Su Fangfei's worried eyes fell on Meng ran instantly.

Yulongju hotel incident, this just passed, how suddenly killed the helicopter?

"Xiaoran, are these people?"

"Well, I've been waiting for them for a long time. Cousin Fangfei, wait for me for a moment. I'll get rid of these annoying flies and go back to the villa with you for dinner. "

Meng ran smile, feet on the ground a little, the whole person jumped into the sky, straight into the sky!

"Dad, the big villa below should be Qingxiu Dongju villa. The bastard surnamed Meng must be in the villa now!"

On the AC212 armed helicopter in the front, mu Qingyao points to the villa below and says with hatred.

"Well, Qingyao, you order, let the helicopter directly rush in! Five helicopters are on top of his head, so I don't believe that Meng ran will always be a shrinking turtle and will not come out! "

With a big wave of his hand, Mu Kun seems to be directing thousands of troops across the battlefield.

Mu Qingyao nodded, clenched the interphone in his hand, and without hesitation, he cried out: "all AC212 helicopters listen to orders, the target is Qingxiu Dongju villa, full speed ahead!"

At the command of five steel giants, full speed forward, straight to the villa!

At this time, suddenly a golden rainbow, like a rainbow through the sun, straight to nine days!


That amazing momentum, actually will be a mess around the air! Five armed helicopters, as if encountering a wind storm, one instrument control, all failure!

Su Fangfei and Su Fangfei in front of the villa looked up. They looked like flies without a head. They flipped in the sky and seemed to fall at any time!

"Damn it! What happened? hold still! Hold the plane for me Mu Qingyao, who suffered severe turbulence, suddenly changed his face and roared in panic.

"It's airflow Air conflict! The lever is out of order! " The driver shivered and replied, the cold sweat instantly wet his back.

If you can't control the helicopter again, the whole helicopter will crash on Xiufeng mountain! All the people on the helicopter are going to die!

At a time when people were almost desperate, the air storm seemed to disappear inexplicably, and the control lever of the helicopter was completely restored to normal. Everything seemed to have never happened, just like Nanke Yimeng.

"Report! AC212 helicopter, unit one is back to normal! "

"Unit 2 is back to normal!"

"Unit 3 is back to normal!"


But in the face of these exciting news, mu Qingyao turned a deaf ear.

"Well That's a person! "

Mu Qingyao points to the figure of Wei'an standing on the cloud, like seeing ghosts!

In addition to Mu Qingyao, the eldest son of the Mu family Mu Kun, the second son mumou, and all the soldiers on the five AC212 armed helicopters, all of them clearly saw the figure surrounded by Jinxia!

It was a very ordinary young man with both hands in his pockets and his black shoes standing steadily in the clouds.

Like stepping on the invisible ladder, it is the peak of common sense!

"He Why is he standing on the clouds? Is he a fairy? "

Rao is these well-trained special forces soldiers, one by one also felt the Arabian Nights, stunned.

Don't wait for the public to react, but see that young man, and pointed like a sword, the sword finger in the sky!

A bright blue light, like a blue silk ribbon, stretches across the sky!

Qingxiu Dongju villa, mengran and these five helicopters, separated in the air!

"Those who cross this line will die!"

Indifferent words, from the mouth of young people spit out, like the emperor's edict, ring through the square ten miles!

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