"Xiaoran, what's the matter? I think you just heard captain Ning say that the glacier is melting, and your face is not right. "

Su Fangfei, who has just finished packing, is still sitting on the sofa in a daze after seeing Meng ran away from Ning Feixuan. Her luggage has not been packed. Can't help but carry the suitcase, forward care way.

"Nothing. I just don't think it's the right time for the glacier to melt." Meng Ran's five fingers light buckle tea table, between the eyebrows seems to have a cloud.

"The wrong time? What's the wrong time? Go and pack your bags first, and then you can't get to Lingzhou before dark. "

Su Fangfei pulls her little cousin up from the sofa and urges Meng ran to pack up quickly.


Meng ran nodded to promise, quietly back to the bedroom, picked up the replacement clothes.

"Global warming should be caused by a large increase in carbon dioxide emissions, which was reported on television a few years ago. But I clearly remember that it should not be 2015 when the glaciers in the north and South Pole began to melt? "

Meng Ran is tidying up the salute while muttering to himself.

According to his previous life, there was absolutely no ice melting in 2010! Even if there is, it is bound to be a small range.

As Ning Feixuan said, glaciers are melting in both the north and south poles. What's more, the National Meteorological Administration started to investigate. This is absolutely extraordinary!

"Will the sky of the earth change?"

Meng ran, standing in front of the floor to ceiling window in his bedroom, gazed at the clear sky on Xiufeng mountain and whispered thoughtfully.

There may be a wide range of implications behind the melting of glaciers, but it is by no means controlled by Meng Ran's current cultivation.

This matter, after all, is just a small episode. Meng ran, who is entangled in all kinds of things, has no time to ask.

Meng ran entrusts the villa to song Anqi to take care of her. After a simple farewell to xiaonizi, Meng Ran's party's trip to Lingzhou begins.


Lingzhou City, located in the northeast of Jiangbei Province, is one of the earliest coastal cities to carry out reform and opening up.

Because of its superior geographical position, Lingzhou city has developed into one of the economic centers of Jiangbei province after only ten years' development. It is also known as the "Pearl of the two major cities in the north of the Yangtze River".

Lingzhou City, as one of the famous historical and civilized cities in ancient times, is also the estuary of the Changzi river. Its fishery has been developed since ancient times, and "Lingzhou River white" is a special food that tourists must taste.

Although compared with Jinghua, an international metropolis, Lingzhou is definitely the top city in terms of economy, which can only rank in the middle and lower reaches of Jiangzhou.

Lingzhou's real estate industry, led by Hongxin real estate, and fishery led by FengChen group, are among the top industries in Jiangbei province.

Peng Hongxin, the boss of Hongxin real estate, and Chen Zheng, the chairman of FengChen group, are one of the most important figures in Lingzhou.

Meng ran and others all the way, the two sides of the highway set up, all are the two billboards.

It can be seen that these two enterprises must exist in Lingzhou.

"Xiaoran, did you see the billboard of FengChen group? Chen Zheng, chairman of FengChen group, is an old classmate of your father. Last night, I heard from your father on the phone that the chairman Chen also went to the Meng family's house to visit your grandfather. "

The woman in the back row of Su Fangfei's Toyota car pointed to the billboard passing by the road and said with a smile.

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