Looking at the old man in front of him, the owner of the Hua family seemed to see something that should not have appeared in the world. In his pupils, it was a thrill!

"You You You are impossible! impossible! You can't be alive! It's impossible! "

At this moment, all the calm posture of the Chinese family master has disappeared! The whole person suddenly falls to sit on the big Bluestone, if sees the ghost!

A thunderclap of thunder suddenly rang through the whole Yanhuang mountain!

"Young man! I am Hua Yi, the first ancestor of the Chinese family. Why don't you kneel down when you see your ancestors? "

The cold wind whimpers, blowing the old man's white hair, dancing with the wind, like a devil like God!

He opened his hands and embraced the world, and the whole yanhuangshan was subject to his feet, as if the minister saw the king and bowed down!

"Why don't you kneel down when you see your ancestors! Why not kneel

Hua Boxuan's ear, repeatedly ring through this sentence, the whole person was shocked by the heart lost, fell down on the big Bluestone, looking at that crazy figure like the devil.

The young man and the old man in front of him should have been the guard of the first emperor who should have been annihilated in the dust of history!

Hua Yi, the ancestor of the Chinese family 2000 years ago!

"I will not see my grandson." The owner of the Hua family, the whole person knelt down in front of the old man, tears in his eyes, sobbing.

At this moment, whether he believed in it or not, everything was beyond his control!

The old man in front of him is indeed the ancestor of the Chinese family!

Hua Yi looks at his offspring crawling at his feet, and suddenly a cold smile appears on his face:

"why? Don't you hate me? You guess it's true that the crazy blood handed down by the Chinese family from generation to generation is really the one I got from crossing the East China Sea! Since you are my descendant, I will give you an opportunity to kill me and everything will be over. "

"Ancestors! You! "

Hua Boxuan was shocked and looked up at the old man with white hair. He couldn't believe it. He was more ashamed and replied:

"Bo Xuan dare not! You are the ancestor of our Chinese family. How could Hua Boxuan do such a treacherous act? "

"Oh? afraid to? It seems that you still recognize me as my ancestor. " Hua Yi sighs. There is disappointment on his face.

But just as he nodded and sighed, a blue fist shot from behind Hua Boxuan and hit Hua Yi's chest!

"Old monster! Die for me

With a roar of resentment, the owner of the Hua family, who had been crawling under Hua Yi's feet, urged 120% Yuan Gong to fight against each other with their lives!

It was a vain attempt to end up with the old monster in front of him!

Hua Boxuan thought that he was perfect enough, but he still failed to notice that the moment he made his move, Hua Yi's face sneered.

Hua Yi's chest is bombarded by the top of Huajing grand master!

Hua Yi's black robe on the upper half of his body is shattered and broken!

But his flesh body, however, was forced to bear the Hua family master's attack, unhurt!


Hua Boxuan, who hit his ancestor's chest with a fist, felt his fist hit the diamond. With the sound of "click click", the bones and flesh of his hand and arm were cracked on the spot!

Hua Boxuan, the ancestor of the Chinese family, clearly did not use a shred of strength, but he lost an arm for nothing!


Scarlet blood flowed from Hua Boxuan's broken arm.

Even if the injury was so serious, the Hua family owner, whose face was pale, did not scream and clenched his teeth.

He was staring at the old monster in front of him, and his face was filled with hatred!

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