He doesn't accept Mu Kun!

As the eldest son of the Mu family in Jiangbei and the successor of the Mu family in the future, he can't accept it in any case. A young boy who has just turned 18 is stepping on their head!

They have always been bullied by the Mu family in Jiangbei. No one can bully the head of the Mu family!

Even if he is China's new minister of special departments, he can't!

Mu Kun's ferocious and twisted face was staring at his father because of hatred and resentment. It seemed that he was waiting for the old general to announce that Mu family in Jiangbei and he mengran would never die!

However, Mu Kun and others come, but mu an wraps up the ashes of muyuan's mother and son, and breaks another kneecap bone of Mukun with one hand!

"Dad You!? Why? Why The elder son of Mu's family, whose legs were all disabled, fell to the ground all of a sudden, and he was full of unwilling roaring.

I think I can make contributions to my country in my whole life. But just an old fool, conniving at his children's mistakes again and again. Now that Mu's family is in such a land, it's all retribution, retribution! "

Mu an laughs like self mockery, tears roll down from the eyes.

The old general's back was more and more bent and bent. The whole person seemed to be aged for dozens of years. Song Shuling and others were miserable.

"Old general..."

"I hope you can thank Meng Xianshi for mu'an and thank him for waking up Mu's family." The old man bowed deeply to song Shuling and others, and said sincerely.

"Old general, you?" Song Shuling and others looked at each other. Even this powerful woman, she did not understand the meaning of mu'an's voice.

"Muan! I don't have a father like you! What face will you have to meet my mother in a hundred years! Go to see Lao San and Yuanhao

The eldest son of Mu's family, who was completely confused by his anger, actually said such a wicked word in public!

Mu an sighed deeply. He looked at his eldest son and said:

"you idiot! How come you don't understand! You keep saying you want revenge. What about the innocent people killed by the third and Yuanhao! Who should they take revenge on! Looking for you! Or me? Come to all of us

As soon as this speech came out, all the anger and resentment on Mu Kun's face froze and could not say a word any more.

"When you go back this time, please ask the provincial department for your guilt and resign as the general staff officer."

"Second, you'll be the master of Mu's family in the future. I should have a rest when I'm old."

Holding the ashes of muyuan's mother and son, the old man with bent back slowly left the Xiufeng mountain.

No one could see his face as he left, crying or laughing.

All this, to Mu family, already unimportant.

"Our aunt, Ling?"

Seeing Mu Kun and Mu Mou, Su Fangfei's heart was hanging, and she finally put it down.

"Well, that's all. Let them go. Since the persecution of angel and Mu yuan and mu Yuanhao, both of them have died, it's time to end this grudge. It's just that Qingya child has suffered... "

As a past person, how can song Shuling not see that the daughter of Mu family, for Aizi, is also a secret life?

Just as Meng ran kills Mu yuan's mother and son, I'm afraid that these two people will never have intercourse in this life.

"Xiaoran he, alas How can you always make some romantic debts? "

For her son, song Shuling, a powerful woman, should not say anything.

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