In Chen Yu's opinion, Meng ran and Meng Xianshi can only be people from two different worlds.

One is ordinary and ordinary, the other is magic, arrogant China!

These two people, will not have the slightest communication, at most is just the same name.

If he Meng ran was really a famous master of Mencius in the north of the Yangtze River, would his parents not know? His father will be reduced to beirao County, a remote county town, to be the director of a small county government office?

The most important thing is that if the ordinary teenager he met in the expressway service area today is really the Meng Xianshi, then Chen Yu, who still humiliates him like this, is it not a dead end?

"In case If that boy is really Meng Xianshi, am I not? "

Chen Yu was so excited that she was in a cold sweat. Without hesitation, she grabbed her sister's shoulder and said anxiously:

"sister! Otherwise, let's go to the Meng family now. "

"Ah? Don't you go to the hospital because you're so hurt? " Chen Zixuan, who has been mentioned by her own brother, is in a big mess. On the contrary, she dare not go to Meng's house and see Meng ran.

"No! Elder sister, Meng ran, he must have come to the Meng family now. Let's go to the Meng family! And I've come up with a plan that can help you get out 100 percent! This time, we will be in front of the Meng family, just and aboveboard! Even if he Meng ran kneels down to beg us, it is not easy to use it! "

Chen Yu clenched his fist and pressed his face with gauze, showing strong confidence. This time, he would like to help his goddess to quit the engagement!

"Meng ran, do you want to eat swan meat even though you are a toad? Even if the old man Meng Xingzhi helps you, I will step on you in public this time! "

Thinking of that young man slapping himself in the service area, Chen Yu, who had been spoiled and defiant since childhood, showed a deep resentment in his eyes.

This revenge, he must revenge!

In the face of all the people of the Meng family, report!

"Divorce? Chen Yu, do you want to use Meng ran to beat you and Xiaoqian to blackmail the Meng family and force them to agree to give Zixuan a divorce? "

It is worthy of being the eldest sister in the circle. Xiao Yunling's beautiful eyes squinted and almost instantly guessed Chen Yu's plan.

"Ah? Chen Yu, you... " Chen Zixuan's delicate body trembled and looked at her brother in surprise.

Although I have always been extremely disgusted with this kind of engagement, I have no feelings for the young man I have never met.

But Chen Zixuan was born into a well-known family and studied in Yanda University. Naturally, she knew what it would mean for the Meng family if she really agreed to Chen Yu's doing so.

To be forced to come to the door to terminate the engagement, this kind of thing, no matter for the Meng family, or for Meng Zhiyan, will be a disgrace that can never be erased in a lifetime!

Meng ran, in particular, is afraid that he will not be able to marry the daughter of a famous family in this life.

Even the whole Lingzhou and Jiangbei would laugh at him for being a toad eating swan meat. Instead, he was trampled on by Chen Zixuan, the fiancee!

Chen Zixuan didn't hate her fiance in name, but she hated his mediocrity.

This kind of mediocre man is certainly not worthy of her.

The man that Chen Zixuan likes must be a great man who is proud of the world, such as mengxianshi and Huaxia military God in Jiangbei!

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