Meng Chang'an and Chen Zheng have known each other for more than 20 years. Even if their status and status are different, Meng Chang'an can't believe that he, an old classmate, can do such a treacherous thing!

Chen Zheng seemed to be Meng Chang'an, who was shameless and trembling with anger. In a tone of remorse and guilt, he sighed:

"this matter is that someone Chen is sorry for your family. Chang'an and Shuling, you are also parents. I think you can understand me... "

Chen Zheng glanced at Meng Chang'an, but did not give them any chance to speak.

She patted Meng ran on the shoulder, and with a senior posture, she warned with deep meaning:

"little fellow, I am also for Zixuan's happiness. The gap between you and Zixuan is too big. Even if you are admitted to a second degree University, you will be just a white-collar worker after graduation. With a salary of several thousand yuan a month, do you think you can give Zixuan happiness? "

LV Xinyi, who heard this, couldn't believe that it was her husband who had been sleeping with her for decades.

"Ah Zheng! Do you know what you're talking about!? You agreed to Xiaoran's engagement with Zixuan

Lu Xinyi's eyes filled with mist, shouting at her husband. She wanted to rush forward, but she was held down by Chen Yu.

"Mother! Don't worry about it. Let dad deal with it! "

LV Xinyi's pupils shrank, and her tears stopped suddenly. She seemed to think of something and asked in a trembling voice:

"you child! You I see. Did you collude with your father!? You talk

LV Xinyi, who gradually reacted, looked at her son in anger.

Chen Yu bit his teeth and looked at Meng ran with hatred without saying a word.

When things get to this point, people with a clear eye are also smelling the fishiness.

"Third, I have told you for a long time that the chairman of Chen Da doesn't want to marry his daughter to your son, who is a waste son. You are really sentimental."

The second uncle Meng took the opportunity to fall into trouble for a long time. He was no different from a large group of relatives of the Meng family. They all looked like watching jokes.

All the younger generations of the Meng family, Tong Tong, Meng Shiqing and Meng Jincheng, all quietly look at Meng ran. This group of people obviously want to know what kind of behavior will be made by the teenagers who have been divorced in public.

However, Meng ran responded by moving her lips slightly and spitting out a word:

"get out!"

"Presumptuous! Meng ran, how can you speak here! Shut up The eldest uncle, the second uncle and a large group of relatives of the Meng family turned pale on the spot.

Chen Zheng, the big director of the group, had already thought of Meng Ran's possible reaction in advance. However, he did not expect that this young man should be so bold and reckless!

Looking at Jiangbei, how many people dare to let him go!?

Chen Yu strode forward, angrily yelling at Meng ran:

"surnamed Meng! You can beat me, but you just insulted my father, you must apologize to my father! Otherwise, you will not want to leave the Meng family today! "

Chen Yu's voice dropped, wearing camouflage clothes, big three thick Ji Chenggang, like a hill, suddenly pinched Meng Ran's shoulder!


Song Shuling and Su Fangfei's two daughters did not expect that Meng Ran's temper would change when she said that she would change her temper. She was still silent just now. In a flash, she was really angry!

The two girls, who were shocked and disgraced, rushed forward to try to persuade them.

Meng ran, who was locked in the shoulder blade by Ji Chenggang, coldly glanced at the vice captain of the Sirius team, and allowed him to lock his shoulder blade and said coldly:

"Meng said again, if you don't want to die, give me where to come from and where to go. I don't have time to waste with you."

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