines of major domestic media and newspapers are dominated by the eight characters "the youngest Jiangnan richest man".

Microblog hot search is quickly to the top, countless netizens are posting to discuss who this new young richest man will be.

Eighteen years old!

At this age, for most people in China, they are still in high school. What they have to face is the first major battle in their life, the college entrance examination!

But the new richest man, at this age when he should have studied, has already become the richest man in the province, with a wealth of 70 billion!

The news spread, the whole Chinese land is fried!

Eighteen years old! 70 billion! The richest man in the south of the Yangtze River!

These words have deeply stimulated the young people of those years, especially those who have just entered the workplace. They only feel that they have been struggling for a lifetime, which is hard to catch up with.

At the same time, there are countless people who want to find out the real identity of the new richest man in the south of the Yangtze River through various relationships and contacts. After all, the wealth of 70 billion yuan is enough to make it into the Forbes rich list and become a real diamond fifth.

Jiangnan territory, I do not know how many famous families, for this 18-year-old boy, covetously!

If anyone can take this rich son-in-law into his pocket, he will become the richest man's father-in-law and mother-in-law?

All of a sudden, the whole Jiangnan was just a noisy place, digging three feet into the ground, and trying to find out the richest young man.

Compared with the boiling common people, Jiangnan officialdom, which knows the collapse of the Lu family and the change of the richest man, is silent.

In the past, the largest family in the south of the Yangtze River was destroyed! Even those high-level leaders in Jinghua City can only watch helplessly, and no one dares to get angry.

Because if you interfere, you will die!

No matter Yanjing or Jiangnan, those tycoons who have the right to know the inside story only feel that Meng Xianshi is really using his means!

The Mencius told them that they should not make friends with the family of Lu Xians.

While the whole country was in a state of uproar, the young man who stirred the land of China was sitting in a magnificent office, kneading the shoulders of a middle-aged beautiful woman.

"Xiaoran, your father called. Your grandfather's condition seems to be getting worse. I'm urged to go to Lingzhou to have a look."

Sitting on the imported sofa, enjoying the service of her baby son, she said lazily with her beautiful eyes half open and half closed.

"Well, calculate the time, Meng Xingzhi, his..."

Meng ran, who cleverly pinched his mother's shoulder, almost said that "Meng is lucky that his time is coming.".

"Xiaoran, he is your grandfather at least. How can you call him Meng Xingzhi one by one?"

Song Shuling, a strong woman, waved her hand and patted Aizi's buttocks. She was a little discontented.

Meng ran was about to say something when he heard a squeak and the door was pushed open.

It was su Fangfei who was holding several documents in her hand.

"Aunt Ling, the company has basically settled down. Everyone is happy and crazy about this new home."

Elegant and gentle Su Fangfei stepped on high-heeled shoes and stepped forward in a lotus step.

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