"Sit down."

With Meng ran said, two people this just reaction come over, think of just that exaggerated breath appearance, Rao is this Jiangzhou richest man's face some hang not live.

As soon as he sat down, Wan Zhibin couldn't help asking, "brother Meng, what's the matter with this villa? Why do I feel like a fairyland when I come in? Don't mention the spirit of the whole person. "

Ah Jie on one side was also excited: "yes, the wound on my right hand is also crisp and numb. I feel that the healing speed of the wound has been accelerated. Master Meng, your villa is also amazing!"

Wan Zhibin suddenly responded and said, "brother Meng, is this villa yours? I remember I gave it to Mu Dong a few years ago. "

The Mu Dong in Wan Zhibin's mouth is his big supporter, the big boss of imperial entertainment, and his sister-in-law, Ms. muyuan.

This villa is given by Wan Zhibin to Mu family. Meng Ran has heard Mu Qingya mention it before.

Meng ran explained: "this villa was given to me by Mu Qingya. To be exact, it was given to me by Mu Qingya's grandfather and master mu'an."

Meng ran said very light, as if to send is not a villa, but just a few bottles of wine.

But in Wan Zhibin's ears, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Wan Zhibin only felt that his teeth were trembling. The Mu family could become one of the largest families in Jiangbei. They all relied on that general!

Even her great supporter, Ms. muyuan, was blessed by mu'an before she became a commercial giant in Jiangbei. It's not polite to say that Mu's descendants are able to achieve today's success, all depend on Mu an old man alone.

Only because he is the most important general of the country and an old general who has been awarded the title of "fearless general"!

Even the governor of a province, the top rich with billions of wealth, should respectfully call "general Mu" when he meets the old general.

Wan Zhibin thought that Meng ran and Mu Qingya were good friends. He didn't expect that Meng ran would get to know old general mu'an. The difference in age between them is too much!

"This This villa was given to you by general mu

Meng ran can not buy no nod, pour a cup of tea, leisurely moisten the throat.

"No wonder! No wonder I bumped into my brother at Shenghui hotel. Miss Mu would be furious with me. It turns out that my brother is a VIP of general Mu! Just because I bumped into an old general and a distinguished guest, Mr. Mu should have withdrawn all the funds from me, the richest man in Jiangzhou. "

Looking at Meng Ran's young face, the man who has been the richest man in Jiangzhou for more than ten years, has five tastes in his heart.

"By the way, brother Meng, how did you get to know general mu? As far as I know, general Mu is not very well. He has been recuperating in sanatorium all the time. He should seldom go out and walk around. "

Meng ran sipped the gum tea, and explained to Wan Zhibin a little about the treatment for mu Laozi.

"I see! It turns out that brother Meng is the Savior of general Mu! No wonder my brother has this magic pill in his hand, which is actually used to save old general mu. "

Wan Zhibin, like a flash of light, suddenly realized it.

Meng, what's the matter with you? Why do you have that wonderful feeling? " Wan Zhibin again asked, he now only feel Meng ran all over the body is a secret.

"I set up a phalanx around the villa."

"Array? Is that the kind of array arranged by Fengshui master? But isn't it all used to change Feng Shui and attract fortune? How could it have such a magical effect? "

Wan Zhibin is more confused.

"How to compare with the so-called water array of my master." Meng ran sneered.

Then he explained the advantages of the Na Ling array to the two people. Of course, Meng ran didn't say anything about the gathering of spiritual Qi for self-cultivation. He just told them that these auras can change ordinary people's constitution and prolong their life.

Wan Zhibin's eyes were red.

"Brother Meng, do you mean these auras are as effective as your pills?"

Meng ran first nodded and then shook his head, which made Wan Zhibin's heart burning with anxiety.

"These auras do have the effect of changing people's physique and prolonging their life, but they can't be reflected by breathing for a day and a half. You only accept the earthly turbid Qi all the year round and breathe this aura for the first time, so the effect is particularly obvious. Once you breathe a little longer, it doesn't feel so obvious. "

"And if you want to improve your health and prolong your life, you have to stay in the villa for at least a year and a half."

The physique of mortals is too weak to compare with those who cultivate immortals.

If people want to absorb these auras, they can only breathe through the simplest way. Without the help of skill refining, the spirit absorbed into the body will be wasted, less than one hundred.

But when Wan Zhibin heard that these auras did have these effects, he was extremely excited.

This is the real fairyland on earth!

And begged Meng ran to decorate his villa with such a set of Dharma array, and patted his chest to show that he was willing to pay no matter how much the price was.However, he was rejected by Meng ran directly, not to mention that the best jade for arranging the array is too difficult to find. Even if there is jade, Meng ran will not give him the arrangement.

How could it be possible for such a small city's richest man to arrange Dharma array?

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