Donglin essays?

Is it left by Ye Donglin, the martial arts master of the Qing Dynasty?

Meng ran opened it curiously and looked at it.

Xu Changqing took the initiative to pour a cup of fragrant tea for Meng ran, explaining: "this unique book was left by master Ye Donglin, the founder of zhonghuangwu Academy. Only the president of zhonghuangwu academy is qualified to read it. Before leaving, President Ye specially told me that he would like to offer it to offset the crime of colliding with master Meng."

Seeing Meng ran, he just nodded slightly. Xu Changqing pretended to be a mysterious way:

"master Meng, it is said that master Ye has entered the later stage of master Ye's cultivation and has exerted great influence on all the heroes. There is only one person in such a big Qing Dynasty who can be the enemy. This secret script left by master ye not only records all kinds of experiences and understandings, but also has the unique secret skill of the Ye family. You can... "

Not waiting for Xu Changqing to finish, Meng Ran is to hand the secret script to one side, a lack of interest.

Seeing this, Xu Changqing's eyes were almost staring out and rushed to catch the Donglin essay.

However, because it has a history of 100 years, the pages of the book are rotten and decayed, and Meng ran threw them away in a mess.

Xu Changqing's heart is dripping blood.

This is the master of martial arts!

It not only records the secret of breaking through the martial arts master, but also involves the master's secret! What's more, there are also the silk hands of Ye family.

He is a martial arts master. When he sees Donglin's essays, he should regard it as a treasure. How can he throw rubbish like Meng ran.

Meng ran just drank the scented tea and said casually, "it's all children's stuff. It's meaningless. You can keep it. I'll go first."

After that, Meng ran left.

Only the three Vice Presidents were not allowed to laugh, cry or speak for a long time.


At the gate of Zhonghuang military academy, three people of Jiangbei satellite TV are looking forward to it.

What are you going to do, Granny? With this video, we'll have enough food and clothing for our whole life

Gao Sheng hated the advice of iron failure.

However, she saw a hot creature with 12 cm high-heeled crystal. Her beautiful eyes kept turning, and an idea in her mind had already come into being.

There was a sly laugh like a fox.

"I said," Lao Gao, no wonder you were able to edit after ten years before you met me. Let's not say whether you let this video tape be broadcast or not. Even if you broadcast it, you will have to deduct more than half of your money. "

Speaking of this, AI Siying kept blinking at Gaosheng and quietly said, "but it would be different if I could get to know this teenager..."

Just then, an interesting voice came:

"what's the difference in meeting me?"

AI Siying looks up fiercely and finds that the windbreaker boy is not out of the gate of the martial arts academy. He is far away from him for tens of meters. Moreover, his voice is so small that he can hear it?

This is too mysterious.

Seeing the young windbreaker who came leisurely, AI Siying blushed and pinched each other's hands. She muttered, "it's nothing. I just said it's not you."

Meng ran nodded, a pair and I have nothing to do with the appearance, "Oh, that I go first, beauty goodbye."

While walking, she whistled frivolously towards AI Siying. She looked like a hooligan of a young man in the street. She couldn't see that he had just stepped on the whole zhonghuangwu Academy..

AI Siying saw that the boy who was several years younger than herself dared to adjust. She acted on herself, and her shrewd character was suddenly revealed.

But see this height is about 1.8 meters gorgeous beauty, stepping on high heels, no lady image ran to Meng ran body.

Holding Meng Ran's collar, she gently added her beautiful red tongue on her red lips like rose petals. She said in a charming way: "handsome boy, my sister has a big business with millions of dollars to talk with you. Do you have time?"

Meng ran put his arm around the tender and delicate waist, and the corner of his mouth raised a curve. The evil spirit said, "beauty, shouldn't it be a business of hundreds of millions?"

See Meng ran dare to take advantage of this satellite TV sister so unscrupulously, Gaosheng two people's eyeballs almost fell to the ground, which makes two people feel suffocated.

In the face of Meng Ran's Rogue behavior, AI Siying resisted symbolically for a moment and said angrily:

"if you don't learn well at a young age, you still dare to eat her sister's tofu and fight for it!"

After saying that, he even raised his pink fist to beat Meng Ran's chest. Meng ran grabbed the soft Yi hand which was warm and cool as jade.

Although AI Siying is shrewd in character, she has never done such intimate action with a man. She suddenly feels hot in her face and breaks away from Meng Ran's palm.

AI Siying stares at Meng Ran's white face and says with a voice full of temptation: "little brother, elder sister gives you two million yuan of annual salary, please be a bodyguard. Do you want to do that?"

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