The sneer was ethereal and illusory. It was almost like a ghost. The two strong men were scared and their hair stood on end. They thought that it would not be something unclean.

When they slowly turned around, they found that this man was Meng ran!

However, they feel that Meng Ran is not the same as when they just caught him

"Stinky boy, I just pretended to die with me, didn't you? Yo, it's quite bold. If you don't run quickly, do you still want to fight with us? " See Meng ran motionless standing in place, a complete set of arrested appearance, a Biao instant a burst of ecstasy.

A Biao rubbed his hands, clenched his fist, shook his head, and showed a cruel smile on his face. He approached Meng ran step by step.

Wei Laosan, on one side, always feels that something is strange. The mouth of the sack was sealed by himself with nylon rope. Even a cow could not be pulled apart. How could this weak looking student come out?

What makes Wei Laosan puzzled is why the student didn't choose to run away, instead, he confronted them fearlessly?

Meng ran looked at the two men and said with a smile: "you are a Biao, you are Wei Laosan, you are both GE's subordinates, right? Liu Zijie was afraid that I would steal his school flowers, so he wanted to buy my life with money. Am I right? "

Meng Ran's voice did not fall, these two people have already changed greatly, are a pair of shocked appearance, looking at Meng ran.

"You How do you know that? " Wei Laosan asked in disbelief.

Meng ran also did not speak, is still looking at two people.

A Biao doesn't have so many minds. In his opinion, Meng Ran's fearless appearance must be pretended. Can he not believe that with such a student, can he beat them both?

"I'm going to kill you now, you asshole

After saying that, only two meters away from Meng ran, a Biao rushed forward, sandbag big fist, straight to Meng ran nose tip.

As his name suggests, a Biao is a man with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. He is a big man with a height of 1.85 meters and a weight of over 200 heads. His face is full of flesh. It is estimated that Meng Ran's nose bone will be broken if he goes on this punch.


The sound of fist palm intersection rings out, and the result is that Meng Ran's seemingly feeble palm suddenly holds the fist tightly!

"How could that be possible?" A Biao and Wei Laosan are like ghosts. They both scream.

No matter what, Meng Ran is just a senior three student, and according to the information, he is also a famous disease in the school. He usually doesn't take physical education. How can he be stronger than a Biao!?

Wei Laosan has seen with his own eyes that a Biao once beat three bodyguards who graduated from a sports school. He is the second person who can fight under the boss. How could he be easily blocked by a student?

Wei Laosan felt that his head was not enough.


The sound of bone fracture rings! Meng ran actually crushed the bones of a Biao's hand!

Then, there was a crisp sound. Meng ran kicked in a Biao's ribs and broke three of them!

"Ah "Wei Laosan, don't look at it, and start to kill this boy for me!"

A Biao's angry roar made Wei Laosan wake up like a dream. Just about to start, he found that the young man had already rushed forward!


A strong wind roared, and Wei Laosan felt as if he had been hit by a heavy force in his chest. The whole person fell on his knees, convulsed and looked at the thin young man in front of him in horror.

"I'm not interested in you two. Go back and send a message to Mr. Ge for me. Meng ran will settle the account with him. Well, you two can get out of here. "

Meng ran waved his hand. The two men, who had already been scared to death, crawled and disappeared in sight.

Not long after they left, Meng ran uttered a murmur, but a mouthful of blood pressed by his chest was finally unable to suppress, and "wow" burst out.

At the same time, due to the excessive loss of soul power, the head of Meng ran, suddenly fell against the railing.

Feeling the sharp pain of his ribs and the confusion in his mind, Meng ran said to himself: "it's OK to have two broken ribs, but now I don't have any magic power in my Qi mansion, and my invincible body has become this sickly appearance. If I hadn't just used the life-saving secret to burn the power of the soul and gain a trace of power temporarily, I'm afraid I've been thrown into the eldest son River by those two people It is. "

First of all, we should find the place to practice

Just at this time, a burst of car roar sound, bright lights of Meng ran slightly closed eyes.


As the door opens, the sound of high-heeled shoes gradually becomes clea

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