At the end of his luxury car, the sight of muyao's red car disappeared.

It's too late to dissuade!

"Second uncle, don't they want to force the man named Meng to make friends? Why should Qingya invite him here? "

Mu Qingyao's thick eyebrows wrinkled tightly, turned and strode into the villa.

At this time, Mu Kun and Mu Mou in the living room are still discussing how to spare the obstruction of special departments.

"Dad, second uncle! Why do you have to invite the man with the surname of Meng to come here all of a sudden? " As soon as he stepped into the living room, mu Qingyao asked.

"Bring Meng ran here? what do you mean? Who are you listening to? " Mu Kun two people can't help tiny Leng, doubt way.

"Didn't you ask Qingya to invite that bastard?" Mu Qingyao, who is not aware of the accident, said with a blank face.

"Let's ask Qingya to invite Meng ran? Qing Yao, what's going on here? " Mu family two son Mu Mou, a change in voice, all of a sudden stand up from the sofa.

"Just now, Qingya she..."

Mu Qingyao described the incident roughly. As a result, Mu Kun slapped his son in the face and growled: "stupid! She is going to inform Meng ran! How dare you betray Mu family! Second! This is your good daughter

Mu Kun turns around and slaps his brother. The eldest son of Mu family, because of his anger, his face is slightly distorted.

"Elegant, she Why did she do it? " Mu Qingyao covered his red face and was stunned at the spot.

"Why? You have to ask your good sister! What are you doing! Get on the helicopter, grab before Qingya arrives, directly kill into Xiufeng mountain, force Meng ran to hand in people! "

Mu Kun roars, pulls out the waist pistol, the muzzle points to the sky, fires the gun warning!


Mu Qingyao immediately summoned the guards around the villa, all of them took military helicopters and went straight to Xiufeng mountain!

At the same time, driving a Ferrari Mu Qingya, anxiously dialled Meng Ran's phone.

"Meng ran! It's me, elegant! No, my uncle and my dad have come back from Jiangbei military headquarters, and they have brought a special forces company. They want to force you to hand over Yuanhao and my sister-in-law! "

A heart seems to be about to jump out of the chest of Mu Qingya, holding the mobile phone hand, are shaking.

"Well, I see. Are you driving Meng Ran's calm voice came from the phone.

Without a trace of panic and accident, it seems that I had expected this event to happen, but it was still a light tone.

"Yes, I sneaked out of the Mujia villa and am driving to you. Meng ran, my uncle, they came by helicopter. Those clouds and miasma on Xiufeng mountain can't stop them. You... "

Without waiting for mu Qingya to finish speaking, something seems to have happened to Mu Qingya's mobile phone. After a burst of "Dudu Du" sound, it turned off automatically.

"Damn it! It must have just fallen in the room! "

Mu Qingya's face was livid, but the mobile phone broke down at the most critical time.

Helpless, Mu Qingya can only step on the gas pedal, toward the side of Xiufeng mountain, and go in a violent wind.


Sunset sky, red clouds will show the sky on Fengshan, rendering a piece of fiery red, magnificent.

Sit alone in the villa garden Meng ran, leisurely tea, waiting for visitors!

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