Meng ran stares at that layer of indistinct veins. Although the veins are too shallow, it definitely proves that this Yuehua cold Ganzhi medicine is over ten thousand years old!

This means that Meng ran can definitely use it to refine the tonic pill!

Meng Ran is preparing to take this plant of Yuehua Hanzhi. As a result, as soon as he gets close to it, Han Zhi actually gives out a cold and chilly air, which almost freezes Meng Ran's heart!

Meng ran, who was almost overwhelmed by ecstasy, finally remembered the characteristics of Yuehua Hanzhi.

It's like a living thing. It's quiet during the day, but it absorbs the moon at night. Once there's a living creature approaching, it will release a kind of Yin Qi. The creatures with low cultivation may freeze into a pile of ice.

Seeing that the cold air is about to touch Meng Ran's body, Meng Ran's muscles are tense, and then he stomps his feet to the ground. The real man shoots at the lake.

"Oh, fortunately, I was so quick that I was almost frozen to death by a herb."

Although it is almost life-threatening, but now stand in the lake Meng ran, smiling.

"Yuehua cold Ganoderma can protect itself when absorbing the power of Yuehua, but it will fall into silence during the day. I will go into the lake and pick it up as soon as it is light tomorrow."

Meng ran, who has made up his mind, is directly sitting by the lake and practicing slowly.

One night passed away quietly. In the early morning of the next day, Meng ran entered the lake and successfully obtained Yuehua Hanzhi.

As he rubbed the tenth layer of veins of Yuehua Hanzhi, which was almost invisible to the naked eye, Meng ran seemed to find some secret. He said in doubt: "in principle, the natural veins formed by Yuehua Hanzhi are the same. They should not be so shallow, and there is a different breath on the veins."

At this moment, Meng Ran's brain flashed, and suddenly he looked at the lake strangely. "The dragon, the reason why he came to Biluo lake, should not be forced to ripen this Yuehua cold Ganzhi with its own magic power?"

In fact, Jiaolong's major is Yin cold power. Although it is slightly different from Meng Ran's ice attribute mana, it fits perfectly with the attribute of Yuehua Hanzhi!

What's more, the Jiaolong, who has been practicing Taoism for thousands of years, has become the first small state of Fenyuan realm, and the peak of Ningyuan period! It's only one step away from entering the transformation period!

If this dragon is allowed to enter the period of Huayuan successfully, it will be Meng ran. I'm afraid it will have no way out.

The earth's aura is too thin. This dragon reached its peak in the condensation Yuan period a hundred years ago. However, it took a lot of aura to break through the Huayuan period. Even if it had practiced for a hundred years, it had never broken through.

By chance, the Dragon accidentally found the Yuehua cold ganoderma, and was ecstatic. However, the Dragon felt that the magic power of the cold Ganoderma was not good enough, so he wanted to use his own magic power to ripen it.

Because of the greedy nature of the Jiaolong people, that night, when they saw the massive aura of mengranna's spirit array, they started to snatch it. As a result, they were seriously injured and fled.

At the moment, the Jiaolong, hiding at the bottom of the Yangtze River, is repairing his injured body. If he knows that he has worked hard to ripen Hanzhi for a long time, he is actually obtained by Meng ran, and it is estimated that he vomites several kilograms of old blood.

This is a typical case of losing his wife and breaking the army.

On the contrary, Meng ran, who had guessed the truth, looked at the beautiful Hanzhi and laughed, "the Dragon coveted my aura and was hurt by me. Now the cold Ganzhi that it has worked hard to ripen has been obtained by me. If it is the word" cause and effect "of those great monks in the Buddhist region, ha ha..."

Meng ran put Hanzhi away, went back to the villa to change clothes, and went out.

Although the main medicine for refining the tonic pill is available, there is still a lack of some medicinal materials. The rest of the herbs are common herbs, which can be bought in the medicine shop.

Because Mu Qingya said that she had said hello to Jiang Hua, it would be ok if Meng ran went to school or not. In order to cure the injury of Qi mansion as soon as possible, although today is Monday, Meng ran plans to refine the tonic pill at home. It's not too late to go back to school after the injury is cured.

After getting off Xiufeng mountain, Meng ran took a taxi and went to the nearest medicine shop.

At the same time, Jianghua private high school, class 5, senior 3.

The first class this morning is the class teacher Xue Ningyu, almost all the students in the class have arrived.

Jiang Yufei, who is sitting on the seat, looks at Meng Ran's empty seat. His mood is complicated.

When she went home yesterday, she told her father about Meng Ran's beating up a disciple of the martial arts academy. As a result, the normally calm and highly praised director of the Health Bureau was furious.

Fang Xiaoyu's mother and daughter were forced to sever their relationship with the Meng family and were not allowed to come back and forth again.

Song Shuling is Fang Xiaoyu's good sister. Meng Ran is Fang Xiaoyu's growing up. Her crying eyes are red and swollen. Fang Xiaoyu refuses to live or die. She wants to call song Shuling and ask song Shuling to save Meng ran.

However, Jiang Zhiyuan seized the mobile phone and stepped on it to pieces.

Looking at the seat of Meng ran, Jiang Yufei can't help but recall the horror scene of his father's rage last night.

Jiang Zhiyuan, who has always been calm and calm, seems to have become a madman. Not only did he trample on Fang Xiaoyu's mobile phone, but he also slapped Fang Xiaoyu to the ground.

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