A dozen white blonde vampires, licking their scarlet tongues, swarmed in.

Up to now, only Li Chunsheng is the only living person left in the beautiful East villa.

Surrounded by a group of vampires, the richest man in the north of the river is really a sheep's mouth.

"It's not a big deal, is it?" Wan Zhibin asked coldly.

A blonde vampire, speaking poor Chinese, said in a raw, respectful reply: "a few played too much and were killed directly, and the rest were basically OK."

Wan Zhibin nodded and said nothing more.

It can be seen that the status of Wan Zhibin, among the vampires of Kate family, seems not to be low.

These white vampires, it seems, are under Wan Zhibin's command.

"No problem? Wan Zhibin, who do you mean by that!? You have slaughtered all the rich people in Jiangbei. You are waiting for the state to punish you! You can't let the government off the hook

Li Chunsheng gritted his teeth and said angrily that he was indeed the richest man in the province.


Wan Zhibin snorted coldly and pinched Li Chunsheng in his hand. "Don't worry, Li is the richest man. You will soon be the same as us."

With Wan Zhibin's bleak laughter, the pair of sharp fangs "Pooh Hoo", biting Li Chunsheng's neck hard!

The light in Li Chunsheng's eyes gradually faded away, and the whole person passed out completely.

With the death of the last living person, the whole beautiful East villa suddenly fell into the same quiet as death, that is, there was not even a whimper of wind.

Wan Zhibin looked at the corpses of the rich all over the ground, and his eyes showed satisfaction. He sneered and said to himself:

"Meng ran, Meng ran, you must come tomorrow! How can the luxury gift prepared by someone so easily be wasted? Ha ha ha

With wanzhibin's wanton laughter, the group of vampires swaggered back to the villa, leaving only two white vampires to look after the scene, but there was no plan to clean up.

It's more like waiting for something

At this time, Meng ran, standing in the sky, rubbed his chin, and gradually showed a clear color on his delicate face.

"Except for a few vampires, because of their bloodthirsty instinct, the rest of them just bit their necks. Wan Zhibin, you gave Meng a surprise. "

Meng ran chuckled, there was no trace of dignified on his face, instead, he seemed to be accompanying a group of children, playing with each other at will.

Meng Ran is just big enough to save this group of rich people. With Meng Ran's magic power, this group of vampires in the villa can't stop Meng ran.

But Meng ran chose to look on coldly.

Because he already had an insight into the intentions of these vampires.


These vampires, did not kill this group of rich people, but for the purpose of assimilation, want to turn them into their own kind!

"Even Wan Zhibin has become a vampire, which is more and more interesting. If Luo Ying knew that her descendants had made the human race such a mess, she would have no idea what kind of gas she would have become. "

Thinking of his little sister, Meng ran can't help shaking his head and laughing.

Now, Meng Ran has succeeded in breaking the boundary element, which can be found everywhere on the earth.

It's time to explore the mysteries of the earth's vampires.

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