Obviously, all these young people were interested in the thick browed man's words, and they craned their necks to know the result.

The big man with thick eyebrows laughed and said, "as a result, I didn't even touch the clothes of others. I was thrown ten meters away directly, just like losing a chicken. It hurt my fellow to stay in bed for half a month without getting out of bed."


This time, just a pair of color squint appearance of the public, are can not help but take a breath of cold.

But some people don't believe: "ten meters away? That's too much. Who can have such great strength? Don't you make up a story to deceive us

When the big man with thick eyebrows saw that someone didn't believe it, he was in a hurry.

"Fart your mother! That's what my man told me. Do you know what he looks like? Have you heard of that muscular man Schwarzenegger? That man is stronger than he is! And there's a scar on his face. It's scary

This group of people said more and more pull, just began Meng ran also interested in a little, later they bowed to eat barbecue.

As for the incident that just touched his heart, Meng Ran has no clue now. Moreover, Meng ran always feels that his memory of the secret place of time seems to be missing something. However, Meng ran can not remember how to recall it.

"Well, let's press this matter for the time being. No matter what conspiracy and calculation were in those days, since Meng ran returned, all the conspiracies were illusory."

Beer and kebab, really eat a hundred times.

After full of wine and food, Meng ran took a taxi back to Xiufeng mountain villa.

At the same time, there are three mysterious figures on the Bank of the eldest son river.

"Captain, the location of the mysterious creature entering the water should be near here. Yes, but it's a little strange. Besides the smell of this monster, there is a more mysterious smell. We have never met this smell before, and there is no matching data."

A skinny young man with black rimmed glasses said suspiciously.

At the moment, he is holding an advanced notebook computer, on which all kinds of accurate data are constantly analyzed.

"Can this breath be the miracle doctor in white circulated on the Internet?" Two strong men approaching Xiong Hu Mi asked.

"Very likely! Maybe it's because of him that this monster appears The thin monkey's eyes are shining and his words are chiseled.

"Can it be a power? Suddenly awakened to a talent that attracted the monster? " A very cold voice came.

It's hard to imagine how cold this woman would be, like an iceberg.

The thin monkey man's finger on the notebook keyboard like a dragonfly skimming the water. After a few seconds, a large number of red letter data appeared on the screen.

The thin monkey man shook his head firmly: "absolutely not! We have hundreds of powers in Europe, America and Australia in our database, and none of them matches it

"Is that a Dharma practitioner?" The high cold voice spoke again.

This time, the skinny monkey man simply did not analyze the data and directly said with a wry smile: "Captain, this is absolutely impossible. Ziyang, you and I can't be more familiar with the Taoist methods of Longhu Mountain. This breath is more than ten times as vast as that of practitioners. "

"Let's put this man's business aside for the time being. First find out the specific location of the monster. We must remove it as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will harm the people. Once it is found, it will certainly cause panic."

Under the light of the dim yellow street lamp, it can be seen that the voice is an amazing woman wearing leather clothes and trousers. Her hair under the street lamp glows with a deep red color, which is very like wine.

With her words, the two men in black windbreaker, no longer half a word, are quietly busy.

The woman in leather is extremely tall and tall, which is much higher than that strong man.

She stepped on her leather boots and slowly came to the riverside, looking at the long sound of the eldest son River, that enchanting jade face to the extreme, Daimei slightly frowned, showing a touch of rare anger.

"Those bastards of Luomen dare to enter China in flagrant violation of the agreement!"

Just then, a loud roar of cars came.

The moment when the woman in leather looks back, it is with a pair of deep eyes on the taxi.

Then, after a glance, I passed by.


The woman in leather looks at the taxi passing the bridge across the river at full speed, and suddenly goes.

"Ah, Captain, what master?" The two of them raised their heads in a conditioned way.

The woman in leather did not speak. Her eyes were still on the taxi that was leaving. She was not sure that the Youth Association in the car was from the martial arts circle, but she just caught a glimpse of that gaze.

It was this powerful leather clad woman who was shocked.

These eyes are too indifferent!

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