
Standing behind Meng ran, the elegant beauty of Su Da pulls his arm with worry. With her little cousin's magic and identity, Su Fangfei naturally won't worry about Meng Ran's retaliation.

Su Fangfei understood that her little cousin was trying to find out the truth of her parents' suicide from the mouth of Meng family step by step for her sake.

However, Meng Ran is a younger generation after all. The Chinese people have been upholding the ethical concept of "father as son" for thousands of years. No matter right or wrong, they firmly believe that elders can not be disobedient.

Today's event, even if Meng Ran is right and reasonable, once it is spread out, it will be him who will be reviled.

At the thought of this, how could su Fangfei not worry about her beloved little cousin?

"Don't say it, son. Please don't say it It's all my fault. It's all my fault, isn't it? "

Kneeling down on the ground, old man Meng is full of tears. How can he not know what his sons and daughters are doing?

The old man's eyes twitched and puffed violently!

"Dad! Dad, what's the matter with you? "


"Master Meng!"

This sudden scene caught everyone's attention in an instant.

Meng Chang'an pushed aside and held his wife. He was the first to rush forward and help his old father up.

Then, several of Meng Ran's elders, cousin Meng Shiqing and Meng Jincheng, who had previously suffered from the impact of Qi strength, all of them came together in a Shua.

"Grandfather is sick! ambulance! Call an ambulance

Cousin Meng Shiqing looked at her own grandfather's miserable appearance, sobbing. She took out her mobile phone and called 120 for help.

But mengjiazu's house is located in the suburb of quercheng county. It takes at least 20 minutes for the ambulance in the county to come.

According to the current posture of the Mencius, I'm afraid that he may not be able to persist for so long.

Taking advantage of people's attention, Meng Xingzhi, song Shuling, Su Fangfei two women, rushed to persuade Meng ran.

"Xiaoran, don't be angry with the Meng family. Your grandfather looks like this."

"Yes, Xiaoran, forget it. The death of parents, cousin has put down, do not for me, to hurt other people

Meng ran just took the white jade cup to his lips, sniffed the wine and said nothing.

What are you going to do, son? I should not have brought you back if I had known you had such a thought! "

Song Shuling, who hates iron but does not make steel, pokes Aizi's forehead with green onion and jade fingers, and then steps on her high-heeled shoes and rushes forward to see the old man's condition.

"Dad, you will be all right. You will live a long life." Chang'an talented men are crying like rain. When they were expelled from their homes, they have never shed tears, but now they are weeping.

At this time, anyone could see that the old man was on his deathbed, half pedaling into the coffin.

"Chang'an You Do you blame me? " The old man Meng with a hard breath raised his hand as if to caress Sanzi's face.

"No wonder! Chang'an will never blame you again! Dad, don't say it. Don't say it again. Here we are. Hold on to the ambulance

Meng Chang'an held his father's dry hand tightly, comforting the old man for fear that he would lose the idea of survival.

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