"The voice This voice! It's him! He must be here! It is he who has come to avenge me

At this moment, the master of the martial arts family, the man of heaven, who ranked No. 20 in the sky list, seemed to be scared out of his courage. His lips moved and he murmured to himself repeatedly.

The masters of Gu family in the hall looked at each other and couldn't figure out what kind of characters they were. They could make the master of Gu's family scared into such a mess.

"Who is he, master? Do you know this man Gu family elder, a face of doubt.

Gu Ruojun grew up in his childhood. Since Gu Ruojun stepped into the realm of heaven and man, Gu boring has never seen a trace of fear on Gu Ruojun's face.

Gu Ruojun deeply lowered his head, exhausted all his strength, just said that for him, like a nightmare general name.

"Too But... "

It should have been two words as light as a feather. At the moment when Gu Ruojun said it, it was like a Wanjun hammer, as if it was beating the hearts of these experts!

"Tai ran!? It's too much! "


When Meng Ran's "come out and see me" resounded from every corner of Gu's manor, the two martial artists who had achieved great internal skills were already kneeling on the ground, looking at the young man with shock.


It should be said that it is the pony under the youth!

Meng Ran's Dragon and horse are stepping on the void with their eyes shining like stars. Under the jaw dragon beard is vigorous, on the head dragon horn is sharp!

The whole body is white, and the frost is as white as snow!

What's more, the dragon and the horse pant with their nostrils in the air. A wave of air is emitted from the mouth and nose. It turns into a dragon like shape, just like the power of a hundred thousand dragon elephants!


Pointing to Meng ran, the two men stammered:

"Tai ran?"

"You!? You are the Menxian master of Jiangbei who ranks first in Huaxia list! "

Meng ran, sitting on the back of a dragon horse, releases the power of the mind, crosses the winding corridor and goes straight into the welcome Hall of the family!

"Well, it's all hidden here."

"Gu Ruojun, since you dare not come out to see me, Meng will go in to see you!"

Meng ran smiles coldly. In the golden pupil, there is a hint of bloodthirsty. With a wave of his hand, a rolling red flame surges into his palm!

At this time, the dragon and horse standing in the air fell from the empty air, and the horse the size of a plate trampled on the ground with a "bang" sound, which made a huge hole in front of the gate of gujia manor!

The two Gu family martial artists who witnessed this scene took a breath of cold air and felt thirsty.

If the foal, not the ground, but the body!

I'm afraid that the whole person will be trampled into meat pie in an instant!

"Ba Da ba da da da da..."

The sound of trampling on the ground, like drumbeats, repeatedly beat their hearts.

Seeing this pony, step by step, the two warriors, paralyzed on the ground, couldn't help looking at each other. Then they struggled to get up from the ground, turned and ran!

"Pooh Hoo!"

When they were about to escape into Gu family manor, suddenly, a slight flame burst, suddenly sounded!

Tiege, who is running for his life crazily, suddenly catches a glimpse of the middle-aged warrior who is running away with him. Suddenly, a strange flame comes out of his chest!

Mouth, nostrils, eyes, ears The red flame from its various organs, gushing out!

Even in his unbelievable eyes, the whole person "bang" burst out and turned into a mass of ashes!

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