Although Jiangzhou is in Jiangbei province and its economy is not countdown, it is not an international metropolis like Jinghua City and Zhonghai city. It can not be compared with it.

Even if the whole Jiangzhou City, all the rich and famous women gathered together, I am afraid there are not so many people.

Then the origin of these people can be said to be more obvious, ten have * * are from Jiangbei Province, the rich people who come to attend tomorrow's wedding banquet!

However, song Anqi and mu Yuanhao's marriage was clearly held tomorrow. These people crowded in a shabby van in the middle of the night and sneaked to Qingxiu Dongju villa. Anyone could see that something was wrong.

For the richest man in Jiangzhou City, Meng ran can't understand better. He is greedy for money, good at lust, deceiving the soft and afraid of the hard. The most important thing is that he is only for profit.

Meng ran can't believe that Wan Zhibin invited these rich and famous ladies in the middle of the night to let them breathe the aura of the elegant Dongju villa, so as to promote the aura.

Meng ran glanced at the Biluo Lake under her and said, "well, it's not too late to deal with Wan Zhibin first and then investigate Biluo lake."

When Meng ran was hiding in the clouds and overlooking the scene of Qingxiu East Curie, the iron fence gate of Qingxiu East residence was pushed aside by several muscle male bodyguards in black vest.

The 13 meter long truck directly drove into the Qingxiu Dongju villa.

Meng ran, who looks at the villa coldly, is not in a hurry to start. He wants to see what these rich and famous ladies want to do.


The locked door of the truck was pulled open.

The rich and famous ladies crowded in the carriage, like ants in a mess, swarmed down one by one in the villa garden, breathing the aura greedily.

"Aura! It's really Aura! What Wan Zhibin said is true! "

"Yes, yes! The whole villa is full of Aura! If you can let me live here for a year, I will give you as much money as I can! "

"How wonderful! It's so cool! If I can breathe these auras every day, I will live to be 100 years old

These ordinary dignified and elegant rich and famous women, in front of the aura, one by one immediately removed the camouflage, excited swearing.

More or less, they had bought Wan Zhibin's aura, but those auras were put in jade bottles the size of palms and sold on bottles.

A bottle of aura can't be sucked out in a few mouthfuls. It's equivalent to spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to make a fresh picture.

Although it can also relieve human fatigue, but it is just a moment.

But now it's different!

At the moment, they are really in the sea of aura. They only feel that they have gone from the desert to the oasis, and their pores are relaxed and they are swallowing the aura.

In the carriage crowded all the way tired, in a twinkling of an eye Kung Fu disappeared without trace, only feel light as a swallow, as if a jump, can fly to the sky.

those who grow with each passing day and those who are empty in their faces, and those with the most beautiful fish tail lines on their faces, are losing their lives in the spirit of Reiki.

I just feel that I am more than ten years younger!

"Well? It was Qian Shihao and Li Chunsheng? Even they are here? "

Meng Ran's eyes swept around, in this group of rich people, accidentally found two acquaintances.

The fat middle-aged man and the imposing suit man are not Qian Shihao, a big man in Nangang City, and Li Chunsheng, the richest man in Jiangbei?

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