At this time, there were no empty seats in the welcome hall.

Including Gu Ruojun, the head of the family, more than 40 senior officials of the family are all seated!

"Are you all here? Ruo Jun, what are you hiding from us until now? By the way, where's Yunming? I haven't seen him for more than a month. "

Sitting on the two sides of the hall, the bald old man on the first master chair, frowned tightly and asked with a faint uneasiness.

This bald old man, named Gu boring, is an old man of Uncle Gu Ruojun's generation. He is over 80 years old.

In spite of Gu Ruojun, he is the most profound person in the high-level family. He is a great master of the realm of transformation!

If Gu boring was not old and his physical function declined greatly, Gu boring might not have been able to step into the realm of heaven and man.

As a great elder of the Gu family, Gu boring's status is extremely respected. Gu boring is just like Shen chuanting is to Shen family. No one can go beyond it.

At this time, when he opened his mouth, a group of high-ranking family members, who had been whispering and whispering, immediately sat down in front of him, with more than 40 eyes, and instantly fell on Gu Ruojun's face.

The head of Gu's family, who was sitting on the throne, was very complicated. With a long sigh, he finally said:

"elder elder, ladies and gentlemen, if Jun has been hiding something from you for a long time, it's time to tell you."

Seeing Gu Ruojun showing his appearance, all the senior officials of Gu's family are more and more curious. What is Gu Ruojun hiding from others.

Gu Ruojun's voice, head deep low, facial expression said: "Meng Xianshi these three words, you should not be unfamiliar with it?"

Gu Ruojun's words immediately ignited the atmosphere in the hall. A large number of senior members of his family all took a breath of cool air and began to speak one after another.

"Isn't this the man of heaven who is the number one man in China's summer list?"

"Yes, I've heard for a long time that this son, after his return from the bloody battle in Taihu Lake, washed Jinghua with blood and made a big noise in the south of the Yangtze River. Shen lingcang, the ancestor of the Shen family, was killed by him! There is no one else in the limelight

"Yes, yes! It is said that the destruction of the Lu family in Jiangnan was controlled by this son alone! It is this son who is the new mysterious richest man in the south of the Yangtze River

With the disclosure of one secret story after another, the 40 or so senior members of the family were in awe of the three words "Meng Xianshi", and they were simply worshipped as gods.

Only Gu boring, the great elder of Gu's family, twisted his white beard. In his eyes, he seemed to have a twinkle of essence, and his face was cloudy and clear. Suddenly he said, "master, if I remember correctly, I'd like to tell you. When this son was still in the north of the Yangtze River, you asked Yun ming to go to congratulate him. You also gave him one of the Hongyu double swords, a legendary weapon of my family. Is that true? "

Gu Ruojun sighed and nodded his head slowly: "it's true. This son also accepted my family's kindness."

Seeing Gu Ruojun admit, Gu boring's face is very gentle immediately. He stroked his beard and said with a long smile:

"ha ha, what worries does the owner have? The first person on the list of heaven is honored by my family. He should make friends with my family. Now that the Shen family is destroyed and I have such a strong support for my family, why should I worry about the failure of a major event? "

The elder of Gu's family was arrogant, with a heroic spirit of pointing out the mountains and rivers. "In my opinion, it's the time for my family to be strong when all forces in the south of the Yangtze River are frustrated! The position of the largest family in the south of the Yangtze River is within your reach

When Gu boring said this, a group of senior managers of the family were in a high mood and raised their arms and called out: "care for the family!"

"Care for your family!"

"Care for your family!"

Looking at this group of passionate Gu family high-rise, Gu Ruojun's face is overcast, it is almost dripping water.

Gu Ruojun clapped his hands and heard the sound of "pa". The yellow flower pear tree tea table beside him broke!


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