As soon as Ji Chenggang said this, Hou Liang and Chen Yu's faces changed on the spot. They all looked at him in disbelief.

"Brother gang, are you kidding? You are the vice captain of Sirius! Don't your special forces fight that boy like sandbags, at least a dozen? "

Hou Liang's words are full of doubts and puzzlement, and obviously don't believe Ji Chenggang's words.

But these three of them are playmates from childhood to adulthood. How could Ji Chenggang deliberately lie to them?

Ji Chenggang nodded slightly, his face full of pride and conceit.

"Although the" Sirius team "of Jiangbei military headquarters is not the one led by Hua Junshen as you think, it is only used as the second echelon to select special forces soldiers. But there is no doubt about our individual combat power! Even if it's a mercenary killer, I can deal with seven or eight at the same time, but... "

Ji Chenggang's voice suddenly became a little dignified and reminded him:

"but the boy and the woman just now are not ordinary people!"

Seeing Ji Chenggang was not a joking gesture at all. Chen Yu and Hou Liang looked at each other and had already ignored their girlfriend. They frowned and said:

"not ordinary people? What do you mean

Hou Liang is a face of disbelief, laughing and joking, "I said steel brother, you should not be afraid of the discipline in your army, right? Not ordinary people? Is that kid or Superman? "

"Shut up Chen Yu glared at him, then motioned Ji Chenggang to continue.

Ji Chenggang knew Hou Liang didn't believe it, but he didn't intend to tell Hou Liang. He just said to Chen Yu in a deep voice:

"they are martial arts! It's from the martial arts world

"Warrior?" Chen Yu frowned, still puzzled.

"Gu Changfeng, the former president of the Imperial military academy, you know? There is also the famous master Meng Xianshi. They are all martial arts, that is, people in the martial arts circle! "

Ji Chenggang's words were not surprising. When he mentioned the word "Meng Xianshi", Chen Yu's faces changed on the spot.

Even Chen Yu's girlfriend, who has been ignored, is coming forward.

"But I've heard that master Meng can do magic. A spell can freeze people into ice. How can others call him master Meng?" Hou Liang retorted doubtfully.

Ji Chenggang shook his head and said with assurance: "he's both Dharma and martial arts! He is the first person in the Chinese tianbang who has both the cultivation of martial arts and the magic of the practitioners of Dharma! "

Ji Chenggang said more mysterious, Rao is Chen Yu all feel in the clouds, do not understand what he is saying.

"Brother gang, aren't we talking about the boy? What does this have to do with Meng Xianshi

Hou Liang muttered.

"You are not in the martial arts world. If you don't know martial arts, I can't explain it to you in a few words. In short, let's not say it happened today

Ji Chenggang extremely dignified reminder way.

"But..." Chen Yugang wanted to say something, but a loud ring rang.

"It's my sister!" A look at the caller ID, Chen Yu eyebrows not from a jump, after several hesitation, or connected the phone.

"Chen Yu? Haven't you been to the Meng family yet? Mom and Dad, they've been waiting for you for a long time

"Mom and dad? Meng went to their house again? " Chen Yu is a little bit stunned.

"Meng Chang'an's father and his mother would like to see them today."

Chen Zixuan's voice became lighter and lighter. When she mentioned "that person", her mood obviously fluctuated.

Chen Yu's thigh was so excited that she patted her thigh! I just saw him! "

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