Jiangzhou City, New District, Mujia villa.

Mu Qingya, who was previously under house arrest by muyuanhao, started to deal with the mess left by muyuan's mother and son after being rescued by ningfeixuan.

"My sister-in-law and Yuanhao are crazy! Collusion with the Kate family is the death penalty of treason! They are pushing Mu's family into the fire pit! No, I've got to tell my grandfather

Since Gao Junwu learned the general outline of the matter, Mu Qingya has realized that the seriousness of the matter is absolutely beyond his imagination! Muyuan Hao mother and son, this time is a disaster!

Once not handled well, the whole Mu family in Jiangbei must be buried with him!

Mu Qingya is about to call the old general mu'an when he hears the roar of propeller from far to near!

"The voice It's a helicopter! "

Mu Qingya has no time to dial the phone. The whole face changes abruptly. She steps on high-heeled shoes and rushes to the outside of the villa.

Just stepped out of the villa gate, Mu Qingya was shocked to find that all the bodyguards of the Mu family were looking up at the sky with shock on their faces.

But see a whole five large helicopters, line up in a word long snake, like five big steel animals covering the sky, coming directly to Mujia villa!

"This is The AC212 large helicopter specially provided by Jiangbei military headquarters! "

Mu Qingya pretty face pale, as if to see what should not appear, the voice is shaking.

AC212 large helicopter is a large military helicopter independently developed by China aviation industry group. The maximum take-off weight is 13.8 tons, which can carry 25 soldiers at a time!

It is a new type of helicopter developed by China in 2009. It once appeared on the global times and was interviewed by the media of various countries and attracted worldwide attention.

However, the large-scale AC212 helicopter is still in the flight test stage, and only Jiangbei military headquarters in China is equipped with this kind of helicopter.

At the beginning of the year, Mu Qingya went to the military headquarters of Jiangbei province to visit her eldest brother's family. Under the leadership of Mu Qingyao, she was lucky to have a look at the heroism of the new helicopter.

However, Mu Qingya didn't expect that at the moment, this iron and steel giant came to Mu family villa!

"Isn't it big brother and uncle who are here?" Mu Qingya seems to think of a certain possibility. Dai Mei can't help but frown and whisper in a low voice.

Sure enough, with the helicopter slowly descending in front of the Mujia villa, Mu Kun, Mu Mou, the elder brother of Mu family, and mu Qingyao, the elder brother of Mu Qingya, who had changed their casual clothes, joined hands!

"Dad? Uncle, brother? You Why are you all here? " Mu Qingya lenglengleng looking at his three relatives, a bad premonition, immediately rushed to the heart.

"Qingyao, let your special forces guard all around Mu's house. Even if it's a fly, it's not allowed to fly in for me! Qingya, come with me. I have something to ask you. "

As the eldest son of the Mu family and the general staff of the Jiangbei military headquarters, Mukun is majestic even if he does not wear military uniform and wears plain clothes!

Just as soon as he opened his mouth, he burst out like a tiger out of the cage! Mujia's professional bodyguards, can't help but bow their heads, no one dare to look at it.

"Uncle Are you? "

Seeing his uncle's serious look, Mu Qingya couldn't help but "cluttered" in his heart, feeling like falling into the abyss.

"It's broken! The eldest uncle and his father came to Jiangzhou on purpose after hearing about his sister-in-law and Yuanhao. "

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