In order to save the old man's life, the powerful woman did not hesitate to expose the secret of Qianri Gan's immortal wine. However, the result was not the understanding of the public, but endless abuse and ridicule.

Meng Ran's sister-in-law Meng Yingying looks at herself like an idiot. She looks at her third sister-in-law from the Song family in Yanjing. She seems to hear Tianda's joke and laugh back and forth.

"I said the third daughter-in-law, you gave birth to this little son of a bitch, even if you have been mischievous, how even you began to talk nonsense? Return fairy wine, you don't want to tell us that your son is still a fairy? Ha ha... "

Two aunts in the side of the strange Yang up.

"Madame! What time is it? Why even you? Alas... "

Meng Chang'an looked at his wife's white jade wine cup, and his face turned black.

If you want to say something, you can only lower your head, sigh deeply, and then apologize to the old father in your arms:

"Dad! Don't blame Shuling and Xiaoran. It's all my fault, it's all my fault! I knew it would be today's result. I should not have taken their mother and son back to the Meng family. It was my fault! "

"Take out a broken wine pot casually and say it's filled with immortal wine? Song Shuling, do you really treat us as idiots? Don't hurry to let you give birth to this bastard and let him go! "

The great aunt, who was held by Meng Shiqing, pushed her daughter away. She rushed forward and forced Meng ran to let go of her husband.

So far, none of the guests who came to visit Mr. Meng thought that the return of Meng Chang'an, the third son of the Meng family, would lead to the break of the literate Meng family!

Some Lingzhou celebrities, ostensibly coming to visit Meng Xingzhi, but actually with ulterior motives, stood aside with arms around their chests, looking at the Meng family's jokes.

Things have come to such a point. No matter what Meng ran said is true or false, what he said and done in the hall of the Meng family today, as Meng Xingzhi's grandson, has greatly damaged the reputation of this century old family!

Once this event is passed on today, the family tradition of the Meng family in Lingzhou will not exist in the world!

When the whole hall was in a noisy situation, only Peng Hongxin, standing next to Chen Zheng and his wife, was always nervous.

Cencen cold sweat is from the forehead drip to the ground, deep low head, dare not to see a young one.

"Brother Peng? What's the matter with you? Why are you sweating all the time The chairman of FengChen group was surprised by Peng Hongxin's reaction.

Now the Meng family is making such a big family ugliness. It is said that almost half of the guests are watching the jokes of the Meng family.

How is this real estate boss, on the contrary, nervous become this appearance?

Is there any other big man in the hall of the Meng family who can make the boss, who is worth several billion dollars, feel timid?

Hearing Chen Zheng's inquiry, the real estate general manager's body immediately became stiff, and the rest of the light from the corner of his eye secretly glanced at Meng ran.

Seeing that the evil star didn't pay attention to himself, Peng Hongxin was relieved.

He even tried his best to wink at Chen Zheng, and his eyelids blinked like a slide.

"Brother Peng? Are you uncomfortable with your eyes

Chen Zheng felt confused and looked at each other with his wife. He couldn't figure out what kind of medicine he had taken.

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