"Let's go back to the villa and have a chat while eating, so as not to make the food cold." Meng ran went back to Ning Feixuan at will, and took his mother's shoulder and went back to the villa.


"Mu Kun? This asshole! I haven't settled the matter with muyuan and muyuanhao about their collusion with vampires. Why does he use AC212 military helicopter without permission? They must take full responsibility for the damage of these five helicopters. "

On the dining table, after listening to Meng Ran's general narration, Lengyan imperial sister can't help but get angry.

Although Ning Feixuan's grandfather and general Mu were old comrades in arms when they galloped on the battlefield, they were both public and private.

Before mu Yuanhao and Mu yuan colluded with the Kate family in Western Europe, now Mu Kun, Mu Mou and others are privately using military forces to force Xiufeng mountain.

What the Mu family has committed is a great crime!

"Xiaoran, what are you going to do with muyuan and muyuanhao? They bullied Angie like this. You can't give them a break. "

Su Fangfei gave Meng ran a piece of fried golden tenderloin, some angry said.

"Brother Meng ran..."

Xiao Ni Zi song Anqi stealthily drags Meng Ran's clothes corner, seems to do not want to let Meng ran fight for her.

"That's all right. I have my own plan. Let's eat first."

After biting off the crispy and delicious fried sirloin, Meng ran seemed to think of something. He sat opposite him to ningfeixuan and said with a smile:

"by the way, Captain Ning, the rent of Ziqiong villa is on top of this meal. Don't ask me for money in the future."


Meng Ran's words have just been exported. Song Shuling and Su Fangfei almost burst out with a mouthful of rice. They can't close their mouths with laughter.

Song Shuling gives Aizi a thumbs up quietly. Obviously, she thinks that her son is a good material for business.

"You! Shameless! In order to rent you that villa, I paid a whole year's salary in advance

Ning Feixuan gnash teeth to look at Meng ran, she really want to kill this asshole with electricity.

"Captain Ning, you have to be conscientious. Meng let you absorb so much aura in my villa, but I didn't ask you for money, as well as the water, electricity and clothes you used for bathing. By the way, I almost forgot, and the small half cup of Qianri Gan. You owe me at least 100 million. "

Meng ran looks at Ning Feixuan with a smile, and a serious lion opens his mouth.

"Ha ha ha..." This time, it is the nerds Zhang Tao and song angqi, also can not help laughing out.

"I..." Ning Feixuan that piece of perfect to pick out a trace of flaws in the jade face, I do not know when, has climbed a red cloud.

Whether it's the aura in the villa or the immortal wine Meng ran gave her to quench her body, it's a priceless treasure that thousands of people scramble for outside.

Meng ran was so mentioned, Ning Feixuan realized that he had owed him so much kindness unconsciously.

Seeing the silence of ningfeixuan, song Shuling, a strong woman, giggled. She put a piece of fragrant, tender and white fish in her bowl, put her arm around her shoulder and said with a smile:

"xiaofeixuan, don't listen to that stinky boy's nonsense. You can live as long as you like in this villa. Anyway, it's up to me in this family."

Side said, song Shuling pretended to be majestic at Aizi, just like a camp with Ning Feixuan.

Meng Ran's face showed a bitter smile, only felt that his mother was really turning his elbow out.

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