The guests in the living room, who were chatting with each other because of Peng Hongxin's arrival, frowned one after another.

I saw the real estate manager with billions of dollars, pointing his fingers at a certain teenager with shaking fingers, as if to see something extremely frightening. The center of gravity is unstable and backward.

"You see, Mr. Peng, what's wrong with him?"

"Is it hard for Mr. Peng to know the boy of Meng family?"

People with a clear eye can see that Peng Hongxin's mistakes are coming. They are all pointing at him and are greatly surprised.

"Brother Peng? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you Chen Zheng, the chairman of the group, was equally puzzled.

Although he and Peng Hongxin were just friends in business, meeting and saying hello was just a casual entertainment. But at the moment, Peng Hongxin's reaction was somewhat strange to anyone.

Chen Zhengshun looked at Peng Hongxin's eyes, but he saw the young man sitting on the imperial chair, enjoying the wine leisurely. His face did not change at all. It was still plain as water.

However, in his dark and deep eyes, he was slightly curious. Obviously, he did not know the boss of Hongxin real estate.

Chen Zheng suppressed his doubts and wanted to help Peng Hongxin, who was on the verge of falling. But who knows, the next scene has already broken countless glasses!

However, seeing the real estate manager with billions of dollars in value, his face showed an extremely shocking and startled look. It was as if he had seen some big figure who should not have appeared here, but actually pushed away Chen Zheng, who had come forward to help him!

Crus a paralysis, the whole person all of a sudden kneel down on the ground, facing Meng ran, head knock Dong Dong sound!

"Peng Brother Peng? You Are you? "

In this scene, not only did a lot of guests in the hall look silly, Rao was the chairman of FengChen group, but also was struck by thunder, full of fog.

All the relatives of the Meng family and the guests who came to see Meng Xingzhi were so wide open that they could just put an egg in it.

One by one, they looked at each other, unable to understand what the situation was.

The boss of Tangtang Hongxin real estate and the leader of Jiangbei Real estate industry kneels down to kowtow to a senior high school student for no reason?

This kind of plot should not only appear in the TV series?

Even Tong Tong, the little girl, couldn't help rubbing her little eyes. She thought she was dazzled.

As for Meng Shiqing and Meng Chang'an and others, they are stunned at the same place and don't know how to deal with this situation.

In the eyes of the dead, Peng Hongxin kowtowed, and his voice trembled with reverence: "Peng Hongxin of Lingzhou, I don't know Meng Xianshi is driving to Lingzhou. I hope you can forgive me!"

But when Peng Hongxin said half of the time, he found that his voice seemed to be broken. Finally, he said, "the immortal master is driving to Lingzhou. I hope you can forgive me." Only the mouth, no sound.

As anxious as ants on the hot pot, the real estate manager almost cried.

Last time I was in Xiufeng mountain villa, I couldn't talk to Meng Xianshi alone. This time, I finally came across this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. How can I keep on calling?

Peng Hongxin opened his mouth and kept shouting, "master Meng, forgive me." but he couldn't even make a note.

Peng Hongxin was in a sweat. He was afraid that he would blame himself for his fickle and murderous master.

Regardless of the people's different eyes, he struggled to get up from the ground, grabbed Chen Zheng's sleeve which was nearest to him, pointed to his own voice, and pointed to Meng ran, making a random stroke.

I don't know what I mean.

"Do you know him?" Meng ran, who shakes the folding fan, slightly curls his head and asks in a low voice to Fang rubing.

Fang rubing snorted. If it wasn't for covering his mouth in time, he would have laughed in public.

The beautiful girl's apprentice was charming and angry at her teacher. She said, "my good teacher! He's almost broken. You don't know him after a long time? "

Meng ran shrugged his shoulders and replied in a noncommittal way:

"no impression. I think he knows me, so he stops his voice."

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