The high-level meeting of Jianghua private high school has been held for half an hour. During this half hour, the headmaster of Jianghua kept silent. At the moment, his sudden words completely confused the people.

Vice Mayor coming to school to ask for leave?

Who else but his children? At most, it's his relatives, and the high-level people don't care.

Only Wu Haitao, the director of discipline, caught a glimpse of the complicated look on Guo Shixun's face.

Is it him!?

No way! With his identity, how can you ask the vice mayor to ask for leave for him!?

Headmaster Guo stood up slowly from his chair and walked to the window sill in silence. Looking at the vigorous Jianghua private high school, he sighed softly with his back to the crowd. He said helplessly:

"it's the person you want to give to the Imperial military academy!"

As soon as this speech came out, the headmaster's office heard a breath of cool air.

After a moment of silence, the headmaster's office was filled with doubts.

"No way! I've seen that boy several times. He's a slouch, he's dressed like a bumpkin. If he had this connection, he wouldn't have put it on display. "

"Yes, yes, if he really had such a relationship, his mother would not have spent 300000 to buy him a place to go to school!"

A woman dressed like a lady in the middle ages of Europe scoffed: "the whole senior three, how many don't know about this Meng * * Si? If you don't change a suit for a month, if you say he has background, I don't believe it! "

All the senior leaders of these schools are highly skilled in human affairs. They know who has the power and who has the power. In their impression, although Meng Ran's family is not poor, it is much worse than most families in Jianghua. Now suddenly said that Meng Ran has such a big supporter, no one believes it.

Guo Shixun knew that people would not believe it. He turned around slowly and said with a bitter smile: "do you know what the vice mayor said to me before he left?"

This group of school executives are holding their breath, eager to know what is going on.

Guo Shixun imitated the tone of the vice mayor at that time and said, "Brother Guo, it's your honor to have such a student in Jianghua."

"With that, I patted me on the shoulder with great significance. Now you understand, ladies and gentlemen."

"Meng ran, I can't move!"


After more than ten minutes, a group of senior officials in Jianghua all drove away with a heavy heart and were full of doubts. How did Meng ran get on with the vice mayor?

At this time, in the headmaster's office, Wu Haitao, the director of discipline, handed a phone call to Guo Shixun, and cautiously said, "headmaster, do you want to answer the phone call from the military academy?"

Guo Shixun light way: "when did not hear good."

Wu Haitao was worried: "headmaster, how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

Hearing this, Guo Shixun suddenly burst out laughing, "deal with it? Why should I deal with it? It is he mengran who injured the disciples of the martial arts academy. What's the matter with Jiang Hua? If the martial arts men in the martial arts academy want to find them, they should go to Meng ran and settle accounts. Why do we have to wade in this muddy water in Jianghua? "

Wu Haitao's eyes brightened up in an instant, and he even looked at Guo Shixun. Both of them were laughing happily. They were as treacherous as two old foxes.

However, Meng ran, who made a great deal of trouble in Jiangzhou, is actually having a good drink with Wan Zhibin.

Wan Zhibin took ajiezhi away and put his arm around Meng Ran's shoulder and said: "brother Meng, tell me, how many pills do you have for Meng Qingdong?"

Meng ran did not speak, just stretched out a finger.

"Ah, only ten? Well, less, ten. Good brother, I'll take all the ten. "

Although it was a little less than what he imagined, Wan Zhibin was satisfied, especially when he thought that Meng ran said this medicine could prolong his life.

However, Meng ran shook his head, "not ten, but one."

Wan Zhibin was suddenly dejected and discontented and said, "how can there be only one left? It's all right. One can do it, one million! I've bought you a million pills. What do you think? "

Wan Zhibin waved his palm, and he looked like money.

Meng Ran's heart sneers: in the end, it's an old slicker who has been in the business world for many years. When he hears one hundred and a half and sees his heroic appearance, he will deceive him.

The small fortune pill can make up for the vital energy of human body, dispel patients and prolong life. To say nothing of a million yuan, it is an offer of 100 million yuan. Those rich people will definitely plunder it.

See Meng ran just smile also don't speak, Wan Zhibin Chin a Yang, pretending to be unhappy way: "Meng brother, you don't believe the sincerity of elder brother?"

Meng ran shook his head, "I this pill has other uses, you are to give me a hundred million, I will not sell."

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